Ed Gaddy, a long time veteran of the Ulster County Political scene, has replaced Bonnie Hewitt as the Chairman of the Ulster County Conservative Party. Gaddy and his Ulster County Conservative Party met last night in Esopus. The Ulster County Conservative Party voted to back Nina Postupack (R) for Ulster County Clerk and Don Williams (R) for Ulster County Court Judge. Conservatives are also backing their own Legislatative candidate Jack Hayes in District 8. Hayes, and incumbent Legislators Ronk (R) and Terrizzi (R) were backed by the District 8 Towns at the Republican Convention as well.
One Legislative district? That's it? Big surprise there at any rate.
They will endorse the usual Democratic suspects who pander to their pet issues. Dart & Provenzano. All the other true blue Dems will not even ask for it.
Thank goodness Bonnie Hewitt is gone. She was an ethicsless leader,, a conniving, nasty woman with no regard for the Community just her own selfish agenda.
Conservatives will be better served with that little ol' deal maker Gaddy. At least he makes a pretense of caring for his constituents,, Hewitt NEVER did.
sign me - Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is GOne !
I wouldn't count on Dart getting the endorsement.
Just a minor correction. Ed Gaddy has been Conservative Chairman since last fall's reorganization.
So it will be a Democratic shut out then. Good. The sooner the better.
New leader, same tired platform. They might as well just call it quits. Nobody wants those 14th century ideas anymore. And anybody that might is just too senile to take seriously.
Yeah you're right. No one wants those old ideas at all. We all love paying among the highest property taxes in the nation. I say raise 'em even higher!
And while we're at it, let's legalize everything! I say "yay" to polygomy!
To heck with freedom- bring on socialism!!
Freedom? Very funny! The only freedom the conservatives offer is the freedom to be enslaved(both physically and mentally). Polygamy was a mormon thing, you know, the CONSERVATIVE people. Legalizing everything is about as far from socialism as you can get. Keep trying to push tax relief, it's the least credible plank of your platform. The taxes are meant to make you move away. We all do enjoy paying to make you people leave. If you're not enjoying it then you should have left already. It's called capitalism. Socialism is what you crave. Move to a red state where they live off the welfare of the federal government. Taxes in those socialist havens are nice and low to suit your socialist agenda. It's amazing how you numbskulls always throw out claims of socialism while being the socialists in the room. Don't you guys have any mirrors? Or is it just easier to construct a closet to hide in if you always accuse others of what you are? One thing is for sure and that's when someone calls themselves a conservative, they're hiding some sick perversion. Usually it's the issue they rail against the hardest. Thanks for clueing us all in to your sickness. Make sure to post signs this election season so we all know who to avoid.
8:34, if anyone is suffering from an illness, it is you. And as a doctor, I will diagnose it (at no cost to you, or the tax payer) as typical ICD-9 294.10, or as you might call it, Dementia.
There is no cure, just a nice comfy chair for you to be comfortable and most importantly, as we do for all dementia patients, keep you happy and safe.
Who's 8:34? That must be a pretty shitty doctor! Diagnosis by internet is just so Dr. Phil. I think you've just shot your diagnosis in the foot. Not to mention your complete confession to my point. Garbage like you deserves the conservative label.
If I had a nickel for every dimwit that confused genius with dementia I'd be a millionaire. Wait, I am a millionaire. You dimestore witchdoctors are pretty profitable for me. Keep up the failing methodology, you're making me richer by the day!
12:01-aka- malpractice defendent is a good example of the 5% of doctors that are responsible for 80% of malpractice suits. That's the reason most mainstream universities weed out the conservatives. These less than average intellect people are a drain on our society. A good MRI scanning program to identify those dead brain tissue areas could save billions in medical malpractice insurance costs. There's no cure for that either but sterilization would prevent the affected victims from reproducing.
Endorsing Nina makes it clear that these people are not conservatives.
Conservatives stand for open government, lower taxes, and no insider deals.
They don't ally themselves with people who give tax breaks to housing developers, and other the other insider deals. Nina may be a nice lady. She may be a competent Clerk. When you associate yourself with dogs though . . .
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