Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ulster County IDA Republican Picks

The Ulster County Republican Legislators will caucus tonight and decide who they want to sit on the UCIDA. The staff at Ulster Politics has learned that there are 3 contenders for 2 seats.

John Morrow, Todd Diorio and David O'Halloran
Morrow and Diorio's seats are expiring

It will be interesting to see who the Ulster County Republican Legislators put forward. A vote for John Morrow and David O'Halloran will be a step forward. David O'Halloran was very involved in the campaign to elect Len Bernardo and will be a reflection of the desire for the party to move forward and embrace the idea of "new blood" that Len Bernardo had tried to bring to the party.

Anything that involves Todd Diorio will be more of the same good old boy politics in the Republican party. Diorio is the nephew of Legislator Rich Gerentine who did not seem to support Len Bernardo's candidacy with his boys in the South.

This could be an indication as the future direction of the Republican Party. Are they going to continue this self destructive path of exclusion of everyone but the good old boys, or are they going to open up and include people and move forward? We know what happened in the County Executive race, will this be any different?


Anonymous said...

Nothing will change if Jim Maloney and Gerentine have anything to do with it. I would also lump in Roberts and Felicello with that crew.

Anonymous said...

what about Gallagher when does she go?

Anonymous said...

Turncoat Morrow is the same guy who nominated Democrat Nick Woerner for the REPUBLICAN line for Supervisor, he is a real good Republican all right. Traitor!

O'Halloran is being considered as part of the big Independence party move the Republicans are making. He is another zero.

Diorio was backing Hein. 'nuff said about that.

Nice choices you have there Noonan. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...


Ozzy Biechert former owner of Timely Signs, chairman of the Town of Ulster Planning Board nominated Nick for the Republican Endorsement in 2007.

Kevin Ryan, of the Valley Group, the Town's Insurance Agent seconded the nomination.

If you want to talk about TRAITORS these are the two to talk about.

Anonymous said...

I think O'Halloran is a great choice. He has a business and wants nothing more than to see business getting done in Ulster County. The IDA has sucked at getting anything done. We need some business people who can get stuff done here and WANT to get stuff done. This county is like a wasteland and ghosttown. We don't need to be Orange County, but we need some economnic activity so that businesses can sustain themselves. The current IDA does not get that. They can't even support themselves much less other businesses.

No Diorio is a GOOD thing, I think we can agree on that.

Anonymous said...

I see the county legislature with the help of three republicans passed a smoking ban because it is good for us! Are they going to pass eating standards next? We can use the same arguments they used for the smoking ban. Imagine the health care savings if we stamped out obesity. Everyone would not only be healthier but happier. I hereby call on legislator Fellicello to submit legislation to make this happen. After all didn't Fellicello say he had an obligation to his constituents?

Anonymous said...

O'Halloran is a great choice and will bring new blood in. The way he runs the Rochester Republican club - aggressively is the way we should have the County GOP run. New younger blood not the old time politics run by those who aren't willing to get their hands dirty by putting up signs and working hard.

Change is needed in the Ulster GOP big time.

Anonymous said...

I second the motion that the county GOP needs a change. Every one on the county committee needs to be replaced with all new blood.

Anonymous said...

O'Hallaron is not a zero by any means. Shame on you for thinking this.

Anonymous said...

Good question on March Gallagher. I think its time that she gets "march'ed" out of there.

Anonymous said...

I third the motion for new blood in Ulster's GOP.

I nominate David O'Halloran to lead the Republican Party.

In Rochester, they have elected Republican leaders and their Supervisor lowered the tax levy this year on taxpayers.

They don't play games in Rochester, they play to WIN with Republicans.

In Kingston/Saugerties/Ulster... not so much so... the Kingston/Saugerties/Ulster GOP only wants a win if it's a friend of theirs. Doesn't matter if that friend is Dem or Republican.... they just have to be a friend. If not, they don't care, and that was painfully evident in this years election.

We can not move forward if we do not grow the Republican Party. We had the opportunity to do that and we chose not to. We need to do some serious house cleaning before we are going to have any credibility among the voters.

And yes, March Gallager needs to go, but sadly, I think she's going to go, right into Mike Hein's new administration. Thanks Kingston, Saugerties and Ulster GOP for bringing us Mike Hein and March Gallager. It will only be sweeter when Nick Woerner, Jimmy Sottile and Jeremy Blaber all join the party.

You are all morons.

Anonymous said...

10:32 - Where do you get your information from? Were you even at the GOP caucus at Miller School? John Morrow did NOT nominate Nick. In the future, get your facts straight instead of spewing lies. 10:55 is right - the Republicans who nominated Nick are traitors. Timely Signs and the Valley Group were promised contracts with the town in exchange for nominating Nick (dumping Barbara Wise's employer, the Deforest Agency).

Anonymous said...

Didn't John Morrow (Safeco)just get a no-bid non-prevailing wage job at Kingston High School?

Anonymous said...

I think david O'Halloran should have a shot at leading republicans in Ulster county as the incumbent, just arrived on the scene Catalano has been a complete and utter failure at not only leading but in energizing the party. His county committee needs to be replaced with people who understand what needs to be done and not impressed with their position as vice chairs. The Gop needs to be responsive to the people and not trying to ambush each other because of perceived slights to the position they hold.

Anonymous said...

7:09 - since it was an emergency, no bids were necessary - the fire alarms weren't working. My kids go there - I don't want to wait days or weeks until the lowest bidder comes in and wait for the work to get started. And, what makes you say that it wasn't prevailing wage? Until you know what you're talking about, you shouldn't be leveling these allegations. His employees know that they're supposed to get prevailing wage on a government job. A company doesn't become (and remain) successful because it breaks laws and rips people off. That catches up to you after a while. Kind of like Carey Construction - you don't see him around anymore, do you? And everyone knows why...shitty work doesn't get rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Let's set the record straight. First... I am JOHN MORROW
Second.. I( chaired the Republican convention and at the time was the Vice chair of the Town of Ulster Republican Committee.
Nick Werner was nominated by Ozzie Bickert of Timely Signs and Kevin Ryan from Valley group. I asked Ozzie NOT to nominate Nick but he did anyway. Nick was soundly beaten to the point of embarrassment. Now Ozzie letters all the Town vehicles etc and Ryan now has their insurance.

and Lastly... I was awarded the PUBLIC Bid for Kingston Consolidated Schools for maintenance and monitoring. It IS a prevailing wage job. It is the same public bid that happens every 3 years or so. We are making several emergency repairs to systems that were lightning damaged etc and it is ALL prevailing wage. Feel free to contact me directly. Look up Safeco and have the courage to call me directly. I doubt that the cowards who made this crap up will have the courage to call and they were to yellow to sign their name in this blog. Ain't the internet wonderful? A venue for cowards to spout off and make crap up. Di I mention my name is JOHN MORROW !

Anonymous said...

I personally like John Morrow, but it's interesting to see an IDA Board Member get so outraged when HIS business is attacked.

Where was Morrow on the blogs when March Gallagher was ripping Bernardo's business up one side and down the other?

Where was his outrage then?

No one gives a shit about lies until it happens to them.

John is a nice guy, but he said absolutely nothing publicly as an IDA Board Member when they were killing Bernardo on the blogs, and now he's outraged because a post which mostly favors him has 1 comment against him.

This must be John's first time on the blogs if he's this bent out of shape over one comment on a post that favors him.

Wait till Blaber gets ahold of him and starts the misinformation. I hope John never got pulled over in the Town of Ulster. It's probably on the video tape.

Anonymous said...

this is great a blog that we can openly discuss our views.
First fat boy felicello did not even show to support gumba Dioreo
second Morrow is an outstanding member of the IDA who is looking out for economic development in this county, something that has not been done in years.Of course he will have more business but so will the county our sales tax will go up its a home run. (except the Dem and Hein will waste it). So let us consider this a small victory for the people of Ulste County

Anonymous said...

Actually I just found out that this blog existed yesterday.... My friends sign their names. And I am NOT ripped. You have never seen me ripped.... I only get ripped twice a year... and this is not the day
John Morrow

and PS: I personally spoke to Ms. Gallagher about the issues. I didn't hide my comments in an anonymous blog. My comments and questions were made publicly in the proper venue

Anonymous said...

Is that the same John Morrow who could not cut it as a State Trooper?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:27 that Morrow is a good voice on the IDA.

Mr. Morrow points out at 8:21 that he has never been on this blog and that's why he has never advocate for other businesses and people that have had lies spread about them, and I believe him.

However I do think that more needed to be done by Mr. Morrow and a lot of people than to speak personally to Ms. Gallagher, that was a start, but not near enough compared that the havoc that Ms. Gallagher and Mr. Rodriguez did with their lies.

Their attacks were politically motivated lies on businesses in this community and it's easy to dismiss until someone attacks YOUR business. She may have started with Bernardo's business, but there were a lot of other businesses on her hit list.

She needs to go and so does Hector Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

yes, you asshole - it's the same John Morrow who is a retired, decorated BCI investigator (which means he was promoted) when he started his own business. He now makes a shitload more money than you ever will, and is well respected in the community. He was just put on the IDA board a couple of months ago. John is intelligent enough to know that as a board member, you don't go on a f'ing blog to air your grievances just as March didn't go on the blog to defend herself. A blog isn't a venue for board members to publicly vilify or defend. You obviously never served on a board of directors (or if you did, they probably hated your guts and couldn't wait until your term was up) - everyone knows that team members, committee members, board members, NEVER go public with their complaints or criticisms.

Anonymous said...

hey 9:25 - you are the a$$hole

March most CERTAINLY DID go on the blogs and here it is
in case you've never been there also, it's

Dear Kingston Truth,

I do not know what you mean by mistruth about Skatetime's IDA application and review. I was not a board member at the time the Skatetime application was filed or approved.

What I can tell you is that the IDA enforcement policy needs some work. This became obvious to me when I visited an IDA project that was below its job creation goals and I was told that they have signficantly fewer full-time equivalent employees (FTE) than reported. After my visit, a reporter FOILED all of this company's materials and the blogosphere was rife with discussion about the project as well. Once learning about discrepancy, I had a fiduciary responsibility as an IDA board member to address the IDA-side of the issue.

Under our current policy, the IDA does not require our staff to regularly visit IDA projects and we only obtain job creation data through self-reporting without verification.

Recommending policy changes is the work of the IDA Governance Committee of which I am chair. At our last meeting, we made some draft changes which our staff is incoporating and we will be reviewing those changes at the IDA Governance Committe meeting on 10/15 for recommendation to the full board that night. Please attend the meeting if you are interested. The Governance Committee meets in the hour before the IDA board, thus when policy changes need to be made it may take more than one meeting which is why we met mid-month.

I consulted with Mr. Berardi, the Chairman of the IDA, and Mr. Matteson, the President and CEO of the IDA, prior to calling the governance meeting.

Since I know many of your readers have various views about prevailing wage and the loss of Colony Liquors, let me just say a few words about that. Prior to my appointment to the IDA, the UC Legislature UNANIMOUSLY adopted a prevailing wage recommendation to the IDA.

The newly appointed IDA adopted a prevailing wage policy in response. The result has been that many businesses and developers have complained that the policy is onerous. Policy supporters say that the complaints of business are just a ruse and we should just wait it out. The end result was we made some changes to the policy, but we are still failing to attract new projects with the policy in place.

That being said, Greene County lured Colony and had them build at a County business park with prevailing wage. Greene has something we in Ulster don't have: truly shovel ready county sites. The Greene County IDA was given $4 million by the county legilature years ago to develop shovel ready business parks--obviously a wise investment.

Whether we mandate prevailing wage for IDA projects (as do only 3other NYS counties) or not, one thing is clear--we should bring labor and IDA projects to the table together long before project approval because we may be able to get accomodations from both sides that make it a win-win for everyone.

March Gallagher
IDA Board Member

October 9, 2008 1:24 PM

Anonymous said...

9:25, your assertion that "you don't go on a f'ing blog to air your grievances just as March didn't go on the blog to defend herself. A blog isn't a venue for board members to publicly vilify or defend" is WRONG.

Here's the original post and her response.

Any other FACTS you'd like to share with us? You should do a little research before you join us in the blog-o-sphere. You are not an a$$hole, you are an amateur.
It appears that there is some misrepresentation by IDA board members of the IDA application and review for Skatetime 209. I think it is time for all parties to come clean on this. It is obvious that March Gallagher used her position as an IDA board member for political purposes. It is also obvious from print reports that Hector Rodriguez should be replaced as the person in charge of the IDA for the Legislature.

Gallagher's attempt to discredit Bernardo via her position is unacceptable. Mike Hein bares some responsibility here too. I can not imagine Gallagher did not consult with him before, during and after this happened. I am begining to wonder about the ethical standards some of these people espouse to.

posted by Honest_Abe at 9:49 AM on Oct 9, 2008

Dear Kingston Truth,

I do not know what you mean by mistruth about Skatetime's IDA application and review. I was not a board member at the time the Skatetime application was filed or approved.

What I can tell you is that the IDA enforcement policy needs some work. This became obvious to me when I visited an IDA project that was below its job creation goals and I was told that they have signficantly fewer full-time equivalent employees (FTE) than reported. After my visit, a reporter FOILED all of this company's materials and the blogosphere was rife with discussion about the project as well. Once learning about discrepancy, I had a fiduciary responsibility as an IDA board member to address the IDA-side of the issue.

Under our current policy, the IDA does not require our staff to regularly visit IDA projects and we only obtain job creation data through self-reporting without verification.

Recommending policy changes is the work of the IDA Governance Committee of which I am chair. At our last meeting, we made some draft changes which our staff is incoporating and we will be reviewing those changes at the IDA Governance Committe meeting on 10/15 for recommendation to the full board that night. Please attend the meeting if you are interested. The Governance Committee meets in the hour before the IDA board, thus when policy changes need to be made it may take more than one meeting which is why we met mid-month.

I consulted with Mr. Berardi, the Chairman of the IDA, and Mr. Matteson, the President and CEO of the IDA, prior to calling the governance meeting.

Since I know many of your readers have various views about prevailing wage and the loss of Colony Liquors, let me just say a few words about that. Prior to my appointment to the IDA, the UC Legislature UNANIMOUSLY adopted a prevailing wage recommendation to the IDA.

The newly appointed IDA adopted a prevailing wage policy in response. The result has been that many businesses and developers have complained that the policy is onerous. Policy supporters say that the complaints of business are just a ruse and we should just wait it out. The end result was we made some changes to the policy, but we are still failing to attract new projects with the policy in place.

That being said, Greene County lured Colony and had them build at a County business park with prevailing wage. Greene has something we in Ulster don't have: truly shovel ready county sites. The Greene County IDA was given $4 million by the county legilature years ago to develop shovel ready business parks--obviously a wise investment.

Whether we mandate prevailing wage for IDA projects (as do only 3other NYS counties) or not, one thing is clear--we should bring labor and IDA projects to the table together long before project approval because we may be able to get accomodations from both sides that make it a win-win for everyone.

March Gallagher
IDA Board Member

October 9, 2008 1:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Morrow is a know it all big mouth a$$hole. No one in the Republican party can stand him. He is thinks his $hit doesn't stink.

I am a long time Ulster Republican and have seen it for years. Time for all of them to go including Maloney, Quigley and Catalano.

Anonymous said...

WOW some real straight talk here

Anonymous said...

What happened to big mouth 9:25?

Hey mister "March didn't go on the blogs", what do you think of March now?

You can't deny that she's on the blogs and you said she wasn't.

Anonymous said...

I will agree that it is time for Catalano and Maloney to go. They have been a huge problem for republicans for a while now. It is time for a fresh start here in Ulster.

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