For the rest of June, it's a race to gather signatures. Ulster Politics knows that for all of you "political insiders" this is "old news". But there are a lot of enrolled voters out there who have no idea what is going on right now. Our political process says that the candidates that want to be on the ballot this November have to gather signatures from 5% of enrolled voters in that party. Even people that were not endorsed by their party at their convention can gather signatures and force a primary in September. Be a part of the process! The candidates and committee persons will be working hard gathering signatures until about the first week in July. If you are enrolled in any of the parties recognized on the ballot in Ulster County and you haven't signed a petition for your party yet, help your party out by letting your Town Chairman, Committee Persons, or Candidates know that you would like to sign their petition. The "worker-bees" of the parties have their petitions with them where ever they go.
Also take some time to look at your house. Is your house number visible? People who carry petitions and try and figure out "who lives where" from there from their “walking lists” will tell you that there are a lot of homes that the house number is not easily identifiable. While you may not care if the local political party can’t find your house number, it is important that in an emergency that police, fire and
- directly on your house, business or garage
- by the street, or on a post or sign made of fire resistant material
- on the mailbox
- on the curb
- or anywhere they can be easily seen from the road
A clearly posted house number can save precious time should an emergency occur!
great advice. great article
Good public service notice. I like this reporting so much better than the name calling and insults thrown at some.
Secret Sam reports - There has been a series of lunches stolen at the Ulster County Office Building in the employee's room over the last six months. In response to this, the County Clerk's staff, who were angered by missing their lunches, made chocolate super strength x-lax brownies and baited them in their lunches. Interesting enough, it was reported to me that Elliott Auerbach, County Comptroller had to made a mad dash to the executive men's room after lunch time. It may also be a coincidence that lunches missing in Elenville Village Hall have dropped off completely since November. This is Secret Sam reporting. Stay tuned for further developments.
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