First the judge race. Everyone's least favorite and most indecisive Governor, David Paterson, is supposed to make his decision on who he is going to appoint to fill the vacant Ulster County Court Judge spot before the Convention Monday night. After having watched the disaster with Caroline Kennedy before ultimately choosing Kirsten Gillibrand for US Senator, the staff at Ulster Politics has little confidence that the Governor will know what to do for Ulster County. Even the County Democrats (like the Republicans were) are split 3 ways on who they want for judge. The candidates submitted to the Governor are Katz (New Paltz), Schneer (Rochester) and Miranda (Shandaken). Although Miranda should get the nod because has the most criminal experience, Katz is a close second.
Next, the clerk race. It is rumored that Gilda Riccardi of Saugerties will be announcing her candidacy for Ulster County Clerk. But the story bigger than that is, WHO is going to nominate her. Democrats, rightfully so, want their Democratic County Executive, Mike Hein, to "lead the way" in their party and nominate Gilda. Inside sources say that Mike will do anything to avoid having to nominate the opposition to Nina Postupack.
Stay tuned for Monday night's results.
I'll be interested to see if Democrtas return "the favor" to the Republicans for District 1 Legislature.
The Republicans nominated 3 Incumbent Democrats and the fourth nominee is Terry Bernardo (wife of Len).
Do the Democrats say thank you by following suit and nominating the same 4 candidates?
And will that nomination of his wife pressure Len into looking at Democrats more favorably when the I nominations come out?
Just curious......
I have the same questions. I had hopes that a revitalized Independence Party under Mr. Bernardo would provide more options, a voice of reason outside of the two major parties as well as a watchdog of the two major parties.
If instead, we simply get a series of cross endorsements, then the voters will actually be presented with fewer options.
Hein will not nominate anybody he is like a puppet.
Independicans are alive and doing well.
Len Bernardo is so drunk with his temporary,short lived power, he does not know what to do. The people who are his friends today, will forget him 2 days after election day, especially if he picks the wrong person. He should be thinking long term as in enrollment, and not just for this election. The Democrats are going to be holding all the marbles for the foreseeable future, if he is going to sell out, he should at least go to the power.
You are wrong, Katz should be the candidate against Williams, not Miranda.
Also, I did not hear of any problem with Mike Hein, in fact I heard that he will be hosting at least two fundraisers for Gilda Riccardi. The Democrats are united.
Hein and Riccardi will be attached at the hip.
Terry Bernardo hasn't quit the repugnant party yet?
Gilda Riccardi is an excellent candidate. She has personality and brains. We could not ask for a better candidate for Ulster County Clerk. I will be proud to campaign for Gilda. I think that Mr. Hein should nominate her. He is the highest ranking elected official in our party right now. His endorsement of her would send a strong message to the voters.
What will Hein say in his nomination speech. I nominate Riccardi, and when she is elected I will get her a bronze plaque too. Together we will con the taxpayers into a doom and gloom tax increase and then laugh all the way to the bank with surplus money. I will however look out for the tax payers and only allow her to hire 2 $100k plus assistants.
If I were her I would have someone else nominate me.
Clairifcation on the top dog.
Hinchey (higher in my opinion)
Cahill (higher in my opinion)
Hein and Donaldson are equals despite what the press, Hein and Donaldson himself act like.
Hein should still nominate her no matter, Donaldson, Cahill and Hinchey all second. Especially Hinchey!
If Hein does endorse Gilda that should be a very clear message to the Republicans who still support Hein that he has turned his back on them.
What Republicans? Aren't they fielding Democrats instead of their own?
Nina's got BIG issues. She better land the Conservative line and the Independent line also. Gilda will be well financed and ready to go.
Payback's on its way to the disloyal GOPer Nina.
miranda is a republican......
Is the Democratic Convention open to the public or by invitation only? It would be interesting to attend and learn how all of this works...
Like EVERYTHING with the Democrats, it is open to the public. However only committee people may vote.
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