Friday, November 14, 2008

How to turn $5,000 into $112,000

You ever get one of those chain letters, send $1 to 5 people
and in 6 months you'll get $100 in the mail?

Well, how about you give a $5,000 donation on October 31 and on
November 13 you get a $112,000 a year job.

Pretty good deal right? Of course there is no connection to the
contribution (there never is of course), but in the final hours of the
election for Ulster County Executive, a public employee from
Hurley - Adele Reiter gives $5,000 to the Committee to Elect Mike Hein.
A very large contribution from a public employee - but perfectly legal.

We wake up this morning to find that Mike Hein has named
that same person his $112,000+ Chief of Staff.

Look, to the victor goes the spoils - we all get that. But to have
one of the largest contributors get a six figure job, well I guess
that's just politics as usual in the good old boy network.


Anonymous said...

Public employee (from Hurley) who has worked as Deputy County Treasurer since September 2003 and has been by Hein's side at debates, speaking engagements and other fund raisers. Why not get rewarded with one of the top slots? Sweet deal. Wonder who is next in line for a "dream team" appointment? Who else made substantial donations to his campaign?

Anonymous said...

Adele is one of the most respected people in County Government. She is a Lawyer, has financial expertise, and a very hard working person to boot. She is a steal at that salary and Mike was wise to choose her. This is an impressive first step if you ask me.

Better than having Ellen Difalco or Cathy Ellis as Chief of staff I'll tell you that!

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a real Democrat. Are all trhe appointments going to be political payoffs.

Anonymous said...

What will Woerner get for his 10k worth of Freeman Ads for Auerbach if he wins?

Anonymous said...

Adele may be respected. This post says nothing to the contrary. It simply smells that a person who writes a $5,000 check four days before the election gets a plum job just days later.

This is like Fox News - reporting and we can decide if we like it or not. I, for one do not like it.

There should be a search for a Deputy County Executive, not just local political appointees.

Anonymous said...

Of course Hein said today on Kingston Community Radio that no deals were made prior to the election, wink wink.

Vic Work is next on the docket, I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who are writing disparaging remarks about Adele obviously do not know her. She is a genuine good person who was helping a friend. I got news for you, she was getting that job with the contribution or not. I would not be surprised to see Hein give it back if he has anything left.

These are good people we are talking bout here. Don't believe all the crap that was spewed during the campaign.

Anonymous said...

This is what Ulster County gets for electing Hein. They will re-great it in the future.

Anonymous said...

This just shows that the Good Ol' Boy network has not left yet. It is still around and strong.

Anonymous said...

4:33 and 4:29 - so who's right?

Were there deals made prior to the election as Mike said today, or was she "getting the job anyway"

That sounds like a deal to me

She may have been a credible woman before, but this just destroyed any credibility that she may have every dreamed of having.

Anonymous said...

Giving the money back now is too late to reclaim any credibility that you want her to have, it won't fix it - ever.

The money was infused into the campaign when it was needed, in the last week.

Now that he's won, giving the money back doesn't change how this looks - EVER.

UP tried to point out how arrogant this guy is. He doesn't even try to hide his deals.

What about all those apartments? Certainly it is illegal and unethical for a County Executive to be personally involved in renting apartments to Social Services clients.

But we'll never know now. Now that he's in charge, this will be buried and further covered up.

Anonymous said...

It's Ulster County PAY-FOR-PLAY POLITICS. What else is new?

We all need to stop the whining and the crying.

We knew what we were electing when we elected Hein. He didn't pretend to be anything different than this.

Why is everyone so surprised?

Did you really think that this WOULDN'T happen?

Give me a break, Mike Hein is as predictable as my menstrual cycle.

Suck it up... it's the Mike Hein show for the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Adele would have gotten a high level job in one of three departments, Executive's office (obviously), the Comptrollers office, or as the Legislature's budget officer. She would have gotten it based on her excellent work record and her high level of qualifications. Mike just beat the others to the punch. She will continue to be an asset to the county.

Good Luck to Mike and Adele as they venture into the new frontier.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying she is not a genuine good person who was helping a friend.

She is a great woman. It just shows how politics works today. You pay for a job.

"I would not be surprised to see Hein give it back if he has anything left."

He is making $100,000+ a year. I am sure he has something to give back. Come on, you cant tell me someone who is making 100,000 has nothing to give back. The median income in Ulster County is only $42,000, they should be getting the money.

Anonymous said...

He could give it back, the $125,000 salary is now $133,580 before one day of work I thought a pay raise was on performance? Not on who rights the budget. Provenzano defend it must have a grandson needing a job.

Anonymous said...

and do not forget the Section 8 housing Hein's wife and child has too.

Anonymous said...

To: 12:10

Do you honestly think that Difalco or Ellis would have been Bernardo's Chief of Staff? If so, then you are sorely mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the Hurley Democrats jump to endorse Hein without acknowledging requests from other interested registered Democrats?

Anonymous said...

We can only hope that Auerbach wins the comptroller election.

That is our only hope of someone keeping an eye on Hein.

Quigley and Hein are in bed together and if elected, there will be a great sigh of "mission accomplished" all through the City of Kingston, Town of Ulster and Saugerties.

Hein and Kirscher's enterprise is only going to grow now. Hein's section 8 housing is only child's play compared to what he and Kirscher are going to be able to pull off now.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Hein isn't stupid enough to pick Sottile as a Dep. Exec.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me?? Auerbach??

Look at Ellenville. He could not even be a good mayor. He did nothing but run businesses out and spend money they did not have. How would he keep an eye on Hein when he can't even keep money in Ellenville?

Taxes in Ulster County are going to go up every single year with Hein and Auerbach in office. I feel bad for the people. Oh well, they get what they voted for.

Anonymous said...

We have good choices for Comptroller. Jim should be independant because of his wealth and Elliott has no ties to the Hein Ticket. Either way, taxpayers should be well served.