You wouldn’t know it from local media other than, but the Independence Parties of the area have apparently joined forces to develop a website and regional endorsement process.
Anything is an improvement over the joke of a process historically run by that party. Candidates are being invited to register for the endorsement by going to and filling out what appears to be, by any account a pretty comprehensive questionnaire.
The average candidate may even be tested a bit by this questionnaire, which tests candidates on substantive issues like municipal comprehensive plans, whether or not the local economic development agency (for Ulster County readers, that’s the UCDC although you certainly wouldn’t know that based on the pathetic performance of that agency) is doing a good job, and whether or not candidates have met their local police officers to discuss crime on “the beat”.
Look, the Independence Party ain’t the GOP or the DEM party but we give these guys credit for realizing the need for a clearer process. In Ulster County the Dean of political reporters – Hugh Reynolds has long pointed out that the Independence Party was essentially run at the kitchen table of longtime party ruler (we won’t call him a “leader”) Dietrich Werner.
Now it appears that County Exec candidate and political neophyte Len Bernardo has taken over the party and is starting to make things happen. The party has provided crucial endorsements in close races and the members of that party deserve a better process to decide their nominees. The questionnaire isn’t perfect, but it’s a start and its better than the Working Families Party which is essentially a total rubber stamp for the Democratic Party – witness Mike Hein who sought the Conservative endorsement and after losing it took the tax raising liberal endorsement of the Working Families Party.
We applaud the Independence Party’s new leadership efforts and hope to see continued progress to make this party the third party that Ulster County residents and residents across the Hudson Valley area deserve.
Who cares? The Blog is Still boring.
I don't understand how the WFP endorsed Hein after he sought out the conservative line. Just wierd
As a disenchanted republican I will be switching my party to independence. The republican party in Ulster is finished.
Bernardo is hosting a fundraising party for Madsen April 22nd at Little Italy. Doesn't that signify the change from the perceived republican stranglehold of the Independence Party? I think so.
If this blog is so damned boring, perhaps you should just stop reading it, and maybe...just maybe, stop commenting? Apparently it warrants some of your precious time.
Hein said to the WFP committee and in writing on his questionnaire he was not seeking the Conservative endorsement.
The WFP is also beginning our process. Questionnaires are available online at our website
Interviews will be scheduled in mid-late May.
As long as Bonacic's boy Langdon Chapman is involved, Bernardo will be beholden to Bonacic. Bonacic will have the final say no matter what Bernardo wants.
Bernardo owes Bonacic as the only Republican who stood by him. Ask anyone who knows anything.
As for Madsen? He is not in Bonacics district so he does not give a hoot.
Bernardo has rights to make all independence endorsements under State law so stop trying to make conspiracy theories.
The is a better process than in years past and anytime something becomes more transparent the government functions better.
Nice try, but even Bernardo himself admits he is beholden to Bonacic. He will accede to Bonacic wishes.
Ask him, he is either lying to you or he is lying to others. He is emphatic when he speaks about his debt to Bonacic.
Len Bernardo is basically a nice guy who is effusive in his praise for almost everyone . . . except certain clerks who double cross him.
I have heard him praise Elliot Auerbach who he actively campaigned against.
I'm glad he's taking this crooked little party and straightening it out.
Jen Does that mean Hein lied???????????????? It must just be his first
Hein's first lie, what, of the last minute?
Hein is all things to all people. He is magnificent, yet down to earth. Caring, yet firm.
Hein is simply great . . . just ask him.
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