The staff at Ulster Politics has learned that our former nemesis Jeremy
Blaber is now working for the Working Families Party in Brooklyn. It seems sort of an odd choice given the bad blood between Hudson Valley Working Families Party Queen Jen Fuentes and
Blaber. But they do say that politics makes strange bedfellows. We wonder how long it will be before there is a
Blaber News Brooklyn Working Families Party Blog.
ACORN? ACORN Housing and WFP in the same building? Does that concern anyone else?
It doesn't surprise me in the least. Yes, it does concern me. I just thank God that they are not as organized here as they are in the city. But with Blaber down there now, who knows.
We all know what ACORN is, click Here if you don't...ACORN
then, check out what ACORN Housing is.
Click here Acorn Housing and check out who they are.
HUD certified housing...Fannie Mae Approved
They are the belly of the beast.
Housing for people who can't afford to pay their mortgages, so now we are all paying.
In the same building as the Working Families Party so that they get them by giving them housing and then sign them up for the party of their choice!
Community Organization - ACORN
Low Income Housing - ACORN Housing
Communist Political Party - WFP
And that ladies and gentlemen is how Barack Hussein Obama got elected.
9:36- Good thing for ACORN that you're thanking your imaginary friend. Something tells me there's no better blessing. Here they come!
I am very pleased that Jeremy has joined the WFP and bear him no ill will. He brings considerable talents and energy to the party.
The WFP will be a great learning experience for Jeremy because we are driven by principles and our goal is strictly the creation of sound public policy - good jobs, quality education, health care for all. I invite more democratic and republican gadflys to join us.
Jen Fuentes
AKA Jen Fuantas
Jen, just admit WFP stands for Communist (sans Stalin) principles. Not only does the US Constitution guarantee equal opportunity, but WFP believes it also guarantees equal results and equal happiness. Let's not forget, social justice.
Instead, you hide, using a bunch of code words, first thought up at a round table meeting, then submitted to a series of focus groups, using various ad agencies to determine its receptive qualities. You drop phrases like, "Housing for all" and "community kitchens", and are left with "good jobs", "quality education" and "Healthcare for all". Honestly, I don't know a political party against the good jobs, or quality education, and yes, even the evil republican party wants everyone to have healthcare.
Just look at the name of your organization. It might as well have been called Working Peoples Party. A little too USSR-ish for you.
PS. Can someone get a memo to the right wingers that the Cold War is over and the whole Communist thing doesn't strike fear into the hearts of our citizens anymore. China's most favored nation trading status was made permanent in 2000.
Just thinking that you could improve on your ideological warfare...
-- Jen Fuentes
What did he leave town after his arrest? Or did his mother throw him out of the house after he attacked her.
Ulster Politics had it right Fuentes... that must be a dig on the Fishbowl
Good Luck Blaber. Sennett, Woerner, Sottile and Auerbach are sure going to miss you. Everyone else will be fine.
Memo to Jen Fuentes from the right wingers and Wall Street.
Have you checked the Dow Jones lately? The fear of communism/socialism being promoted by the administration does strike fear in the heart of people and it's reflected every day in the plummeting stock market numbers.
Wall Street gets it and no amount of rhetoric from the WFP is going to change that.
Memo to right winger.... And we should follow Wall St's. advice why?
Because of the stellar record of ethical and moral behavior that was displayed during the 8 dreadful years of the Bush presidency? Enron, Tyco,and now Madoff. GM, once the pillar of Corporate America mismanaged to the point of near extinction. I don't want to hear about the UAW either, GM signed those bargaining agreements too. If the management had any sense, they would have started real negotiations with them 10 years ago and they would not be in this position today. Instead, they chose to concentrate on the short term profit instead of the long term viability. In short, they got too greedy.
Memo to right winger.... And we should follow Wall St's. advice why?
Because of the stellar record of ethical and moral behavior that was displayed during the 8 dreadful years of the Bush presidency? Enron, Tyco,and now Madoff. GM, once the pillar of Corporate America mismanaged to the point of near extinction. I don't want to hear about the UAW either, GM signed those bargaining agreements too. If the management had any sense, they would have started real negotiations with them 10 years ago and they would not be in this position today. Instead, they chose to concentrate on the short term profit instead of the long term viability. In short, they got too greedy.
Hey Ulster Politics, don't you think you should add the UlsterLogic blogspot to your blog roll?
Only Rich Cahill and Len Bernardo have the courtesy to put their name up, the least you could do is show Mr. Bernardo's new blog.
He also had a great radio show on Wednesday.
I think the right-wingers and the stock market are doing about the same. Nobody in their right mind thinks that selling worthless paper with the help of the Bush administration could be any better than a few social programs to keep the indigent masses from storming the homes of the wealthy. The right-wing has already turned so many of the wealthy into paupers that when they do ransack the rich neighborhoods, they'll know exactly what's worth the most to make off with. I hear Aryan soup kitchens are hopping.
Just because Bush made mistakes does not mean we should turn to Communism!!
Jeremy, it’s been great fun knowing / working with you and good luck for the future. I’m sure this won’t be the last we’ll hear of you! ...
Clark Richters
Ulster Logic was featured on More Blogs, More Fun.
As with all blogs.
When the staff has a free moment, someone will update it on the blog roll.
It was Bush that came up with the idea of nationalizing the banks. Obama is against it. As usual the right-wing fights against itself and tries to blame everyone else for their failures. Keep trying to claim the sky is green.
It's not just "right wingers" who STRONGLY oppose communism/socialism. And someone wrote, the last 8 years do NOT justify the destruction of capitolism. It is NOT up to Washington to change the constitution, they are to UPHOLD the constitution. Big Difference. If you want to change it so badly, write a declaration of independence, start a war, win it, have your own constitutional congress, convention, then you can have an America you veiw to be a more perfect union.
It's not up to you Bubel to change the constitution either. Point out where capitalism is given free reign to bankrupt our country? Then tell me where socialist programs like social security are unconstitutional. You're on the losing end of a weak argument. It's over, you're part of the 8% known as the deadenders.
good for jeremy.
Plenty of old women in Brookly for him to beat on!
I'm not trying to change it 11:24. Honestly, I think social security IS unconstitutional, and the SCOTUS during FDR reign of terror were bullied by an overreaching reaching, constitution shredding man who thought he was doing God's work. Sound familiar?
What is this 8%? Are you using the heroin you bought from Ronnie? You know, you should have turned it in as evidence.
8% Bubel, is the persistent percentage this week in polling results of people like you. Where in the constitution do you find you support? I think you better lay off the bags there buddy. And you better steer clear of any old age homes or retirement communities. They'll beat you to death with their canes and walkers.
Bubel, that line about socialism is a dead horse. Try ponzi scheme. The social security debacle is a Madoff scam. More timely, the insurance industry is a pyramid scam too. Who's gonna' break it to granny that she's getting Madoffed? Sooner or later, if the rapture doesn't show up or if we don't have a massive die-off, the irresponsible neglect to allow a baby boom will come home to roost. It sure wasn't socialism that prevented the government from enacting birth control. Somebody has to break the news that there just isn't any money to show for these scams. It was all just empty promises to keep the rats running. Socialism might have worked out better, but it's too late now. Forget whether we're moving towards socialism, communism, capitalism, or nihilism, how about some simple math? At least the godheads thought ahead to make sure their victims were dead before they found out they were getting scammed. Just remember that you guys were the Democrats back then and we were the Republicans.
We all aren't "Rich" enough to be able to afford to survive in Kingston.
11:47, there are 100 reasons for your correctness, and not one of them is politically correct to talk about. But 'God heads' is not one of them. In case you hadn't noticed, church goers take care of one another. Church goers of America give more in charity to fellow Americans other nations more than other nations COMBINED. The socialist countries are at the bottom of 'givers'.
ACORN is not the answer. Neither is the WFP. Obama is NOT omnipotent. Pelosi of off this world, and the republicans have lost their way. We do have one item which has been at the helm for 230 years, and we should look to it for the answers.
Church goers are the lowest scum in society Bubel. The have the highest divorce rates, the highest rates of domestic violence, and the highest rates of sexual abuse. They give the most, but they drain much more. They absolve themselves by giving to causes that offer quick easy forgiveness for their sick behavioral misdeeds. The rate of giving is indicative of the depth of their moral deficits.
This country was founded on the principle of expansionism. We somehow lost sight of the fact that we had to keep moving to where the climate suits our clothes to keep our shared prosperity growing. The concept of staying in one place for generations dooms future generations to a life less affordable. We cannot expect our children to become over-achievers to keep up. This is a big country. Our futures are dependent on the vast open spaces we have to expand our horizons.
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:
We have stuck together since the late 1950's, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way. Here is a model separation agreement:
Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.
We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell (you are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them).
We'll keep the capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .
You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values ... You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N. ... but we will no longer be paying the bill.
We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find. You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right.
We'll keep The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem. I'm sure you'll be happy to
substitute Imagine, I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing, Kum Ba Ya or We Are the World.
We'll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot ... Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag.
Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you ANWAR which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John J. Wall
Law Student and an American
P.S. Also, please take Barbara Streisand & Jane Fonda with you.
11:29 am - aka John Wall - Student
I couldnt have said it better myself. Brilliantly worded, Sir.
You made the points & i loved every syllable of it.
You have my vote.
Where do i sign ?
disgruntled unrepresented NY'r
John, you can take Texas and the entire debt to China. Don't let the door kick you in the ass on your way out. I think that's a pretty generous offer for such a tiny minority you represent. As of this week, you're down to a measly 8%. By the time you mobilize your moving vans, I bet it'll shrink down even further. As for the title "American" it belongs to patriots, not traitors who wish to secede. Like last time, you get no guarantees that we won't burn you to the ground when we use our military to seize back your land to prevent foreclosure by the Chinese. Good luck with efforts and enjoy the summers down there.
11:29 is proof that even the most intellectually challenged with severe delusions of granduer can aspire to be attorneys.
I'm going with John.
I went through this with 1:08 already, with the splitting up of the union. He really REALLY believes a socialist progressive version of the United States would actually work, even if a capitalist version existed next door. Give me what he is on! Funny how he did mention an invasion of the capitalists side by the socialist side. Perhaps his willingness to admit things would break down in the socialist side, and they would have to come to steal our oil and income.
The socialist side would crumble, they might even build a wall to keep the working people in. Oh, and the China issue? I think China will be calling Washington DC for payments, not Austin. It's a good thing 1:08 gets to keep DC.
I find it exceedingly odd that the people who most fervently attack capitalism and promote socialism have no idea what either concept means.
Let's start with the fact that socialism is responsible for more human death in mankind's history than any other movement, philosophy, religion, or group, by far.
Think I'm wrong? Let's add it up:
Stalin: 40 million+ in the gulags
Mao: tens of millions in the Cultural Revolution
Pol Pot: 2.5 million in the Killing Fields of Cambodia
Soviet client states in Eastern Europe: millions dead
Vietnam, Cuba, Nicaragua: Hundreds of thousands dead
Mozambique civil war: 1 million dead
Soviet occupation of Afghanistan: 1.8 million slaughtered
Saddam Hussein (the Baath Party was a left wing Socialist Party by its own admission): 1 million
North Korea: hundreds of thousands dead due to starvation and political purges
I could go on but even these numbers are beyond imagining. These numbers also do not include the tens of millions who died as a regular result of political persecution and despotism in socialist societies.
It also does not include the murders and genocide of socialist governments which the Left label "Right Wing" when there is no characteristic of these governments which has anything to do with the Right. The Nazis in Germany were called the National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party and despised capitalism just as marxist socialists do. Fascism was founded by Benito Mussolini in Italy, who was previously the editor of a socialist newspaper and an avid worker for socialist principles.
I mention these only because Liberals will inevitably puff themselves up and point at Hitler and Mussolini as examples of "Right Wing" atrocities. Sorry, folks. Those two monsters have more in common with your side than ours. Nationalization, state ownership, state coordination of the economy. These are Left Wing characteristics, not something you would find any conservative promoting.
Human nature demands that we own what we produce. Socialism can only hold sway over any mass group of people by force to suppress the needs of the human spirit. Socialism cannot remain in power without the exercise of violence. It never has. Whenever it came to power democratically and allowed democratic elections to continue, it was voted out eventually.
On a personal note, my own family experienced the evils of socialism in Easter Europe. My maternal grandfather had to leave Hungary in 1945 because, as a newspaper editor, he criticized communism and the Soviet occupation. Being one who treasured freedom and despised tyranny, he had been just as vocally critical of fascism and Nazism previously. The Soviet puppet government sentenced him to death in absentia.
My father escaped Hungary just two steps ahead of arrest and imprisonment for his involvement in the anti-Soviet Revolution of 1956 and a 1957 movement to revive the Revolution. He was 15. Other teens who were involved were imprisoned until their 18th birthdays, when they were hung. Happy Birthday from the kind, compassionate socialists who were only interested in the good of the masses.
My father-in-law was the head of the Romanian telephone company in the county in which he lived. When there was a failure of the Securitate's (Romanian Secret Police) system in place for listening in on any private phone call, agents of the Secu, as it was called, showed up in the middle of the night at his door. They dragged him off and he was not seen for a week. He returned severely beaten, even though he had nothing to do with their bugging system. Others never returned at all.
The poo-pooing of socialism and communism by people such as Jen Fuentes is, to those such as myself whose families came from the horrors of Soviet, Maoist or other socialist nations, just as distasteful and offensive as the denial of the Holocaust is to those whose families were decimated at camps such as Auschwitz and Dachau. Socialism's history on earth is replete with monstrosities, genocide and wholesale violations of human rights.
Socialism, furthermore, has never resulted in anything but economic catastrophe. Only nations such as China, which turned its back on economic socialism (although not on its political aspect) before their economies could collapse, were able to avoid socialism's inevitable toll on their domestic financial health.
As an aside, capitalism did not cause the current economic crisis. The current problems are a direct result of the Community Reinvestment Act, which was forced down America's throat by socialist leaning liberal Democrats under Carter and broadened under Clinton. Banks were literally forced to extend loans to those who were unqualified by the CRA. This not only increased their risk but created additional demand for real estate which materially contributed to runaway growth in property values and the real estate bubble, the collapse of which has devastated our banking system.
Simplistic sloganeering (which is the hallmark of both liberal and socialist sympathizers) is designed to cover up the sins of liberals which contributed to the current crisis. Socialism has always been a failure and it always will be a failure. Whatever its failings (not even capitalism is perfect, nothing is) may be, at least true capitalism is not responsible for the deaths of ten (perhaps as many as a hundred) million people around the world.
If you take from someone against his will, that's theft. The only way to do that on a national scale is to use force on a level which is literally incomprehensible to the human mind.
All who espouse socialism also, by extension, support the use of force against civilians by their own government. The former cannot survive without the latter. History is all the proof we need.
I would sugggest that you join "your" military to find out where their values and beliefs are. Because if you are planning on relying on them to defend your perverted idea of a country then you have another thing coming. I guess they are part of the 8% that you so readily cite.
That's what happens when you have a dedicated group of men and women who actually read and believe the in constitution. I guess they will be convoy security for the moving vans, and you will need to find a new number to call for someone to do your dirty work because I am sure that you do not believe in guns or war.
-A Proud American Soldier
P.S: We'll take New Hampshire too. They have more industry and business in that tiny little state than NY will ever think of having. No taxes are helpful.
The only ones promoting socialism around here are the Bushies. The military follow orders, not their own ideals. The majority of them supported Obama anyway. Bashing religion is only acceptable when it's not your own? No, that's not bigotry. Keep it up losers, you're just proving my point that your anti-Americanism is driving your arguments. Imre, your history of the world is too limited to be taken seriously. You people are severely marginalized and have little or credibility. The more you show yourselves, the less support you'll have. I strongly encourage you to keep spreading your hatred of the majority. It's working beautifully to this country's benefit and not yours. Painting the country as full of socialists is idiotic.
The military follows lawful orders and will NEVER turn on its people which includes ones with different beliefs than the powers in Washington. The fact that you believe somehow that the military is made up of robots that will just follow orders shows what little respect you have for this country and its military.
Spend some time in the military than try to tell me that most voted for Obama. You are right they will support and defend the country and its president. But they will not serve as a patsy for some power hungry group bent on destroying those with different beliefs. It would not have worked for the last yahoos in office and it will not work for these.
So let get this straight Imre, GW Bush is a leftist now? Talk about revisionist history! You supported him right to the very end, so I guess you're a lefty now too? And for the proudly treasonous soldier, there's a proceding called a court martial that you're dangerously close to receiving. You people are really lost.
8:10 -
I did not write about the "history of the world," as you put it. I wrote about the history of socialism. Apparently, if you are incapable of differentiating the two, it is YOUR understanding of history (and, for that matter, the English language) which is narrow.
The definition of socialism: "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole."
In other words, the community, society, the state (name it what you will) owns everything. None of us own homes, personal assets, stocks, bonds, anything. The greater the proportion of the nation's assets which are owned by the government, the closer we get to absolute state ownership.
Everything Obama is doing moves us closer to full socialism, the history of destruction of which you have not been able refute. You simply say my understanding of history is narrow. This is a classic example of attacking the messenger while avoiding answering the points raised in the message, proof positive that you have no way of proving the message wrong.
I lived in a socialist nation for eight years. I received medical treatment under socialized medicine while I was there. I watched companies going under because the state required employers to pay a social safety net tax of 50% on every paycheck.
Socialism destroys opportunity, every time. Socialism steals from both those who produce and those who consume, every time. Socialism destroys the viability of national and regional economies, every time. Socialism always has been a blight on humanity and it always will be.
Think I'm wrong? Fine. Prove it. Name all the examples of good socialism has done which counterbalance the destruction it has caused in terms of wealth and human lives.
Guess what? There is nothing you can name, not even the totality of "good" which socialism has done, which can make up for tens of millions of murders. It's not possible to make up for such an unfathomable level of atrocity.
But forget about counterbalancing anything. Just answer one simple question. If socialism is so great, why did socialist governments need to commit genocide in order to stay in power?
Imre really does have a point.
I agree with him.
9:51 -
Again with the simplistic analysis. Bush is a relatively conservative Republican who felt he had no choice but to grow government to the extent he did.
He was wrong.
I did not, as you say, suppport Bush to the very end. When I thought Bush was wrong, I said so. He got plenty of criticism from both my co-host and myself on Right Time Radio over the last three years. I did, however, think that he was right more often than not. I often said he was a good President, but not a great one and that he ended up as our President during one of the most difficult eight year periods in our history.
He also was far, far better than Al Gore (who proudly talked about hypnotizing chickens, claimed to have invented the Internet and has been shown to have massaged facts in order to sell his movie) or John Kerry (who had a butler whose entire job was to make him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches).
By the way, if you took off your tin foil hat, you might actually understand what Proudly American Soldier actually wrote. He was responding to John wall's theoretical post about which aspects of America would go with the conservative half and which would go with the liberal half if the nation were to split. Both John and soldier are right about who would get what and what the consequences would be. There is nothing treasonous about their statements.
If I knew who he was, I would go and shake Soldier's hand and thank him for keeping my family safe and free.
How dare you question the loyalty of someone whose career could, at any time, demand that he risk his life for you, your family, your rights and everything you have? It is exactly this attitude which causes people to question the patriotism of the Left. You take and take and take and then, when someone objects to the next round of taking, you call THEM traitors.
What a disgrace the American Left is. Liberals have no understanding what America is, what our foundations were, what the values which made us great are. In fact, they constantly degrade our present and our past while gleefully predicting that we will have no future.
Well get this straight: America is the greatest nation humanity has ever created. It has been the greatest nation since its inception and it will continue to be the greatest nation long after Obama is a barely remembered footnote in history.
Obama is a political and economic catastrophe for our country but you know what? Our foundations are strong, our roots are deep. We will survive Barack Obama's incompetent attempts to dismantle our freedoms. We will thrive depite Barack Obama. We are still greater than any other nation on earth and the gap between us and all other nations will continue to widen.
America is both good and great and our goodness and greatness will continue to grow while we correct our faults.
Because we are America. No other reason is necessary.
to 9:51
Please refer to the section of the U.C.M.J. that would give you the slightest idea that these comments could lead to a court martial. If you even know what the UCMJ is.
The fact is they do not and you have know clue about the military if you think they do. Soldiers follow lawful orders not like the ideas being thrown around here. But the fact is if someone as small minded as the people throwing around ideas of using the military against our own people were to get to a position to give such an order it would not be followed and no court martial would be warranted.
"Following orders" didn't work for the soldiers and commanders in the Halocaust and it will not work here. Soldiers are smarter than that.
Please, Imre you have defense for advocating treason against your own country. (Except maybe a severe mental illness.) Nothing Obama is doing will lead to socialism and the country knows it. Your tactics are self defeating and your ranks are dwindling. Claiming falsly that half the nation wants to follow insubordinate military personnel to secede is just ludicrous. Traitors are not thanked for their service against their country and nobody ordered the military to vote for Obama the way they did. They follow orders from their commanding officers that follow orders from the government, which follows a majority of the country. That majority uses the military to defend us against outside threats like the one you people propose to create. Another moron seems to think that redistributive taxes that now support the red states should be done away with. Then what? Let the Republican base starve? It's time to call off the anti-American rhetoric or just admit like John that you're a traitor to your country and defect to some regime more to your liking. This country has now rejected the conservative movement to the tune of 92%. On the path you're taking, I'd guess that it may collapse even further by next month. You're committing political suicide. Even Palin has turned to the liberal side. Imre, you need psychological help very badly.
Dude, get OFF the psychological game. It is OLD, It is BORING, and lastly, MORONIC! You sound like a complete IDIOT.
You have yet to provide one tangible example of how Economic Justice, Redistribution of Wealth, flat out Socialism works? You blurt out Bush was a lefty, 8%, and other kerr-razy ideas on treason and thanks. So how about it?
Funny how you attack the so called 'minority' fighting against the majority. Isn't that EXACTLY where the socialists and communists sat during the 50s, 60's, and 70s? Weren't THEY who were 'hating' the majority?
You are such a fool. Imre talks about American Greatness, and the strong roots of our Constitution. You talk about weakness and think traditional American values are the scourge of the Earth. That is strange talk from someone with 92% of the people behind you.
Bubel, you're on the side of the idiots yelling socialism. Nobody in the majority is promoting it. I'm not promoting it. Why are you? Wasn't it the Bush administration that started these moves? Obama refuses to nationalize the banks and yet you morons keep claiming the sky is green. Now you've condoned outright treason to escape your imaginary invasion of fear. The cause of bringing down theocracy is the original traditional American value, not your perverted views of our traditions. The scourge of theocracy you seem to support. This is not a christian theocratic state and to make it so you'd have to overthrow the government. Imre is a subversive anti-American nutjob. If you follow him you're making yourself one too.
I'm with Bubel on this one.
Keep us the good work Joe...
Your friend... we met at the Steel House last summer... :)
It was Imre who called Bush a lefty. He also implied Obama was a nazi. He's obviously lost in the woods without a compass.
Alcoholics unite! Who knew those pink elephants could be such effective political issues.
Alcohol induced hallucination does explain this bizarre communist/socialist invasion. Are they space aliens too? Did they rectally probe you guys while you were on your binges?
2:22 -
You obviously have no understanding of the English language. I NEVER called Bush a Lefty. I further never implied Obama was a Nazi. What I said was that Nazis and Fascists and others whose philosophy is based on the idea of State power have more in common - both politically and economically - with big government socialists than with small government conservatives.
9:24 -
You keep spouting your 92% (or 8%) number like it was Gospel truth. So, let's look at the real numbers:
77% of Americans believe Obama is in favor of Big Government. 56% say government is already too big and 55% say they would rather have a smaller government and pay less in taxes (AOL News, March 6, 2009)
Obama's approval rating at the beginning of his term was 68% - never 92%. (Gallup, January 26, 2009)
60% of Americans approve of Obama's performance as of early March - down 8% (Village Voice, March 4, 2009)
The average approval rating for the last nine American Presidents was over 61% at the start of their terms, less than 7% lower than Obama's (Gallup, January 26, 2009)
The Democratic Congress' approval rating is a mere 31% (Gallup, February 17, 2009)
Pres. Bush's approval rating when he left office was 34%, still 3 points higher than Congress is today. (US Politics on About.com, no date given in article)
Where you are getting the idea that 92% of people favor Obama's socialist/liberal agenda is beyond me, but the facts indicate otherwise.
only 8% opposed the stimulus package. 8% think the economy is Obama's fault. I'm willing to bet only 8% think Obama is a socialist. You've already identified yourself as one of the 8%. The other 92% of us support our country. Face it, the train has left and you're stuck on the platform looking pretty stupid.
9:30 -
52% of Americans support the stimulus package according to Gallup (February 5, 2009)
54% of Americans support the stimulus package according to CNN (February 10, 2009)
37% of Americans support the stimulus package according to Rasmussen (February 4, 2009)
51% of Americans support the stimulus package according to CBS (February 5, 2009)
While all but one of the polls show a slight majority in favor of the stimulus package, that margin is very slim and no poll even comes close to the 92% you claim. It's clear that Americans are split very close to evenly on the merits of Obama's economic strategy.
Still want to stick to your number? Prove it. Cite references. Otherwise, resign yourself to the fact that your claims are pure fiction.
8:51 -
CNN? Fine, here's what was on CNN during the past week:
March 4, 2009 - 57% approve of Obama's plan
Here are the quotes, the exact words you spoke of 8% and 92%:
"This country has now rejected the conservative movement to the tune of 92%." (March 9, 2009 9:24 AM)
"The other 92% of us support our country." (March 9, 2009 9:30 PM)
"It's over, you're part of the 8% known as the deadenders." (March 7, 2009 11:24 AM)
"As of this week, you're down to a measly 8%." (March 8, 2009 1:08 PM)
"only 8% opposed the stimulus package. 8% think the economy is Obama's fault. I'm willing to bet only 8% think Obama is a socialist. You've already identified yourself as one of the 8%. The other 92% of us support our country." (March 9, 2009)
It was not until your very last quote (above) that you stated that you were speaking of support for the stimulus package. I cited several polls which show that support for the stimulus package is far, far lower than you claim (as is support for Obama). I gave specifics for when and where those polls were released. You called numbers which directly refute your claim "irrelevant."
That amounts to "don't confuse me with facts."
You give us a number, the significance of which you change from comment to comment, with vague reference to "last week" to counter specific numbers. Moreover, using both Google and CNN.com's internal search engine, no trace of this supposed figure of yours can be found.
Unless you can substantiate your numbers with more specificity, how can anyone conclude that you did not make up your numbers to bolster your argument?
You give differing statements as to what the subject of the poll was. Was it the rejection of conservatism? Was it support of the United States? Was it defining who a "deadender" is? Was it the stimulus package? Was it whether the economy is Obama's fault? Was it whether Obama is a socialist?
Just what is this alleged poll about? You've used it to justify just about anything and everything you advocate.
You've used terms like "stupid," "idiotic" and "losers," with impunity, as if your anger, hatred and vitriol proves that you are right. All it proves is that you are unable to counter the arguments against your position with facts. That inability on your part is frustrating you to the point where you have become incapable of engaging in civilized debate and conversation.
Draw a deep breath, take your medications and relax before you give yourself a stroke. Then, do some research and find yourself some facts to use in intelligent debate. Put them down in a calm, civilized manner so that people can debate with you decently.
I bet it bugs the heck out of you that a conservative has to tell a Liberal like you to give peace a chance.
You know, the message of Americans who feel trepidation about the direction we're going, gets drowned out and outright muzzled by the right-wing whackos and their rants. Imre must be in the tin foil hat business.
Even though 8:51, 'your' party seems to think that so long as you just say it is so, and keep repeating it, it will make it so, 92% of Americans won't be fooled this time. Bush tried it, it worked for a while, we got burned, and won't believe it ever again.
SO, you and your ilk can continue to say, Bush was the socialist, Obama is a champion for capitolism, Imre is a traitor, and Bubel is doomed to extinction. You keep telling yourselves that, if it makes you happy, and allows you to sleep at night. No one would want you to lose sleep and be unhappy, especially Obama. The Bubels and the Imres of this country can take the hollow punches you throw, they have compassion, even for the thoughtless like yourself
Give it up Imre. No matter how you twist the words I say, you are left without legitimacy. I'm glad you reposted quotes to prove yourself wrong. Maybe if you reread them a few dozen times you might actually understand them. I didn't even support the stimulus package but I don't oppose my country like you. You have nothing productive to do but rail against your own country. Maybe a ticket somewhere else would make you happy.
Imre you're dishonest. The subject at hand is the anti-Americanism of people like you and the way it has marginalized your kind. The sooner the conservatives get out of politics the sooner worthwhile debate will be possible.
statements from 12:05 & 12:14 are why i will always stay involved in politics!
Those nasty, rude,ego-maniacs are what is ruining the debate in this county & country.
These left-wingers think no one is smart enough but them & they are so ignorant in the history of governing & most other topics.
They just are so sure that they are the only ones that can solve our problems when THEY are the problem.
They stop all growth & development @ the local level & try & bluster their way in state & national politics.
THEY are the tru enemy of deomcracy.
A plague on all these Liberal schmucks.
Imre isn't my cup of tea, but he has it 99% correct.
Go cozy up with Hoffay,Kempe,Hinchey & the rest of the anti-american schlubs, they are the ruination of progress.
Polls that Imre doesn't like don't exist? I guess yesterday's poll by CNN finding that 80% favored the use of human embryos for stem cell research doesn't exist either? Somehow I'm not surprised, coming from a cult that promotes the overthrow of our government in favor of an Iranian style theocracy. Yeah, the earth is flat and your going to live in the clouds after you're dead.
2:14-Go ahead and keep active, you're doing a great job of it. I hope you succeed in your efforts to destroy the right-wing once and for all!
Hey it's a win/win for me. I feel better for having warned you idiots of your foolhardy ways, and you respond by accelerating your downward spiral into the toilet. I consider it to be a valuable service to my country and apparently the country feels the same.
No 3:07 my responses are generated by the idiocy you display. So your preschooler is far smarter than you? That's no surprise. If someone comes up with something intelligent to say, I'd agree or disagree in response. Having double your IQ gives me the luxury of responding any way I like. 2:14 Has the IQ of a pidgeon, so his response requires little thought. Imre is slightly more intelligent but he convicts himself by using double standards. As in Obama is a socialist by investing tax dollars in banks but Bush isn't. So have it your way. You reap what you sow.
12:05 -
You still refuse to post your proof because you have none. You have had every opportunity but cannot do so. Anyone attempting intellectual debate with you is about as likely to get something useful as someone trying to milk a lizard.
12:14 -
Anti-American. Let's see. I stand for the freedom of people to earn their own money, even to get wealthy and to keep what they earn while paying for what they use and consume. I stand for the right to say what you believe without having to hide behind anonymity. I stand for the right to worship as you please without government interference. I stand for the right of the media and the press to say what they please without Fairness Doctrine censorship. I stand for the rights of people to own the means to protect themselves as guaranteed in our Constitution. I stand for the U.S. Constitution AS WRITTEN, not as redefined by people we never elected.
I stand for the idea that our Government is obligated to serve us, not we the Government.
Given the fact that these are the ideals on which America was founded, that's about as pro-American as you can get. If you don't think so, you have no idea what America is all about.
And there is no statement much less American and more anti-democratic than one which seeks to silence the other side, such as "The sooner the conservatives get out of politics the sooner worthwhile debate will be possible."
Debate is impossible unless you have two opposing viewpoints, but you don't want debate. You want people to believe what you say simply because you said it. You want those who disagree with you to disappear (by your own words, quoted above). When you can't have that, you throw insults and invectives at the other side. That's called a tantrum, much like the 3 year old who throws himself on the toy store floor when mommy won't buy him a new toy.
2:27 -
I spoke of one poll which seems to have gone the way of the Edsel. Trying to change the subject to stem cells or any other topic does not make you right. If the poll exists, your response is clear. All you have to do is prove it. A web link should do, or at least a specific date so we can go look at it. It may well exist, but if it does, it's not showing up on Google or on CNN's site search.
2:14 -
Thanks, but I'm probably no more than 55% right, if that. I don't claim to be the be all and end all of conservative thought. There are people alot smarter than me who have been proven wrong in the past because - despite the New Age sandal walking, hemp canvas wearing crackpots - none of us is God.
My hangup is that I simply cannot stand it when the folks on the Left make unsubstantiated statements then get all bent out of shape when confronted with specific proof to the contrary.
The fact is, however, those who do research and challenge their own assumptions over and over again are far less likely to be caught with their pants down than those who prefer to rant, rail, shout and insult. Does that makes us right more often? No, it just makes us more likely to catch our own mistakes and correct them.
And it makes it less likely that our pent up frustrations will prompt us to call others childish names.
3:51 -
Nice try.
Obama is not a socialist because he "invested" tax dollars into banks. He is a socialist because throughout his entire political career - when he actually bothered to take a position instead of simply voting "Present" - he advocated for classically socialist policies. One prominent example would be socialized medicine.
That having been said, Bush did, in fact, succumb to some very poor policies with regards to the bailout plan. Looked at from a certain point of view, you could certainly say that those policies were socialistic in nature, as well. You could say that and, in fact, I have. His final economic policies took tax money and used them for purposes for which they never should have been used. What he did NOT do is make a move towards Federal acquisition of one of our largest banks.
The difference between the two is Obama has always stood for socialist solutions to problems. Bush generally stood for free market solutions, with some notable exceptions.
Obama's choices make him a consistent socialist. Bush's choices make him an inconsistent conservative.
Before someone misreads my positon once again (intentionally or otherwise), I did NOT say Bush was either a socialist or a "Lefty."
Does any of this justify Bush's bad decision making last fall? Of course not.
Do Bush's poor choices justify Obama expanding on those decisions with policies which have been tried elsewhere and proven throughout history to fail every time?
Not on your life.
Please Imre, you're such a liar. Bush put forth the plan to take stock in our banks with the TARP. You need to actually read the news to get daily poll results, they're not posted forever, they're daily. You advocate the position that religion should be infused into our secular democracy, thus destroying it. That's anti-American. All your blather is futile. Newt Gingrich calls you people "irrational". I agree with him.
There goes the classic conservative double standard again! When a conservative comes up with proof that his imaginary omni-potent friend wants fundamentalist values imposed on society, I'll start saving polling data to prove what dire consequences their "irrational" behavior is having on their political viability. The one page TARP document is available to prove Imre is a liar.
8:16, 8:33, what do you propose? Writing laws for every aspect and every possible outcome for our daily lives? That's called LEGALISM, and legalism always turns into a form of OPPRESSION. The first emperor of China imposed legalism over Confucianism, which ended in the killing of millions.
George Washington, in his farewell address, spoke of MORALITY and a sense of RELIGION as the guiding force in the new republic. And that such a republic CANNOT exist without the two..
I won't post the whole paragraph from his speach, as to avoid your eyes from glazing over. But here are some of his points,
"...Religion and Morality are indispensable supports...."
"...Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice..."
AND pay attention here, old George was talking about YOU:
"Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure,..."
"...reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. "
George was NOT talking about a 'National Religion' or even a specific relgion. But he WAS talking about a form of 'ritualism'.
Imre doesn't want a theocracy any more than he wants socialism. Asking that the laws of man, which origins are quite explicity stated in our founding documents, are adhered to is not asking that the Roman Catholic Church or the Southern Baptists be put in charge of Washington. It is, in fact, the most PRO-AMERICAN statement that could be made.
You cannot ignore natural laws any more than you can ignore gravity. You can attempt to write them away, but the underlying forces will ALWAYS remain.
Ulster Politics,
look what you started! The topic was "Blaber taking over the WFP". Now, there are no less then 76 off-topic responses of "I'm always politically correct and you're not."
Come now, why can't just everyone learn how to get along...or at least act civil.
i never saw one NON-ENTITY stir up more feelings than this Blaber guy,
he is a big mouth punk liberal with nothing to show for himself but a brown nose -
What has he actually done for UC ??? NOT A F**K'n thing,
ignore the troll & he will fade away into the nothingness he has become.
I think he stirs up so many negative feelings because he is the world's biggest hypocrit. He loves to badmouth people who are not from his party.
Take a closer look at his own life, and you'll see a sad kid--in trouble with the law, broke, owes people money, getting arrested for hitting old ladies...
I guess he never heard the expression that people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
I like Jeremy.
Blaber is as bad as Clark Richters.
His blog is up, his blog is down, his blog is up, his blog is down,
his blow is up....
I vote take it down and keep it down. Hasn't he alienated enough people already? Hasn't he learned his lesson? Aparently NOT
The only way to get Jeremy to go away is to not go on his blog. Every time you read it, it records a hit. If no one reads it then maybe he'll realize that he's still not important.
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