from MidHudsonNews.com
KINGSTON – With the just announced resignation of Ulster County government attorney Joshua Koplovitz, Ulster County Executive Michael Hein Wednesday named first assistant county attorney Beatrice Havranek to fill the top spot providing legal counsel to the county.
Hein noted that Havranek is the first woman to hold that position in Ulster County.
“She is a wonderful addition to the team in that perspective,” he said. “Her inner workings, having come from being one of my deputies from the county executive’s office, means she is able to hit the ground running.”
In the past, Havranek served as deputy county attorney, legal counsel to the minority of the Ulster County Legislature and has served in the past as town of Rosendale supervisor and councilwoman.
County Legislator Jeanette Provenzano praised Hein’s choice. “As the first woman majority leader of the Ulster County Legislature, I appreciate the lasting value of breaking down barriers,” she said.
Hein is a moron. This was a opportunity to downsize some payroll. Pat Doxsey is reporting that he has ALREADY replaced Bea with Bob Sudlow. Bob is a great guy, but in these economic times, Hein needed to show more restraint in spending (or not spending taxpayer money)
Does this mean that "Aunt Bea" has finally found a comfortable seat after she has played musical chairs the last couple of months? First she is the first assistant county attorney, then a deputy chief for Heiny. Now she is back as County Attorney. WTH? Who saw that coming? And of course a replacement will have to be announced for Sudlow bailing as Probation Officer. How does that save money? A press conference no doubt is scheduled in the not too distant future so Heiny can look like he is making great decisions. Yawn...
So Hein already hired her replacement? I wonder if Josh was pushed out then??
Bea deserves to be back in the County Attorney's office (and main seat). She knows County legal inside and out and is one of the sharpest tools in the County shed. Probably smartest move she has made to separate herself (somewhat) from Hein. I think she's going to be able to better shine in the CA position than as Hein's henchwoman.
I guess the Democrat rule is if you don't show up for work for 1 year you must leave Hyatt, Kraft and now Josh. Sudlow is a good replacement but the staff should be Sudlow and Beckman, Smith as budget director. reiter is just there because her and her husband bought the seat with donations exceeding the limits during the campaign. Bea is a good county atorney but took a cut in pay maybe becaus she couldn't work for his Heinous. Could we have another Cahill with an ego that can't keep people long enough to get the job done
Both Lew and Josh leave within months of each other. I wonder why? Could it be their role in the home that was wrongfully foreclosed? It seems that both of them were really anxious to "retire". I don't buy it. Who would give up a secure job in this economy? Only something with something to lose if they kept the job.
11:07 - you are right about these "retirements".... keep asking questions.
you people are so nuts,,, Lew left cause he is older & sick now, he is fighting cancer & has enough money to live three lives ( honestly or not ),
Josh too is wealthy,, not just rich, WEALTHY ! so who needs it anymore,,,
gimme a break if you think they left cause of that one house screw-up,, they lose no sleep over that, they are Dems,, no guilt - no conscience,, Kool-Aid drinkers all of 'em,,,
they are all wrong, misguided & foolishly dangerous,, Beware !!!
Abandon Hope all ye who enter Ulster County, we are governed by spiritually bankrupt people.
Josh may have retired from government service, but my guess is he will crop back up as a private practicing attorney somewhere.
But Hein missed a golden opportunity. He should leave the Deputy position vacant.
What are the details on this wrongly foreclosed home? I have seen it alluded to, but do not know the details.
I understand that Josh is in lots of trouble and that announcement will be forth coming that is why he resigned.
i remember when Bea was a member of a great rock band called The Queens.
She & her sisters & a friend from the Schneider family really rocked out.
They played out @ the old Pantony's for beer blasts in the late 60's & early 70's.
she came a long way,, good for her - proud to know her & her harley riding husband.
Good people & excellent public servant.
In Mike Hein's own words, "...means she is able to hit the ground running.”
Is that like when the Freeman said Mike Hein hits the ground running because he showed up for work at 8:30 am on his first day.
It seems like if you a member of Mike Hein's inner circle, you are glorified. Show up for work a half an hour early and you're exalted.
There's a future for Ulster County...
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