Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mike Hein Starring in LIAR LIAR

You know when a candidate says "my opponent misled" or "my opponent didn't tell the fully story" - that is political doubletalk for saying the candidate was somehow offended.

However, when a candidate says his opponent LIED, they better be right . . . and Len Bernardo is right. MIKE HEIN LIED - period!

Hein put out a vicious and false mailer repeating a story in the Times Herald Record which alleged Bernardo received a $1.4 million grant to establish his business - Skate Time 209. Hein's lie of a mailer used a passage from an October 1, 2008 article by Paul Brooks as follows: "In 2005, Bernardo's firm, TLB Management got $1.4 million in assistance from the Ulster Count Development Agency."

The reporter got the story wrong.

Two days later, the Record had the decency to run a correction because their reporter screwed up the facts. The Record's Correction (or as they call it a "clarification") two days later which read: "Ulster County Executive Candidate Len Bernardo funded his $1.4 million project in Accord - Skate Time 209 - himself according to both Bernardo and Lance Matteson, President of the Ulster County Development Corporation. A story in Wednesday's paper was unclear about the source of money."

What does all this mean? It means Mike Hein is a liar. He put out a mailer citing a story which was corrected two days later, but Hein of course didn't bother to cite the correction.

Ultimately it means Mike Hein can't be trusted. If he's willing to lie his way into office, imagine what he'd do in office.

Mike Hein - he's just a liar.


Anonymous said...

Aren't most politicians Thats why I'll vote Bernardo he isn't a politician

Anonymous said...


So, if Mike Hein is so far ahead, why did he find it necessary to send out mailers which were full of untrue statements?

Before you try to justify censoring this post by saying I am making unfounded accusations, here is the proof:

Mailers were received by many voters yesterday [Paid for by the Committee to Elect Mike Hein] which stated that Len Bernardo built his roller skating rink with $1.4 million in County money. That is a lie. Len Bernardo did not receive one cent from the County. Skate Time 209 was completely funded by him. In fact, he paid $50 thousand in order to participate in this IDa program.

When presented with documentary proof of this fact, the papers retracted the very stories which Mike Hein later quoted in his mailer.

Mr. Hein may have had the excuse of not knowing the truth when he first called on Mr. Bernardo to "pay back" money he never received. He has no such excuse now.

Mike Hein either knew that the statements he put in his mailer previously been proven absolutely false, beyond any doubt whatsoever, or he is completely incompetent to ever run this County.

There is no other explanation.

Anonymous said...

It is not surprising to hear blatant falsehoods from a man who has consistently used his positions in both the private and public positions to further his own interests and ambitions rather then do what is best for his employer and later the taxpayers. He used his position at the bank to get deals on properties and reduced his costs on the mortgage transfers using his contacts in County Government. He then used his County position to give information to the Democrat Party, from whom he received the position of County Administrator rather then blow the whistle loudly to the public. Why would I not assume he would use the position of County Executive to enrich himself and further his political ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Remember the movie with John Cusack, "Say Anything". "Mike lies, when he cries..."

Anonymous said...

the tail that is wagging the dog [hein] is that of the political machine that will do anything to see that he is elected so that they can control the County still.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. 6:03 not "still," but "till," as in cash register.

So, boys and girls, what's NEW? Or, as some of my "City" friends ask, "so, nu?" Or, zoo keepers, "gnu?

All you gotta do is listed to that asshole, Hein, talk. Every other statement is false.

We celebrated "Pinocchio Michael Mouse" days and days ago on ULSTER COUNTY HUMOR. Go laugh for yourself. Pick it up send it to all your friends. If you can't find it, go to MY site at "KountyexeK." You'll find several (if I do say so myself) tasty (OK, one is NOT, but that's on purpose- to sell the Charter - and, we did) morsels.

No, Imre, Heinsight had NO EXCUSE, just as the reporter had none for NOT FACT CHECKING.

A gentleman doesn't risk sullying a person's reputation by PREsuming...worse yet, KNOWING FULL WELL yet PROceeding.

Allan * writemein * Wikman
the ONLY i ndependent candidate for UlsterCountyUSA Executive

Anonymous said...

Read on for more about Heinsight's lies, lies, lies....

THAT, November 4, WIKMAN


Long shot?

Listen to this:

perhaps THE most influential female UC Legislator is telling her buddies, "Don't underestimate Allan Wikman."

But, YOU campaign for political office?

Save yourself a lot of grief. "Don't EVER think about running for a major (county-wide or above) political office in NYS....as a pure i ndependent."

I didn't say that...

THAT's the message political PARTY bosses are trying to make us believe.

You're right if, in your heart of hearts you insist “WE DON’T NEED POLITICIANS.” But it's like eggs and bacon for breakfast: habit-forming. Andy Rooney had it right in his column Saturday: practically everything we DO is habitual.

Everyone bitches and moans about politicians, but we don't get together and act in harmony. So the status remains quo. One person’s definition of “insanity”: denying the truth of the statement, “If I continue to do the things I’ve always done, I’ll get what I’ve always got.”

Allan Wikman declared his candidacy to become Ulster's first-ever County Executive way back in April, 2007: a year and a half ago! And the Kingston TIMES reported comprehensively Allan's 19-PROMISES platform. But, how many read that report?

So no one KNOWS Wikman has 20 years of HUGE business successes: with Colgate-Palmolive, Lipton, Pepsi, Rheingold Breweries, McCann-Erickson ad agency in Brazil...managed the account of Brazil's largest soap and toilet articles manufacturer...and, later, management supervisor with J. Walter Thomson Co., NYC, ad agency.

Then another twenty years during which he started from scratch and created not one, but THREE service businesses in New York City.

This is NOT "sour grapes," but rather exposure of the outrageously-crooked Ulster County Board of Elections (they follow to the LETTER the criminally-motivated NYS election LAW, WRITTEN SOLELY....SOLELY...TO PROTECT incumbent Democrats and Republicans).

Yes, the BOE played stooge to the Democrats to keep Wikman off the ballot.

Since Allan moved to Ulster County/Kingston ten years ago, he’s attended 90 (ninety) percent of monthly county legislative meetings, plus countless committee and sub-committee meetings. What the Democrats can’t tolerate is that he WITNESSED ALL the bullshit. And objected. Loudly.

Where was Hein? Where was Bernardo?

Wikman was there out of concern for our tax dollars. Where were they? Until they decided they'd better play the game?

Dem leadership...EVERYONE...knows Wikman for having a mind of his own, not kow-towing to ANYONE, "minor" or "omnipotent." If no response the first or second request, he comes back at ‘em a third and a fourth time. He stands up. Doesn't sit down 'till he gets what he demands.

Isn’t THAT the man YOU want to stand up for your personal and financial freedoms in Ulster County?

YOU can MAKE it happen.

To facilitate a Hein victory, the Democrats HAD to prevent Allan Wikman (he’s a "knowing insider" based merely upon his BEING THERE, what he’s seen, heard, suffered)…had to prevent Allan from exposing Hein's flagrant lies.

The Democrats knew Wikman would, repeatedly, cite chapter and verse during debates. Hein would CRINGE over this because he KNOWS that Wikman KNOWS and TELLS the TRUTH. And audiences would see Hein's guilt.

Every other breath is a lie. Hein takes credit for what OTHERS, e.g., Lisa Cutten, former county auditor, have achieved or initiated. But none of the other candidates were around county government during Hein's "achievements."

The Dems know Allan Wikman WAS. Wikman knows better.

The gullible, partisan PRESS merely RE-PRINTS Hein's lies. Look what the Times Herald Recor did. 'Cause NO one calls Hein on those lies. And Allan can't be everywhere at once.

You see, Allan’s been silent because

1) the Democrats coerced their political buddies (all political hires) at the Board of Elections to do whatever was needed to KEEP Allan OFF the ballot. Wikman took ‘em to Supreme Court, but to no avail; the court’s in the politicians' pockets.

2) Then, the dominos toppled. Ward Todd, who deserves to serve life on Devil's Island for his prominent (leading?) role in the jail debacle, refused to permit Allan to debate his opponents at the Chamber of Commerce's breakfast forum: "You're not on the ballot, Allan." "But, a _ _ h _ _ _, ANYONE may WRITE MY NAME IN." "Doesn't matter. Doesn't count."

Todd's payment for Republican bosses' silent testimony.

3) Then along comes the crooked, pontificating, definitely-partisan League of Women Voters. They refuse Allan’s participation in THEIR "forums."

Again, why? "You're not on the ballot."

WHO determined Wikman’s NOT ON THE BALLOT? Right: the BOE and the Supreme Court, despite the 1,776 genuine signatures Wikman collected.

Criminally unconstitional. They're ALL in cahoots to hoodwink and tax to death innocent, powerless voter/taxpayers. Who, year-after-year through habit, return the same old, same old crooked "me first" politicos to office.

Then the day after inauguration, start to complain.

Wikman’s BEEN "silent" because he’s a ONE-MAN band. NO committee. NO money. He’s spent the past 10 (that's TEN) weeks collecting 1,776legitimate signatures, then trying to defend...without an attorney (none would handle his case --- all Dem or Rep flunkies) himself against overwhelming numbers.

Now, listen to Yogi: "It ain't over 'till it's OVER. Or, 'till the fat lady sings.

Polls can predict ANYTHING. But, they're NOT results.

What if (OK, It would be a miracle.) YOU... and 54 percent of the voters entered the voting booth, lifted that lever in the County Executive column, took out your pens or pencils and WROTE IN: Allan Wikman.

Not only would it make American history, but it would disrupt party politicians’ plans for decades. The voters would be back in power, just as we were in Revolutionary days.

But, now hear this: by the end of Allan’s three-year (first) term, he PROMISES to have

(1) given Ulster County government BACK TO THE PEOPLE via not one, but four, specific means;

(2) cut county property taxes AT LEAST 10 percent;

(3) cut TOTAL taxes, fees, surcharges, penaties, service add-ons, etc. AT LEAST FIVE PERCENT;

(4) VETOED ANY/ALL new property taxes;

"Economic development" in Ulster County is a sham. We've poured millions of dollars down the tube in bribes and payroll to flunkies.

As a marketng expert, Wikman knows that businesses are not CREATED, economies not buoyed, by government HANDOUTS. People pay good money only for things they demand. Like, for example, tourism...travel.

(5) THIS is where our "economic development" IS and MUST BE EXPLOITED. TOURISM. There's no "product" to manufacturer. It's right here!

HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE throughout this gorgeous county of ours.

Allan’s plan (he’s DONE this in industry scores of times in his 40 years in business) is to launch a year-'round, INTERNATIONAL tourism promotion which will bring men, women, children to UlsterCountyUSA from all over the world.

Better still, they’ll PAY ADMISSION two, three, four times that year to play a series of travel games so exciting, so rewarding, that they'll rival Disney World, Disney Land, World's Fairs in world-wide publicity.

And, best of all? By year's end, Allan’s administration will have returned upwards of three million six hundred thousand dollars PROFIT to the county treasury, which in turn, will cut further your property taxes. And, that's only the start.

Ulster County government has no "official" jurisdiction over public school education. Nonetheless, Wikman has determined that, by consolidating all 56 school districts in four contiguous counties, we can cut everyone's school taxes...NOW...upwards of thirty million dollars EACH YEAR, year after year after year.

A YEAR AGO this month, Allan wrote the managing executives of the counties involved.

Yes, that's just a few of Wikman’s platform PROMISES. You read it right: PROMISES.

Wikman has written a CONTRACT with Ulster taxpayers. Part of his platform. You may read it on his website:


It calls for Allan to put into an interest-bearing escrow account EVERY PAYDAY twenty five (25) percent of his salary. This as a "guarantee," of sorts, that the Wikman Team shall, indeed, achieve his nineteen goals.

Or, sacrifice Allan's salary. Ever hear of a “politician” doing anything like that?

Wikman must write a letter to the Charter-designated Temporary Executive Compensation Committee offering proof he’s achieved each goal, one-by-one.

If the Committee approves, Wikman may withdraw 1/19 (one of nineteen promised goals) of the total in escrow.

Whatever is left (whatever goals he fails to accomplish) goes back, in full, to taxpayers.

If you think he’s kidding…or lying…he urges you to call or email him.

This is for YOU. NOT Allan Wikman. He doesn't need the job, nor the salary...He’s an entrepreneur, a businessman. Not a politician. He’ll make more money next year in his business than he’d make as County Executive in all three years combined.

He does this to FREE YOU, the taxpayer, from passing on to your children and grandchildren an IMPOSSIBLE FINANCIAL BURDEN which, if we fail to stop this political dinosaur at the county level, we'll soon become a third-world nation.

If you believe Allan and have faith that, "What the hell. What's to lose? Wikman's NOT a politician, he's a businessman. A pure independent. Seems sincere. He'll TALK with ME if I call him. Or email. He's open to us.”

That's a good sign.

If you see this as possible, I implore you to email ALL YOUR FRIENDS, your fellow employees, church members, school alumni throughout Ulster County. NOW. TODAY. This very minute.

Urge them to call Allan Wikman...or email him. And, each of THEM email ten others t do the same.

We CAN win this. We SHALL.

But, in any case, take a pen or pencil into the voting booth...and write in the name:

Allan Wikman
...in the County Executive column.

54 percent. Let's GO GET IT.

Right now, make a list, Call, write, email. URGE all to write in the name:

Allan Wikman

God bless and keep you,

Allan's right here. Call him. Email. Share your thoughts.

Allan Wikman
295 Broadway, apt. 418
Kingston, NY 12401-5131
845 + 802-0403
Profile at: www.hvchronic.com

Website: www.campaignwindow.com/allanwikman

Anonymous said...

I know this is Ulster County Politics, but you know who else is a LIAR? Gillibrand! I heard one of her NASTY radio commercials this morning, this was the first time I had heard this one. The ad attempts to state that Gillibrand is for bringing the troops home immediately, they fail to mention her VOTING record in congress. Then, as the no issue democrats like to do, is link Treadwell to Bush, using some recording capturing Sandy agreeing with Bush, and that is supposed to make him 'partners'. I seem to recall, just after 9/11, many democrats, INCLUDING Clinton and Schumer, SIDING with Bush, PUBLICALLY! Using Treadwell's statement out of context and with no date attached, is COMPLETELY negligent, reckless, and outright MISLEADING.

Gillibrand, FIRE your ad department, or come clean with your constituents. Your recent vote against the government loan to the financial sector was a calculated vote, with Nanci Pelosi's Blessing.

Anonymous said...

I think the political ad machinery has distorted, and twisted the perception of what fine men like Mike Hein and Len Bernardo really are. Let's repeal the elected Executive, remove the political parties and appoint qualified individuals.

Anonymous said...

anyone attending the "BASH FOR CASH?"

November 3rd at Tim's Automotive on Broadway.

$1, participants can take a whack at a car with a baseball bat.

Anonymous said...

Anyone attending the "BASH FOR CASH?"

November 3rd at Tim's Automotive on Broadway.

"$1, participants can take a whack at a car with a baseball bat."

"Proceeds will benefit the Knothole League baseball field on Greenkill Avenue."

"Jim Quigley has said he will match every dollar"

Anonymous said...

I would think a better idea for this car that Tim claims he fixed for around $700, it should be donated to charity so they can sell it at a profit. What good is destroying it, after all the work and parts put in it to get it running again. Maybe it wasn't worth fixing in the first place but a mechanic won't tell you that.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Charter Architect Benjamin corrupted the structure of this "change" to insure political party involvement.