Sunday, March 15, 2009

Keep Blaber Fair and Balanced

Blaber News and Commenatry is back. Ulster Politics was started because of Blaber News and Commentary. We were sick and tired of trying to post a different opinion and not seeing it posted.

We're not talking about rejected comments that are from nut jobs, allegations of illegal behavior or downright slanderous lies. Hell.... Blaber loved posting slanderous lies. The problem was that he didn't want to post opinions that were different than his. If your comment didn't support Jon Sennett, Michael Hein, Nick Woerner or Elliott Auerbach or any of Jeremy's other favorite politicians - your comment was REJECTED.

So we started our "If Blaber News and Commentary won't Post-It" series of very successful posts, and people with an opinion different from Blaber finally had a platform.

When Blaber finally came to his senses and stopped his blog, the staff at Ulster Politics let him go away peacefully.... something that Blaber never spared his attack victims. There were many things that we could have blogged about.... car crashes, arrests, etc. But we didn't. Blaber got a free pass.

Now that he's back - no more free passes. We are watching and ready and waiting with our "If Blaber Won't Post-it" artwork. Keep Blaber honest. If he won't post your comment, be sure to let us know.


Anonymous said...

And you've become home to the fringe lunatic secessionist crowd. Congratulations, you've made Blaber a prominent patriot and American hero.

Anonymous said...

The Fair and Balanced label seems to be nothing more than sarcasm by anyone who uses it,Fox News, Jeremy or yourselves.
Something like killing to get the Nobel Peace Prize or labeling "Kingston Gateway to the Future"...smitty

Anonymous said...

Did Blaber lose that job already. The ink can't even be dry on his W-2

Anonymous said...

An American Hero? Yea, I am sure our grandchildren will be reading about Blaber News in their history books. Right up there with the Marx Brothers, Three Stooges, and FDR.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed the recent backlash against Democrats?

Just a few points:

- Rasmussen polls are reporting that, and I quote, "This is the tenth straight day that the President’s Approval Index rating has been in single digits." (

- Wall Street Journal is reporting that those Rasmussen numbers are actually LOWER than GW Bush's were 7 weeks into his Presidency in 2001.

- Rasmussen is also reporting that NJ Gov. Jon Corzine is 15 points behind the Republican frontrunner, 49%-34%.

- Only 26% of New Yorkers approve of NY Gov. David Paterson.

- Republican Assemblyman James Tedisco is leading against Democrat Scott Murphy in a special election to determine who will fill Newly anointed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's vacated House seat.

Further examples abound.

Mark Twain, when confronted with a story that he had died, is said to have quipped "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." Apparently, the reports of the Republican Party's demise are exaggerated, as well. Since 1980, the GOP has been doing a peculiar dance known as "two steps forward, one step back," but they always end up ahead of the game when performing the "two steps forward" part. There is really no reason to believe that the music has stopped, especially given the fact that we have gotten rid of many less than conservative Republicans in the recent electoral purge, giving us a much less ambiguous Partywide ideology.

Many Democrats locally have been unhappy with Jeremy Blaber's style. That may be part of the reason he ended up in Brooklyn. Could concerns about an anti-Democrat backlash be behind his bolgging return?

Anonymous said...

He ended up in Brooklyn because he couldn't find a job in Ulster County.

Politicians.... are you listening?? People are leaving because they can't find jobs in Ulster.

Anonymous said...

I met you at the mall, or was introduced to you by a friend. You're much more tolerable in person than you are in print or on TV. Perhaps that's because you have nothing positive to say and on a person to person level that must leave you mute.
Many may be bafffled by you bulls**t but I just find it a totally negative stream of consiousness rant. I suggest a book on Optimism but if Rush hasn't written one ,I Imagine any others would be beneath you. Please find something to be Happy about. Best wishes...smitty

Anonymous said...

I like Imre. At least he backs his opinions up with facts and signs his name.

You can't say that about most posters.

Anonymous said...

Blaber was a victim of political gesturing made by candidates who wouldn't keep their promises to him after they captured the office. He found out the hard way and at an early age what political expediency is all about.

Anonymous said...

6:21, that is true, but then he looked for work elsewhere and couldn't find a job.

We are both right.

Anonymous said...

Blaber doesn't seem to get it. He works and lives in NY now. With him not being on the "political streets" of Kingston he'll need to rely on news 3rd hand all the time. Seems very unlikely that he will be serving good news at all.

Anonymous said...

We still have Cahill

Anonymous said...

Smitty -

I think everything I say is quite positive. In the last thread, one of my main points was that America is the greatest country on earth and that we will get through this economic crisis, despite the ineptitude of Obama and his band of merry moochers. I said that Americans themselves are capable of overcoming all adversity without Government handholding. How is that negative?

Negativity does not come from a lack of support for a particular politician. If that were the case, then every Democrat who continuously, unceasingly attacked Bush for eight years would be guilty of that same negativity.

We simply have differing opinions of the best course for our country. My opinion is that every time in human history a government has stepped beyond the bounds of what government is permitted to do, that government has screwed up and eventually brought about the downfall of the nation it was meant to lead.

Liberals believe that government can actually solve problems and that it is justified in taking from those who create wealth and jobs in order to do so. Liberals love to blame the wealthy for all our woes, whether we are in economically good or bad times. Should we consider their low opinion of the rich "negativity"?

This is an honest disagreement, not negativity on either side.

All I ask is for people to back up their opinions with facts and to accept the right of the other side to have their own opinions. Basically, I ask for an even playing field and some consistency in standards across the board.

Unfortunately, it seems that Liberals are so insecure in their positions and the candidates and politicians they support, that they have to use pejoratives and other tools for attacking the messenger instead of dealing with the message.

1:20 -

The essence of Freedom of Speech is that not only don't we have to STFU (as you so eloquently put it), but are obligated to stand up to those who would try to pressure us to do just that. Instead of attempting to censor those who write and speak opinions which differ with yours, perhaps you should write YOUR opinion and put in the necessary research to back it up.

Notice, please, that I have NEVER tried to shut anyone up. Indeed, I have encouraged those with whom I disagreed to counter my opinions with their own, backed up by facts and research. The fact that so few on your side are willing to put in the necessary effort is not my fault and will not deter me from putting in the energy to prove the correctness of the Conservative position.

I believe that our position is correct, logical and rational. I believe that facts bear out this opinion. I seek out those facts and present them in an organized, logical manner. I am confident enough in my position that I am happy to take ownership of that position by signing my name to my posts.

Can you say the same?

I seem to recall that when conservatives threatened to boycott the sponsors of certain TV shows, Liberals piously advised us to simply "change the channel." Doesn't the same advice apply here? If you don't like the message, you have no obligation to read it.

Anonymous said...

Balbes didnt get a job because is not qualified and he backed the wrong folk.
Jimmy wasnt going to promote him, Sennet lost and he ran his mouth too much to be involved in any real position.
If you have no power you cant be the big mouth and expect people to listen e.g. Phil Cosme....
He may right but look at him like a nut because of his presentation, much like Blabes.
Who did he think he was, Tom Brokaw?
He shot off his lips on issues that he THOUGHT he knew about, pissed off the wrong people, and then wondered why no one would help him. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your response, lenthy but well said.
Here are a few facts in the interest of brevity.
The country has just survived 8yrs of your philosophy.
Obama won the election and has been in office about 60 days.
Socialism is not a flawed concept or an alien concept to democratic government.{i.e. Europe currently as well as Canada}
The common good is the ultimate goal of governance...smitty

Anonymous said...

PS Rasmussen did not report that the President's approval rating was in the SINGLE DIGITS...PLease check your facts when creating them...smitty

Joe Bubel said...

Smitty, the Approval Index Rating is the DIFFERENCE between Strongly Approve and Strongly Disaprove. Not the raw percentage.

You better go check what the meaning of is, is.

Anonymous said...

Joe, if that be the case then The Conservatives and Republicans approval Index must be in the minus double digits, but I'm sure you won't be pumping that up on the blog, will we??"?smitty

Anonymous said...

Imre and Joe,

Here's some great news from Harpers Index.

Percentage of residents of former Communist bloc nations who say they are better off now than in 1989...30%

Date on which the head of Russian Foriegn service academy says the US will have totally disintegrated...7/4/2010

Profit that the Federal Govt made in 1983 on the stock obtained in 1979 Chrysler bailout...$311,000,000

Percentage of Americans who say they would not buy a car
from a bankrupt manufacturer...94%

Percentage by which the first $750 billion bailout exceeds the total US GDP of a century ago, adjusted for inflation...50%

Percentage by which it exceeds the cost of the entire New Deal...33%

Percentage of Americans who say they live paycheck to paycheck...47%

Percentage of those making $100,000 per year who say this...21%

My point, you ask? Anyone can use facts and stats to make the world and their blog to conform and comply to their vision of it. That is what it is. Have a great weekend, I know I will...smitty

Anonymous said...


The common good has been used as an excuse for everything from slavery (after all, plantation owners were convinced that without slaves, the Southern economy would collapse) to the Holocaust. As a guiding principle for government, it is simply to broad and easily abused to be permitted as a justification for unethical acts. It is easily turned to ends which are, at the very least, questionable and, in some cases, simply evil.

The only way in which we can ensure our fundamental rights and freedoms is to declare that the common good may not override individual liberties with the exception of those rare periods of history when our national survival is at stake.

Socialism is, indeed, a failed philosophy. You talk about Europe as an example. Have you ever lived there? I have, for eight years. I had children born under socialized medicine. I watched businesses make a wholesale business out of operating in the black market to avoid excessive taxation. If they hadn't, they would have gone out of business and left tens of thousands or more without jobs. I studied law in Hungary, where my family is from, where I had to take classes such as "The Socialist Theory of Law."

I know Europe and I know socialism. I have experienced both. Europe is a wonderful place, but the socialist mentality has destroyed its spirit of innovation and turned all who wish to prosper into criminals, technically speaking.

Socialism destroyed the economies of the Soviet client states. It has been rejected as the economic philospohy of China, which now prospers as the world's largest capitalist nation (their tyrannical politics notwithstanding). Sweden, Germany and France have all pared down their social programs because they are financially impossible to maintain. The only remaining pure socialist societies, such as Cuba and North Korea, are impoverished to a nearly indescribable degree.

Socialism has failed and is impossible to make succeed. History has spoken. All protests to the contrary are denials of reality.

As to your other comment regarding Obama's Approval Index Rating, Let me repeat what I wrote in the comment to which you refer (notice the quotation marks):

- Rasmussen polls are reporting that, and I quote, "This is the tenth straight day that the President’s Approval Index rating has been in single digits." (

This is a direct quote from the page in question. That page changes daily, which I did not realize when I posted the link. Today's page says:

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 35% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-one percent (31%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +4..."

Rasmussen states Obama's Approval Index Rating is 4%! That has actually gone down since I first posted the previous quote. Sounds like single digits to me.

As Joe Bubel so aptly pointed out, the Approval Index Rating is NOT the percentage of people who approve of the President. It is the percentage who Strongly Approve minus the percentage who Strongly Disapprove.

What is more interesting is that 7 weeks into his Presidency in 2001, Bush had a higher Presidential Approval Index Rating than Obama had at 7 weeks after Inauguration this year. And that was following not only a far more popular President from the other Party, but also a protracted Court fight to determine the outcome of the election and a slight popular vote deficit.

Moreover, just a few days ago, Rasmussen found that Americans were now more likely to vote for a Republican Congressional cadidate than a Democrat for the first time in years:

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 41% said they would vote for their district’s Republican candidate while 39% would choose the Democrat."

Obama's incompetence appears to be far worse than anything Bush was ever accused of. He is not only ruining our nation, his decimating his own Party.

Anonymous said...

Smitty -

Most of what you quote in terms of statistics is meaningless, because the issue of the manner in which the bailout and stimulus are being undertaken is at least as important as whether they should have taken place at all. Obama has thrown trillions of dollars around with no cohesive plan whatsoever.

Case in point: it turns out that the reason the AIG bonuses were handed out is that Obama and his band of bunglers asked Chris Dodd to remove language from the stimulus bill which would have prevented such bonuses. My source for this information? A statement by Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.)

As to the statistic about the Eastern Bloc countries ("Percentage of residents of former Communist bloc nations who say they are better off now than in 1989...30%"), keep in mind that many of those nations are now being run by the socialist successors to the Communist Party.

Hungary is a perfect example. Her Prime Minister is a member of the Hungarian Socialist Party which (during the Cold War) was known as the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party and executed people for standing up for their rights. Socialism has not ended in these countries and is still, in fact, wrecking their economies today.

Socialism is a complete failure. It not only doesn't help the poor, it creates more poor to join in their plight.

Anonymous said...

Blaber could not get a job in Ulster County because he is not qualified to do the type of job he thinks he is qualified for. Only the Working Families Party would take him. Would you hire him to work at your business and deal with the public knowing that at night he was going to be writing about people and throwing around accusations that are not based in fact, but only rumor. Who would want their business or name associated witht that. The fact that there is someone out there that did hire him is amazing. He is a nice kid, but entirely misguided. You want to be the village idiot, best of luck to you, knock yourself out, but you are not going to be affiliated with my business or organization.

Anonymous said...

Others stats and facts are "meaningless" while yours are to be taken as absolutes? Please. Even a dogmatic intellect like yourself must have some margin for error.

Reminds me of the old JFK quote:"What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."

No logic would dismiss all other reasoning except your own.

Stating something meaningless does not make it so...smitty

Anonymous said...

"Stating something meaningless does not make it so..."

That may be true, but stating WHY it is meaningless (unless that reasoning is refuted by the debater on the other side) does make it so. I gave my reasoning for why it is meaningless.

Moreover, you yourself stated that your statistics were meaningless when you summed them up by saying:

"My point, you ask? Anyone can use facts and stats to make the world and their blog to conform and comply to their vision of it."

You gave your statistics with no context for what you were trying to prove and stated that they were examples of how anyone can use statistics to create a view of the world out of thin air. What does that make your stats, if not meaningless?