Look here for the full results, but the race is too close to call.
The race in the 20th Congressional district between Republican Jim Tedisco and Democrat Scott Murphy is too close to call.
With 100 percent precincts reporting, Murphy leads Tedisco by only 59 votes, 77,344 to 77,285.
With nearly 6,000 absentee ballots that will essentially decide the race as of Monday, the election will not be decided at least until April 13.
As of Monday, 5,907 absentee ballots were received by the state Board of Elections out of around 10,000 mailed, according to spokesman Bob Brehm. Absentee ballots must be postmarked by March 30 and received within seven days for regular absentee ballots or 13 days for military and overseas ballots.
Yesterdays Brookhaven, Long Island Supervisors race (WFP received $72,000 for field operations) and 20th CD race (50,000 more GOP Voters)shows the professional operations of the WFP & Dem’s door to door, phone banks, mailings, etc…
BOTH of these races were in Strong Red Zones, meaning BOTH areas were Republican wins on any given election. Clearly the Democrat Field Operations deserve credit for their showings.
I clearly see how BAD the GOP is “Outdated” by the garner of grass roots support. Calls I received this morning from around the State also support the fact that the NY GOP is “Out of Date” with field operations.
In addition the GOP has an “Identity Factor” with the voters.
The GOP Base (Voters) have been turned off in total by the poor showing of a New York State GOP & the local GOP Politicians who have represented these areas for many years.
The “I stand for nothing” State GOP have forgotten about the local taxpayers and the just as importantly the “Social Conservatives” who the GOP abandoned in whole. One by one, these NY GOP voters left the voting booth in year after year of the NY GOP abandonment.
The GOP fall continued in this State with leaders such as “Former” NY Senate Leader Joe Bruno who led the GOP State Senate for years by voting for Large Tax Increases and huge Spending Projects, Gay Rights Bills, Anti-2nd Amendment Bills and Anti Life Bills.
In short, these are the same “GOP Hero’s ” who voted just as Huge Tax and Spend Liberals while they were in power.
The New York GOP and their “Political Hacks” had nothing more then “Albany Tunnel Vision”…
Meaning they saw nothing but their safe “Cushy” safe life styles in Albany……”Albany Tunnel Vision”
Senator Joe Bruno lead his NY GOP Senate to the “Slaughter House”
Joe “Slaughter House” Bruno and the rest of the “Brain Dead” Albany Gang hired the Same “Political Hacks” to run their failing Campaigns year after year…. With lose after lose…..
The end Result? The lose of the NY State Senate.
(The NFL Team Owners would have fired these “Political Hacks” and dumped Bruno over board years and years ago)
New York State in 2010 will now be like a “Banana Republic”….. just as Massachusetts……. which is One Govern rule in whole. Heaven help us all with the New York City Dummycrats in charge of this whole State.
I voted for Tedisco for sure as he is a Conservative.
As for the rest of the NY State GOP?….It is just like sailing on the Titanic with nothing left but the floating deck chairs all around you.
Jim Kelly - NY Conservative Campaigns
From the Associated Press:
"By early afternoon, Democrat Scott Murphy's lead over Republican Jim Tedisco had shrunk to 25 votes, from 65 at the close of voting Tuesday night, according to an unofficial tally by The Associated Press."
Murphy's lead is visibly shrinking before they even get to the absentee ballots (which will, more than likely, go strongly for Tedisco). This is a major repudiation of Barack Obama.
According to Wikipedia, Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand won re-election to that very Congressional seat by a margin of 62%-38% less than five months ago. We have a Democrat in the White House in the very beginning of what is traditionally the President's honeymoon period. Moreover, Obama used his significant coattails to pull the Democrats to an almost historically strong showing in the 2008 Congressional races. None of that seems to matter to the voters barely two months into Obama's term.
Whatever the outcome, the fact that the Democrats went from a 62% win in November to a statistical dead heat shows that Obama's grace period has come to an abrupt end. The American people see no justification for his insane spending spree. They are quickly becoming disillusioned with his open lack of competence and his regal lifestyle at taxpayer expense.
Indeed, the results in the 20th Congressional District of NY coupled with Obama's drop in the polls (only 50% approve of him as of last week's Zogby poll, down from high 60s) show that the Democrats, as with Jimmy Carter, have succeeded in blowing another golden opportunity for themselves.
The reason? Simple. You can only pull the wool over the people's eyes so many times for so long. The Democrats' pie-in-the-sky promises are impossible to pay for and their overtaxing, overspending centered hysterical, socialist dogma simply doesn't sit well with people who expect common sense solutions to our national problems.
Posted on Cahill on Politics: Sunday, February 1, 2009
"Additionally, I intend to work on Jim Tedisco's campaign for Congress. His district is just outside Kingston, but I want to see a Conservative Republican Congressman in our area, if for no other reason than to prove that New York can still elect Republicans." Perhaps this is why Tedisco is in trouble. Just an observation because Cahill didn't know how to work on his own Mayoral campaign.
Again let us not be baffled by the apostle of sacrosanct capitalism and all its faulty accusations.
The neocons claim that the private sector can "do it better and more economically" is indeed a proven hoax. Let's look at Halliburton. Kellog,Brown and Root, and Blackwater as examples. They cost the American taxpayer 3 to 4 times per person what Army personel cost.
The days of the Invisible hand have been recently exposed for their highly visible Pickpocketting and unregulated greed from Wall St to Bagdad and back again. Wake up folks and smell the stench from the Healthcare industry, to the Banks, to the Not for Profits, to the halls of congress and city hall...smitty
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