Remember that commercial, "You asked for it, you got it.. To-yo-ta".
(emphasis on the pause after well.... like Catalano would do it)
Well.... you bloggers kept asking for it. Now you got it.
We keep putting posts about various other topics, and you bloggers keep saying that Mario and his crew need to go.
Well here it is - a post dedicated to you.
Who is it that you think should take over?
It's easy to criticize Mario, but who do YOU think has has the time and ability to step up to the plate to replace him?
We also want to know, what is happening in your town with your Town Chairperson and Committee?
We all know that it's total anarchy in Kingston, but what's happening everywhere else?
So let the staff at Ulster Politics know
a) Who do you think should take over???? if you want Mario out
b) What's going on in your town with your Chairman and Committee
For the record, the staff at Ulster Politics has no opinion on whether Catalano should stay or go.
We're kind of like Big Boy (the restaurant chain), we'll let you decide... Big Boy Catalano, should he stay, or should he go?
There is not one thing Catalano can point to that shows he deserves to stay as chair. His committee is also a no-show. I would think O'Halloran, would make a good chair and Jim Quigley also would be a good pick. Much thought should also be given to Noonan as chair.
Big Boy Catalano, Gotta Go!!!
Now the hard part, who to take the reins. It would be best to have a person with strong ties to the Kingston/Coleman crowd. A person who knows the players. A person like...Al Spada.
District 1 has two towns, Wawarsing & Rochester. Wawarsing has its warts but for the most part, gets the job done. Rochester has some lame ass leftover that chairs a do nothing committee comprised of her cronies. From what I hear, the Rochester Committee didn't even endorse their 20 year encumbant town clerk, Veronica Sommer. Shame on Rochester Committee. Rochester does have the best Club in the county run by Councilman Tavi Cilenti. He would be a good person to add to the county committee.
Here's the problem, the current County Committee will act like spoiled children when tossed out. Instead of welcoming change and working to win. Mario will take his piggy bank (Q) and work against the party. My vote is for Al "the real deal" Spada.
Bets: this blog discussion will exceed 100 comments...about time.
If you look at Mario's crew they are all town chairs with the exeception of Tommy Turco. If the group is a failure as executive committee members how do you think they are as town chairs? Mario and his crew is easy to attack because they do nothing for the betterment of the party. They have not won an important race. They have not mobilized the rank and file. This could go on forever so lets just say it is time for this crew to go.
Wayne Harris is the most level headed Republican in Ulster County. I would choose him.
Anyone associtated with Catalano and the Town of Ulster (Quigley included),Kingston, Rochester or Marlboro would be more of the same.
It is time to get smart people with common sense running the show.
9:42, we know that, but who do YOU think has the time and ability to replace Mario? and who should that person's executive committee be?
"Real deal Spada" worked behind the scenes to support democrats in recent elections and now you want him to lead the Republican Committee? Are you serious? And what do you think will get accomplished with him at the helm, besides working against every Republican endorsed candidate, except Postupack (obviously). You must be over medicated to even suggest such an idea.
This is a good one. I read but never respond but will make an exception this time. Catalano has to go. He has taken the Republican party lower than it was(hard to believe). Replacements Noonan but would he give up his leadership post in the legislature and devote full time. would the party give him 5 years to turn around what took 30 to destroy. Would the state committee help. O Halloran not a bad choice a new fresh face . The party needs someone looking out for the COUNTY not the good old boys from the city area. People are tired of that.Clean house lets go with O Halloran, Noonan, Quigley someone from the Saugerties area(Not a Roberti). Also Turco must go he just has been milking the system to long, Rascoe is a puppet for Bonacic dump her. Keep West he is a book of knowledge. Jacobsen either way whats she done. There is my take lets hear it but I think we all agree we need change now
Mario must GO. You could even bring Savago back. Anything
I live in the Town of Rochester too. I agree that the Chairperson is a lame ass leftover and that the committee is comprised of her cronies.
They do absolutely nothing.
What absolutely galls me is that the City of Kingston removed their Chairperson... and for what??? At least she worked.
These "do nothings" in the Town of Rochester Committee and the Chair can only talk about what they "used" to do, they events that they "used" to have the money that they "used" to raise.
Folks it's getting real old. Have a meeting, tell everyone that you are having it, raise some money and support your candidates.
I think that Phil Sinagra should replace Mario. He has excellent ideas. He attends every Hurley Republican Club meeting and is well respected.
Any one with the name Sinagra is what's wrong with the Republican Party. Don't think for one minute that Phil supported the candidates that the Republicans endorsed this past election. The man probably did next to nothing. He is still licking his wounds from not getting the Chair seat when Mr. Savago stepped down. An entitlement (or so he thought) when he appointed himself to the Executive Director post anyway at HQ. These old timers should step aside and let new, younger people take over. Enough of these old crows.
Mario has lots of ego and lack of work ethic. He failed to unite the Bernardo/Quigley/Robin Yess campaigns (ok, not sure Yess actually had a campaign, but let's say she did). Not to mention Tommy Kirwan did poorly in Ulster County.
My choice is O'Halloran for Chairman, Quigley for Treasurer and Campaign Chairman, maybe Terri Bernardo should have a prominent position along with Laura Petit.
I like Robin Yess' viewpoints but her personality is too confrontational. Kathy Terrizi has a good attitude and is likable, she should also have an increased role.
In the City, Ellen DeFalco has credibility and like him or not Rich Cahill ran a very competent race against Sottile.
These are the base along with the traditionally involved like Noonan, Harris, Maloney, Susan Cummings, and Sinagra.
Catalano MUST go soon though or we are doomed in 2009.
4:47 - you beat me to it!
Our new Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele is 50 years old.
I think that we need people on the Ulster County Executive Committee and a Chairman that are 50 and younger.
Check out Michael Steele's latest video to us Republicans (it's great)
Michael Steele, GOP Chairman Video
The old fart Ulster County GOP Town & County Chairmen and Committeemen can barely check their own e-mail, much less put a video on You Tube.
And they are doing a crappy job at recruiting the younger member of the GOP who KNOW how to do this sort of stuff.
5:19 writes "
"The old fart Ulster County GOP Town & County Chairmen and Committeemen can barely check their own e-mail, much less put a video on You Tube.
And they are doing a crappy job at recruiting the younger member of the GOP who KNOW how to do this sort of stuff."
Couldn't agree with you more !!!
Youth Will Be Served,, it is where the energy comes from, newer ideas & solutions.
The " Old Guard" did well in their era, but have nothing to offer for today's politics.
NEW BLOOD !!! Young Blood,,
NOW !!!!!!
The City removed their chair because she did NOTHING!!!
Recruit strong women for consideration because as women, they know how to multi-task and get the job done and get it done right. Robin Yess (maybe but sign her up for "How to Dress for Success" classes and an array of others), Sue Cummings (maybe), Terry Bernardo (definitely), Jean Jacobs (definitely a strong contender) and Ellen DiFalco (definitely). Forget Laura Petit. Is she even a Republican these days?
Noonan as GOP Chair? Are you guys on crack? No one respects Noonan, especially our state officials. Noonan attacked Bonacic throughout the summer. How much support will Noonan get for GOP chair? The same amount of support he got from the GOP for his County Exec bid or when he ran for Assembly--zilch, zero, nada. He's best friends with Dave Donaldson--he always lets Donaldson off the hook. The only reason he'd seek the Chair would be to try to get himself a job.
You can't blame Mario for all the crap going on in the GOP. The problem is, everyone in the GOP is selfish. The Marlborough guys are selfish, so are the GOPers in Saugerties, Ulster and Hurley. Nina is selfish, so was Quigley--he wasn't exactly supportive of Len Bernardo. Noonan is shit-nuts. Everyone needs to put aside their personal BS and pull together. There is no one out there that can make that happen. The good news is, the Dems are just as screwed up--they just have the numbers right now.
Bets: There aren't 100 Republicans who give 2 shits.
Michael Steele, the new GOP National Committee Chairman young, and he is a minority.
I saw that we need to encourage WOMEN and minorities to help run the Republican Party in Ulster County.
Sorry... boys.... being an Italian does not qualify as a minority.
Maybe if we had a women only ChairWOMAN and Executive Committee, something would get done.
I nominate Susan Cummings for GOP Chair. She is the perfect balance of toughness, fairness, grace, attractiveness, experience, smarts and connections.... and on top of that she is a HARD worker.
Surround her with other bright women.
They will kick a$$.
8:41... "Noonan for chair... Are you guys on crack?"
I couldn't agree with you more. How can Noonan be a chair when he can't find his way to find a job.
Rumor has it if things don't go well for him, he may become a Democrat to find a job.
Noonan is not our guy. Or... pass Noonan the crack pipe.
How about Ken Ronk for Ulster County GOP Chairman? He's young, and will be looking for a job if he doesn't win his Legislative seat. If it doesn't happen this year, he will most certainly lose to Noonan when we go to SMD.
Noonan is a traitor to Republicans. This is not the first rumor that Noonan would become a Dem. Hell, he even campaigned with Dem Tracy Bartells a few years ago. Only the dumb-ass Reps in the Leg are stupid enough to give an idiot like Noonan a platform to make himself feel important. They let the madman out of the cage.
8:41 you state that Noonan attacked Bonacic all summer as though that was wrong. Bonacic has done nothing for Ulster county except cause more problems. Noonan as a republican should have been supported by Catalano and company, but no Bonacic and his sidekick who controls the independents tried to take over by forcing support of Bernardo for county Executive. I agree with all the others on here that not only should Catalano and his executive board get thrown out but his replacement should be younger and more dedicated to republicans in Ulster county. Another poster here has stated that Noonan is looking for a job. Well when Turco is tossed put Noonan in as elections commissioner. Turco has done more than his share of destroying the party. If Turco as part of the executive board has to be forced out he should also lose his job and the same for Jacobsen.
Noonan is smart politician or why is he consistently reelected in a democratic town? I think the republicans that are posting here as anti Noonan are again the Bonacic and Catalano supporters.If Bonacic is such a winner why did he pack his office up and run out of Ulster county to Orange county. Also talk about Noonan running as a democrat what about Bonacic begging Spitzer for a job so he would not suffer the humiliation of defeat in the polls the next time out? Catalano and his gang of republican destroyers must go.
As a "young" Republican who is new to our City Committee I can only say this. Mario has been supportive, reachable, and willing to listen. He has a hard job to do with so many passionate personalities, some who have been around for a very long time. No matter what he tries to do he gets slack from someone. Our City Committee is in a state of flux but I'm optimistic that we are moving ahead. I see no momentum coming down from the County level either.
With that said, either give Mario a chance and work WITH him, or select someone who has not been in the system since the earth cooled. Bottom line, we need to reinvent ourselves as a party and move forward and all work together on this. Leave the egos and personal agendas at the door.
We here in Schwangunk Agree too much attention is focused on Kingston and nothing on the largest town in the south. Lets get a new Chairman and board. Terrezzi would be a great pick for the new board. If you notice the current people in power do not only dislike just Noonan but also Terrezzi. Ronk also is dismissed as a nothing. I am supporting a change here in Ulster and the sooner the better. Republicans need to regain power and that cannot be accomplished with Mario and his board. Lets give someone else a chance.
Mario & Company should have the courage to call a general meeting and open the floor to a vote of confidence.
As a non-committee member, but a strong Republican, the meeting should be open to all registered Republicans that give a darn. Here in Rochester our committee is a complete failure and does not have the support of the town's registered Republicans. The right person for the job, is right here in Rochester.
Terry Bernardo, hands down!
If you were from Shawangunk you would know how to spell it. Must be someone frrom Saugerties
Young republican in Kingston, guess what? Mario has had a chance. He supported an independent over a republican for county executive. He did not support the independent in the race. He smiled and nodded when Quigley wanted to run as comptroller. He did not support Quigley in the race. He did no fundraising, he did not energize the republican base, he remained under covers with his lover. Republicans need someone to lead and do what has to be done to win elections. Mario likes to be important as does his executive board without doing any work. It is time for change and this crew is history.
Young Republican in Kingston....
What did the City of Kingston Republicans do for the Bernardo and Quigley campaigns? I can tell you that Jean Jacobs, Ellen DiFalco and Joe DiFalco worked very hard for both campaigns.
The other yahoos on the City of Kingston Committee did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Hey 3:06 I have to assume everything else is correct except the spelling. So lets work together to get rid of Mario and his brainless crew
How petty a spelling error. Another executive board member blindly flailing about trying somehow defend the incompetence that permeates the republican leadership.
Who is willing to reach out to Spada to challenge Catalano? Lets get our ducks lined up so when the time comes we have a replacement team in place.
We're just not comfortable with that sort of stuff.
If you are going to do it, just do it, don't drag us into it.
To 5:00: Yes.... that was the general tone of the post.
Let's leave that sort of stuff off the blogs.
Everyone please try to keep your comments on the topic and leave personal speculations out of it.
We don't need re-hash why the bloggers want Mario to go.
That has been made clear.
We are looking for WHO you think can replace him AND what your Town Chairs are doing or are not doing.
Maybe some of the Town chairs need to go too.
It goes without saying the town chairs on the executive board are failures and need to go. The county committee should be run by O'halloran and Noonan should also be drafted for the good of the party.
I have known Glenn my whole life and he would never switch parties and become a democrat. As far as looking for a job he doesn't need one. He has put 4 daughters thru college. Does that sound like someone in need of employment. Maybe he wants a job because he is tired of banging his head against the wall fighting the republicans who should be on his side
Say what you want about Noonan he is dedicated to the republican party. As for Roberti and the little Parete who make these comments they are pepople who can never say they work for the people the all have patronage jobs Noonan is a successful businessman who has no one to answer to call him has has nothing to hide I have after reading these blogs. Lets see he told me Parete and Ro berti have polical postion Are we not treading on thin waterr
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonan is so dedicated to the Republican Party that he threatened to switch to Dem a few years ago. He's best buds with Donaldson. He campaigned with Dem Tracy Bartells against his own running mates (Tracy's boyfriend was one of his big contributors). He constantly undermines his own party. Only people has dumb as Legislature Republicans would give this traitorous idiot a platform for mayhem. I'm still waiting, name one concrete accomplishment Noooooooooooooooonan can point to in all his years in government?
If Noonan's name comes up so much on the blogs and in the papers at least we know he is out there working for us. He is pissing people off makes me think he might be working for the people not his own personel gain. Think aqbout that
I have heard nothing good about Roberti from anyone! He is not a good republican yet he has a political patronage job. He is critical and demeaning to other republicans. He is a selfish,selfcentered person who is protected by Mario and his crew. This is just another reason why the party should draft O'Halloran. I would keep Bill West, add Glenn Noonan, Jim Quigley and Ellen Difalco! This is the team to turn the party around in Ulster county. Lets give them a chance and change things for republicans.
8:07, Quigley is on Mario's team right now? Why would you think he wouldn't support Mario?
What a joke the Republicans have become. This is sad and hilarious at the same time. Is there anyone who can save them?
History Lesson 101:
Rochester Dems defeat GOP and take the town after 50 years of GOP control. The County Dems swiftly grab the key palyer, Stuart Frazer and ask him to bring the Rochester-NYC style campaign to the County. Bingo, next election, Dems take control of the County.
Rochester re-organizes and mimics the Dems successful campaign; inclusion, team work, big dollars, generate buzz, and "listen" to every willing body and make them a campaign worker. What do you know, O'Halloran delivers a 5 person sweep in the last election for the GOP. Not rocket science just simple history lesson and a quick learner.
What does the GOP county do after the huge GOP win in Rochester....nothing.
I think Quigley knows Mario is using him for his money and did not support him in his quest for comptroller. More importantly He knows Mario is ruining the party and it is time for him to go.
Hey 7:00 so you also think Bonacic should be removed for courting the democratic governor, Spitzer to give him a job thereby giving democrats control of the senate? Name one accomplishment Roberti has done? Noonan is out there every day attending events. Call him on the phone if he doesn't answer he calls back the same day. I don't agree with him on every issue but I acknowledge his work ethic and perseverence with republicans who are out to destroy the party like Roberti and Catalano. Lets draft O'Halloran.
I looked and couldn't find any money from Bartels boyfriend to Noonan on the disclosure maybe it was under another name but is someone telling a fib on this blog. Hard to believe Rich Parete would do something like that
I think the fib comes from Mario's crew and not Parete! Mario's people are pathetic. I want O'Halloran as chair and I agree that Quigley and West stay. Another point is if Turco and Jacobsen do not step down and have to be removed take the political jobs they have. Lets stop playing games with this crew and play hardball.
Why don't someone set a deadline for them to step down. Then you will see some movement rather quickly and I do not mean Mario posting another blurb about people hiding under anonymous posts. Lets start taking some action. Has anyone contacted O'Halloran?
Mario must be getting nervous. When Kingston Truth posted 99 comments relating to the leadership of the Committee, he should be seeing the handwriting on the wall about now. Advise? prepare your letter of resignation now, polish up the crown and jewels to turn over to a new leader before they do what the evil City participants did (or tried to do) to Chair Jacobs. Leave while you still have some dignity and can hold your head high. Fact is, he has done absolutely nothing to unite the party, has been an ineffective leader and is one big disappointment. It is time for change. Vote of confidence; all in favor, say aye. Those opposed, say no. The ayes have it and the motion is carried. Bye bye Mario. Next....
To 11:06am, William Richards (aka Tracy Bartells' boyfriend) gave $1000 to Noonan for his totally failed Assembly race in 2002. Fib? Truth! Obviously, you didn't look too hard.
The Noonanites make me laugh. They support a crazy person with no credibility. Dener leaks details from Republican Executive meetings on the web. Bill West is so old that when he was on a game show when he was younger, the first prize was fire! The Marlborough guys despise him. Not one Republican Committee supported him for county executive. And, if he's such a successful businessman, why he is screwing taxpayers by taking county health insurance?
Spada is history. Time for him to grab his windbreaker and hit the mall.
What kind of guy drives a big black audi up and down the streets and always has a fat stogie hanging out of his mouth. His must fancy himself as the godfather of kingston
catalano can stay/spada should go
You guys crack me up. Gerentine and crew are the most selfish Republicans on the face of the earth. When he was Chair, did he ever to reach out to local Republican Chairs for jobs? No, he gave them to relatives. Is he a loyal Republican? No, he worked with Democrats to shove Phil Sinagra aside. Did he support his party's choice for Executive? No (just ask the Bernardo's). Gerentine, Felicello, Noonan all need to go to make room for the next generation of Republican leaders. If this doesn't happen, expect more of the same in-fighting in the future.
The word is that Noonan was contacted about serving as chairman of the party with certain individuals installed as executive board members. The people who serve as executive board members would have to meet at least every two weeks. The names at this point are going to remain anonymous for now.However they are all well known and acceptable to leaders thru out the county. My understanding is that things will speed up in the next 2 to 4 weeks but Mario and his executive board will be gone. Whether he leaves on his own or is forced out will no longer matter. I understand also that Quigley and West will have to go in order for a fresh start acceptable to certain leaders to accept Noonan as chair. Quigley has been viewed as to close to Catalano and West while loyal will become a victim of circumstance. That is sad but has to occur for the good of the party.
Whether or not you post my messages the people of Ulster county will find out what is going on. Jeremy Blaber used to decide what to post and what not to post until he became irrelevant and the same will happen to you.
All Ulster County Republicans should visit this site... hint hint Mario and executive committee
To 7:14,
Anyone who would consider Jacobs or DiFalco for ANYTHING is nuts. They are the ones who posted most of the garbage on this thread.
Why haven't you posted my last about a new team in place or should I start flooding the other blogs about your censure?
To 3:21,
Ask Bernardo, Quigley, Phillips, or Yess and they will tell you that Rich Cahill did whatever they asked him to do.
They will also tell you that when they needed something in the City of Kingston, they did not call Jacobs or DiFalco, they called Cahill.
I know 3:21 is Ellen DiFalco. I recognize her vicious vindictiveness anywhere.
Cahill has always worked for the party. Don't waste your breath saying otherwise.
To the people who feel they were censored:
We post just about everything. if Iyou don't get posted we usually tell you why.
We did go though the old comments and found a few that didn't get posted. We think everything is up now.
Sorry for the inconvenience and you could be a little nicer ya know... we have technical difficulties as well. You don't need to be such a conspiracy theorist and call us Blaber
I am glad the division of the republican party is about over. Mario has been very ineffective and any change at this point is welcome. I along with other republicans are appreciative of the people who could not obviously get out in front taking a leadership role but worked quietly and effectively behind the scenes. It is a shame Mario could not or would not communicate effectively. He had a problem communicating with everyone. He did not support candidates (even turning his back on republicans, did not engage in any substantive fundraising, tried to bully his way with elected leaders, threatened others and generally failed to show real true leadership. The character he demonstrated when he was actively looking to unseat Pete Savago was an act.
I have to believe that the poster at 9:09pm was complaining about his post at 7:42pm not being posted.
Have you ever head of the word Patience! Not all posts are posted immediately. Blogmaster have lives too.
Committee men & women, discuss this blog and your committee's confidence in Dr. Catalano at your next meeting.
Do we really want to go into Election season with Dr. Catalano center stage? Many alternatives have been mentioned; Noonan, Ronk, Spada, Sinagra, Ohalleran, Yess, and Gerentine. Let's face it, Steinbrenner would have fired the Doctor on November 6th, 2008. Dr. Catalano may be a swell guy and a good dentist but he has failed to unite the party. It's over, time to move on.
How do we call a special convention of all the town committees? Look at Kingston, Jean would not call a meeting so the committee members called themselves. Let's do the same on the county level. If the Doctor wants to keep his crown, let him fight for it at an open convention.
You fool. County Chairman are always elected at County Conventions. The law requires as much.
What you are reading here folks are 2 or 3 disgruntled people (largely from Kingston and Woodstock) pretending to be different people and posting 10 and 12 times to make it look like there;s a groundswell.
Mario has done a good job and anyone within the party will tell you so. Those complaining are people who have been told to pound salt and just don't like it, e.g. Jacobs, DiFalco, etc.
3:05... Good idea about the committeemen having a meeting...
That seems to be one of the biggest problems in the party is DO NOTHING Chairpersons
I take issue with the name Yess having been floating around for Chairperson.... you are wrong... and those of us in the know are aware why that is so laughable.
That is also BS that Jean did not call meetings... try another... because I personally know that through the entire election last year that she held regular meetings. All 3 candidates, Quigley, Bernardo and Yess were invited to attend these meetings... Even "Miss I don't support Republican candidates" Postupack attended one.
But please do get together and work something out. The little people aka (not committeemen or chairs) are waiting.
The news is getting better here. Roberti will be unable to run for reelection from Saugerties because of the Hatch act. He enjoys sucking the public tit more than doing what is good for Saugerties. Good riddance to that sorry excuse for a legislator. I have to ask what makes Mr. Genius think that 2 or 3 people are posting here. I also want to ask who in the republican party thinks Mario is doing a bangup job? The candidates he didn't support? The future candidates,who will not get funds because of his lack of fundraising? The legislators who are not cohesive because of his lack of leadership? I think the poster at 5:43 is Catalano, Roberti,or Catalano's executive board. Any poster defending Catalano is suspect.
Who cares about little Joe Roberti, he is just a drooler who just idolizes Mario. I understand even his personal life is in shambles and you expect him to do what is proper?
to 8:10pm (aka Butch Dener), you are just made that you were unable to suck on the public tit. Oh, yeah, you tried but were booted from the Sheriff's office. Why don't you and Noonan get two tickets to the land of misfit Republicans where you belong.
"The Godfather of Kingston." Yeah, ban him from Elena's Diner and maybe he'll just ride into the sunset with that black Audi of his ahahahahahahaha. Someone called him Nina's Uncle--is that like the Verizon commercial, where the "brother is more like an uncle, and the cousin is more like a brother?"
Special GOP meeting this Saturday. All town chairs must attend, rumor is that Catalano is stepping down and appointing Quigley as acting Chairman until convention.
Smart move by Mario, he can still control Quigley and remove the bullseye. Smartest move in his entire time at the helm.
It may be a smart move by Mario to step down but I do not think Quigley is up to the task either. I am willing to give him the chance to prove me wrong and I hope he does. The blessing here is Mario will no longer be chairman.
Quigley will have to go to the mall and buy a personality first. He is dreadful in conversation. If he is the face of the party, we are still in trouble. His condescending attitude is enough to turn the most ardent Republican away. Another wrong choice.
I'll offer up an idea. If Mario steps down appoint a committee of the ususal suspects Ohalloran, Noonan and Quigley to form a search committee to interview and make suggestions to the full caucus. First check but I don't really think any of them want it but they could all offer up good ideas being a big part of the system and having some support internaly.Please stay away from a group that are on teams already.i.e. Turco, Jacobsen etc West would be a great addition as well very well respected and smart. Just my 2 cents
10:44 that is very well thought out and makes sense. I think all republicans would be in favor of that. I also agree that West is the only one with smarts and the respect to stay.
8:36 & 8:44
hey idiots -
I havent posted on this blog's topic in quite awhile.
Your sick, twisted cowardly vendetta against me is laughable.
You have a problem with me ?? come out of the closet, girls & state your case.
It probably is an impotent Town Chair from up north who lives on his big Daddy's friendship with his paisan's connections but i could care less.
Just stop with your incorrect attacks on my character - YOU ARE BOTH WRONG !!! It Ain't Me , Babe,
News Flash...Mario Catalano is not resigning on Saturday. He is actually attempting to expand his board and make changes to improve the GOP.
Mario has to address this. He posted on Kingstontruth one time,maybe he will clear things up over there again?
Why are 5 republican legislators voting with the democrats on bonding for 300,000 for cars. This is a prime example of failure of leadership. Why not just close up shop and let the democrats have their way on every spending issue? One republican offered a more than fair way to satisfy public safety and taxpayer concerns. He wanted to fund only patrol cars! Sounds like a great way to accomplish both aims. But no, 5 Legislators want to hand the democrats a victory at the expense of taxpayers. WHY???
to 4:43 Blame Noonan. Noonan is no leader. He never knows what the caucus is doing. He has no control or influence over anyone but Ronk. The Democrats know this and take full advantage. Cahill at least has his side locked in and knows who is voting for what on every vote.
What a disgrace! Did anyone happen to mention that if Mike Hein had hired THREE LESS deputies, that we could have bought ALL the cars with NO BOND.
That is the type of leadership that we need in tight economic times.
Mike Hein is leading the way to bankruptcy and higher taxes in Ulster County.
Thanks for NOTHING Republican Legislators.
Do the disgruntled Republicans who continue to post on blog after blog think they are accomplishing anything except empowering the Democrats? Doesn't that seem counter productive? It just goes to show that they are driven by self interests and not the betterment of the Republican party.
I agree those comments were inappropriate and in fact last week I made comments about Mario's personal situation and the post was removed. I agreed with the administrator the comment was inappropriate and would refrain from making further comments. However these comments are disgusting and should be removed. Otherwise I should be able to post the truth about Mario and what he is doing.
Blame Noonan???? Are you kidding me? 5 Legislators decide to support the democrats in sticking it to the taxpayers and you want Noonan blamed because he does not know what the caucus is voting? How does knowing change the way they vote? As far as I am concerned they are democrat lite and do not deserve to be in the caucus. If Mario was the true leader of the party this vote would have been different. What does this party stand for in Ulster county? Higher taxes? Spend even more? It sounds like the democratic party and not the republican party. This is plain crazy and a good reason why republicans are losing seats and standing with the base. The republicans were tagged with the jail fiasco with out of control costs! A 39 percent increase in taxes! That cost them control of the legislature and now they vote with democrats to keep sticking it to the taxpayer. Way to go! I hope Mario steps down Saturday as has been written and a real leader steps up to defend the little guy.
To 6:38,
Some meetings she held. She could not even get a quorum. Then, she refused to hold meetings at all. IN fact, she has not officially called a meeting since October 2008.
I guess that's why she got bounced out on her ass and you did too, Ellen.
Is Catalano going or not. Is noonan really taking over. Quigley lost his race he should get a chance at running the show.
How can you blame Mario for what Republicans do in the Leg? he was told many times by Noonan and Gerentine not to stick his nose into legislative matters. Noonan owns this one-he should focus his attention on his job as minority leader instead of attending meaningless events.
Has anyone called and ask Noonan?
The Chairman of the UCGOP is the Chairman until such time as he resigns or is challenged in the biannual reorganization meeting which takes place according to the By-Laws of the UCGOP this coming September / October.
If Mr. Catalano where to resign the By-Laws are clear that the First Vice Chair, Mr. Bill West, will take over as temporary Chairman and has the responsibility to call a special meeting of the FULL Committee for the ELECTION of a new Chairman.
The Chairman does not have the power to appoint his or her own replacement.
As such I fully support, as he fully supported me in my race for County Comptroller, Chairman Catalano until such time as he resigns or is replaced in accordance with the By-Laws of the UCGOP.
I am not interested in taking the THANKLESS Job of County Chairman.
I spoke to Noonan, he doesn't want Mario's chair. He seems to consider the Leg Races the top priority and hopeful that Mario will step up to the plate. He avoided making any negative statement about Mario but is obviously working independantly towards that goal.
Mario has committed to supporting Noonan for Leg Chair if the GOP retakes the majority. I would like to hear Mario confirm that statement publicly. I advised Glenn that Mario may be just "playing" him and has no plans to support Noonan.
So another question for Mario: If the GOP takes the Majority have you committed to endorse Glenn Noonan for Chairman?
Better question: Do you plan on being GOP Chairman in November 2009?
Rich Parete for Ulster County Clerk? Now that will be a hell of a race. It must be rattling Spada's cage. Does anyone know when & where Rich plans on making his announcement?
Has Mario made a cross endorsement deal? With who and what did we, the GOP, give up?
YES, 9:00am,, i called him,
he laughed & told me he has been in ALbany for three days on buisness & doing some lobbying for Ulster County.
He thought this whole discussion here was hilarious.
end of story.
As a disgruntled republican I am trying to improve the party. Mario shows no leadership,has no fundraisers, does not support republicans, did not support the candidates, does not communicate with others,will not return phone calls, should I continue with why republicans are disgruntled? Does all of Mario's faults empower democrats? It is easier to blame the majority of the republicans as disgruntled than to place blame where it belongs. Therefore which executive board member is this? Maybe it is Roberti or Cahill? Any way remove Mario and lets move forward.
I just finished reading all these post. Now is the time to id is the time to unite as a party. Mario Catalano was elected chairman at the last convention and until he resigns or is defeated, he is our GOP Leader. End of story. This November will provide the GOP the opportunity to take back the County and win a County wide Clerks Election.
Please focus your energies towards the Election of GOP Candidates in 2009.
100 post, sweet being right.
The job of county chair is thankless until you win elections. Did Mario guide republicans to victory in the past November elections? Did he support the candidates by having fundraisers to energize the base? Exactly what did Mario do to earn the respect of his fellow republicans? Nada zilch nothing zero and thats why he has to go.
Mr. I want to save the county money, Noonan.
What a hypocrite.
He is Albany alright and he is sending the bill right on back to Ulster County!
Top spenders 2007-08:
Glenn Noonan, Ulster County: $5,922.62
If Mario is chairman past Saturday the party can forget about retaking control of the legislature. Holly will be a one term district attorney and Nina will go down. Bonacic will be retired when his term is up as well. Then will Mario and his executive board still think they are the cat's meow? Time is running out for republicans to take control of the party back from the egotist's in power.
Who's the boss, really? Another side of the story
3:11pm Kingston Times Post...
The real Boss. Democrats-Mike Hein. GOP-Noonan & Spada.
Anyone that thinks differently, doesn't need to get anything done!
The staff at Ulster Politics finds it ironic that leaders in the GOP use this blog to communicate with the members of the party.
Isn't the inability of the GOP Leader to communicate effectively part of the problem that you guys are having?
How about starting a positive GOP blog or other social networking page where your members can socialize, communicate, interact and get information about the GOP.
After over 100 posts, it is clear that the members are hungry for information and to participate in their party to help elect Republican candidates.
Step into 2009 and get a blog, a myspace page, twitter, facebook - anything. People like to blog and stay in touch on the computer.
The Dems are kicking your GOP asses when it comes to social networking on the computer. And that will translate into more Democratic election victories.
Really, e-mail is so 2008.
You need to get wit' it and get yourselves a forum for social interaction for the GOP. A website alone is not adequate these days.
It's time to learn something new.
Check with any GOPer under 40 or.... here are some suggestions.
How to start a Blogger blog
How to Twitter
How to start a Facebook group
How to start a myspace page
Ok, enough already.
Mario Catalano is the County Chairman. I and the overwhelming majority of committeemen support him.
The simple truth is that over 80% of the posts offered on this subject come from 3 disgruntled committeemen / committeewomen. The balance are Democrats who are just fanning the flames.
I find it sadly ironic that these 3 people demonstrate such disloyalty while pronouncing that the party needs unity. All that is being accomplished is the granting of aid and assistance to the Democrats. They must be laughing their heads off reading this stuff.
To the three people sewing all this discord, the time has come to grow up, act like adults, and either work with the party or take a flying leap.
Mr. Cahill, are you saying that somehow you have access to the IP addresses of the people that post at Ulster Politics?
Since we, the staff at Ulster Politics do, let us set the record straight.
The posts come from A LOT of different IP addresses. Not 2 or 3 as you suggest. There are a lot of unhappy IP addresses out there.
Unless those 2 or 3 people have access to multiple IP addresses, you need to re-think your flawed logic.
The full court press is on here to support Mario. Today has posts from Quigley, who will not tell us exactly how the party supported his campaign. O'Halloran, who supported Bernardo yet the party chairman did not. Finally Cahill who sees rampant theft in the city yet not one arrest or iota of evidence to support his allegations. I will bet Mario does not step down on Saturday and instead appoints O'Halloran and Cahill to his executive board in non voting positions to help prop him up. The party here in Ulster is over as far as I am concerned. When and if the party recovers I may support them. As a result of the republican legislators supporting the democrats the other night to increase the tax and spend policy I cannot support them or the party.
Why is that little troll, Cahill acting like he is important? He cannot get elected as dog catcher yet he wants people to take a flying leap if they do not fall in line with his beliefs. I have two words for him and it is not merry christmas.
Cahill does not know his way home with a gps system yet he knows who is posting on your blog. Cahill should apply for a job with Kingston police. Then he could solve the DPW thefts and have credibility with blog administrators about who is posting. I bet he was not happy with the Kingston chairwoman because she would not make an issue over 2 stolen pencils in the DPW.
I have read the letter from the vice chair and secretary of the Kingston committee, Ellen Difalco, and personally I have known her for many years. I believe what she has written before anything I read from cahill. He should be ashamed of himself and resign for the good of Kingston.
If what you say is true, then print the IP addresses. Let's see them.
nobody believes anything cahill has to say. he is a laughing stock of kingston. he is just a puppet of mario catalanoo.
We feel that it would be a severe breach of privacy to publish the IP addresses of people who post on our blog.
Many people have information that directly identifies them.
To publish the Ip addresses would seriously affect the credibility of any blogger. I would hope the people who wish to remain anonymous will have their wishes respected. To Cahill I say Mario is calling, he needs you to carry his lunch pail to that meeting tommorrow.
I like some other people are hearing of the posts on this blog and decided to check it out. After reading all the posts I think it can be summed up by simply stating that the republican party chairman should be replaced as he no longer has the confidence of republicans in the county. Even if he has done his job he is not wanted any longer and should leave. By staying he shows it is about him and not what is best for the party. My husband introduced me to Bill West at a fundraiser here in town and he is intelligent and friendly. He would make a very good leader because he has been involved with republicans for year.
I still say Glenn Noonan should take the reins of the party. He has worked hard and proven he is capable. He may not be perfect but he will do a better job than Mario. I lost faith in O'halloran when he stated Mario is our leader. Mario has failed to be a leader. O'halloran should have showed some leadership by privately nudging Mario into retirement. Instead he rolls over and wants us to accept Mario and his failed ways.
The only one left to hear from is Roberti. He may not want to post though because he is busy sucking the public tit dry. He not only is collecting a legislator salary but he has a great state job. How many Americans out of work would love to be in his shoes? Of course because taxpayers are supporting him we should expect more from him. Resign from your legislative seat or quit your state job but stop bleeding the taxpayers dry. He wont though because he is protected by Mario.
SHHHHHHH be very quiet Mario is sleeping. I wonder does he sleep well knowing what he has done to the party? WAKE UP AND RESIGN MARIO
I see. You are willing to make a bold statement, but unwilling to back it up.
I must admit I laughed like crazy at the idea that I am anyone's puppet. I am sure Mario would find that funny too.
This is the type of nonsense that 3 members of the committee are spreading. It's garbage and should be ignored.
Inspector cahill crawl back into the dumpster at dpw. I wish there were a way to play the theme song from the pink panther to play for mario's puppet. He sounds so upset that he cannot scroll thru your ip address book. I tell you he would run that to mario so quick. Hey cahill lets see does it bother you that legislators vote with democrats. Does it bother you that a legislator double dippping. Does it bother you that no fundraiseing was done for the candidates last year. cahill tell me what is marios biggest success.
Hey cahill if you are not his puppet at the minimum you are his best cheerleader. Are there any thefts occuring this week? Cahill really needs a hobby. It is to bad he cannot get elected to anything then he might understand there is more to life than snooping around DPW.
11:43pm must be the poster from Mechanicsville, Virginia. It shouldn't be too hard to find out who you are.
I spoke to Roberti the other day. He was hired to his DOT job off a competitive civil service test. He felt he couldn't pass up a secure civil service position for the sake of his family. He may not be able to run for Legislator again due to the Hatch Act. He's a single-father with custody of his three children. He faces the same challenges any single parent faces, but his life his hardly "in shambles" as was inappropriately posted here. I can't believe people out there take joy in other people's misfortune.
There is going to be a new show on Kingston access next week. It will be called the Kukla, Fran and cahill show and the man behind the scenes will be yours truly Mario Catalano.
It would be very inappropriate for the blogmaster to release the IP addresses.
Mario, cahill and roberti will now be known as the three stooges. Mario is Moe, cahill is larry, and roberti is curley.
8:47 is Roberti and I have to say when you find out who the poster is what are you going to do to him or her?
Just as we would not post any comments about Mario's personal life, we are going to refrain from posting comments about other person's personal lives.
Keep focused on the thread.
Bloggers keep asking that Mario step down.
Who do you think has the time and ability to replace him?
Just left the Saturday GOP Meeting, Mario listens. Mario made motions to change the bylaws that would reduce the authority of the Chairman and strenghten the Executive Board. That's a major step in the right direction.
I'd compare Noonan, Gerentine & Felicello to the Godfather, but all three are dumb like Fredo. When these guys have "sit downs," they do it out of the county and charge their hotel bills to taxpayers.
If Sottile and Gorsline did their jobs, I would not have to offer FOIL requests and bring out the numerous thefts of equipment.
But, if they will not do their jobs, then someone has to.
If I were Roberti, 10:12am, I'd find out the names of the people posting info about his personal life, do a little research, and air out their dirty little secrets--let's see how they like it tried out on them! Everyone has a skeleton or two in the closet.
Hey Cahill you thefts forward yet are the police investigating? Has any official reports been filed? Do you think you might be played by someone?
What did Mario listen to? How is he going to diminish his authority? Bylaw changes have to be ratified by the rank and file doesn't it? What changes are proposed? Another lack of communication here as I see it.
to the coward who attacks me all the time,
1:50 is talking out of school about this morning's meeting,,
why dont you attack him with your usual cowardly style ??
double standard or just an a-hole ???
Wow, BD, I'm impressed you actually remembered attending a meeting this morning. But, dumb-ass, your post proves you do leak info about Republican meetings on the web. You need to lay off the peyote, dude.
With all the personel attacks this is NO party. After reading this my take would be Mario is using Wadnola, Quigley, Maloney, Roberti and willing to throw Ohalloran, Noonan, and Gerentine under the bus, to do something that he can succeed in. Must be hard at an italian sunday diner with John Guerin and you can't light his cigar. All this at the expense of the taxpayersand the Republican Party
Quigley caught in a lie at Kingstontruth... Check it out!
9:29, I just checked it out and you are right.
I can't wait to see how Quigley explains his way out of this one. Abe wants answers!
I had visited the blog listing before and there were three blogs... one was Quigley for Comptroller, it looked like it was started, but no posts... then the Town of Ulster Blog and then there was something that was started but never finished called Golden Hill Report.
Quigley would have been fine, except for the fact that he has posted here on Ulster Politics under his own name and Kingston Truth under his own name.
No one made up the post on Ulster Politics... that is vintage Quigley.
Blogger James E Quigley 3rd said...
The Chairman of the UCGOP is the Chairman until such time as he resigns or is challenged in the biannual reorganization meeting which takes place according to the By-Laws of the UCGOP this coming September / October.
If Mr. Catalano where to resign the By-Laws are clear that the First Vice Chair, Mr. Bill West, will take over as temporary Chairman and has the responsibility to call a special meeting of the FULL Committee for the ELECTION of a new Chairman.
The Chairman does not have the power to appoint his or her own replacement.
As such I fully support, as he fully supported me in my race for County Comptroller, Chairman Catalano until such time as he resigns or is replaced in accordance with the By-Laws of the UCGOP.
I am not interested in taking the THANKLESS Job of County Chairman.
February 13, 2009 9:22 AM
Click on Quigley's name on Ulster Politics and it will take you to the blog register in question where also the Quigley for Comptroller and Golden Hill report were recently deleted.
7:37 is obviously taking much stronger stuff than peyote - ( is that still available these days ?? )
That post proves none of what you are claiming, jrjr,,,
grow a pair, shut up or go away, papa's boi
According to the Kingston Times, the Police are investigating the crimes at DPW. Looks like Cahill was right again.
8:50 PM
Bloggers be aware! Your IP address could endup in a newspaper with Cahill on Kingston.
This debate is both good and bad at the same time. The fact that there are so many people concerned with the fate of the Republican Party is, without a doubt, a good sign for the future of our Party. Differing opinions and rising passions bode well for all of us.
On the other hand, it seems that there is some dissension among Republicans. That is not so good. A lack of unity is the only thing which can keep us from gaining ground over the next several elections.
The Democrat Party is in shambles. Their internal conflicts make ours look like Sunday School. They forced out the man who is personally responsible for Democrat victories on the County level and replaced him with an unknown quantity. They have major friction between the old school Democrats (those who actually love Ulster County) and the Left wing invasion from downstate (the ultra-Liberal extremists who don't even understand what our County is all about).
If we stick together, we cannot help but to win elections.
Perhaps we all need to take a break and realize that the people we are criticizing are all Republicans, people who believe the same things we do, whose priorities match our own, whose values are in sync with ours.
We need to be able to accept the fact that Republicans are all on the same side, even if we disagree in the manner in which we try to achieve our common goals. We all want to take back our Towns, Villages and the City of Kingston from the Democrats. Especially those Democrats who have taken over their Party in recent years.
Infighting amongst ourselves is counterproductive. Every single act of conflict between Republicans only serves to help Democrats. All the energy we expend badmouthing one another is energy we could be investing in Republican victories.
Let's face it, a majority party can afford an internal war. Even then it would be less than beneficial, but at least such a party could possibly weather the storm.
We are not a majority Party. This kind of infighting will do nothing to make our Party better. We have a process by which we can change local and County Chairmen every two years, if we so choose. To force out a Chairman ahead of time will only cause instability.
It will also send the wrong message to future Chairmen. It will tell them that they need to fear for their position, thereby quashing any potential for innovation. We will have Chairmen who will play it safe and run the Party according to the old, outdated, business-as-usual methods when what we most need is to try new, dynamic tactics.
Our choices right now are fighting Democrats or fighting Republicans. We cannot do both with even a modicum of success.
Two front wars never succeed. We need to choose our front. We need to stop our internal conflicts and focus on the war we must win if Ulster County is to prosper.
Is Ulster politics having a problem with posts or the poster? Two of My posts have now not been put up is something wrong?
If you are referring to this comment
Now Quigley has been caught lying. What does the leadership of the party think of people. The entire leadership really has to go there is no credibility left here. The republican party is officially over. Will the last person out please turn the lights off?
Then yes, the problem is with the poster. This was received as an e-mail and is not postable through normal means.
Other than that, we have not received anything that we have censored.
If we do censor something we usually show it as deleted by the blog administrator and comment as to why we deleted it.
There has to be a problem if it came as an email. I sent it as any other comment
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