Mike Hein must think that the County Managers and the taxpayers/voters are really stupid.
From the second that Hein was elected, it was a race to hire as many people at the highest salary that he could. In a previous post, we wrote that prior to Hein taking over that there was only 1 person that made over $100,000 (the DA) and now there are over 15.
We understand that a few postions were created because of the charter, and that should be offset by the 10 County Legislators that we lose next election cycle. But Hein didn't stop there, he hired about 4 extra positions all in the $100,000 range above and beyond what was called for in the Administrative Code.
Was Hein really that stupid that he didn't see this finanical crisis coming? When he was on his hiring spree in January, we all knew that the economy was in the tank. He just chose to stick his head in a hole and ignore it. Either that or he is really stupid. The latter seems unlikely given Hein's "budget wizardry".
Had Hein NOT hired those "extra" positions, the Ulster County Mangers could all have seen a raise this year. Now he says he's leading by example - that is absolut bullshit. Why didn't he lead before he saddled the taxpayers with all these new salaries?
Or maybe the taxpayers of Ulster County could have gotten a break on their taxes. Is there anyone out there who doesn't need a break in these tough economic times.
click below to read some of Hein's bull
You failed to mention how in anticipation of winning the election for County Executive, then County Administator Hein, put into the budget a raise for the County Executive position that would be equal to at least two years of yearly raises. He also gave large raises to his top level appointees, some which would cover a number of years in yearly raises. He then tried to get his proposed budget buried until after the election.
He makes sure that he has his money and then tries to appear like a budget hawk by freezing management salaries. Not to mention the absurdity of "doing whatever I can to protect property taxpayers" by saving $400,000 with the salary freeze, when he spent at least that much with the raises he handed out and the new positions he created.
He is shameless not only in his use of the county to better his own financial situation, but also in using the county to forward his own political career.
How long can Democrats feel so comfortable with their position in the county before they begin to challenge Hein.
6:17 - That is exactly how it went down. Well said.
Hein is a one termer. Take it to the bank. A Real Democrat will run, beat Hein and Hein will be looking at all his Republican friends for a job.
That is why Len Bernardo should be county exec. None of this absolute bullshit would have happened. And had we had someone like Quigley as county comptroller to double check what the county exec is doing again none of this absolute bullshit would be happening.
But what do the people of Ulster County know. That is right. They know absolute bullshit.
Now maybe they will vote for the right people next time. We will see.
Hein has friends?
The voters of Ulster County voted this buffoon in office--now suffer higher taxes and no accountability.
I still haven't heard one notable thing Hein has done since he entered office.
....and some of the individuals selected to these new management positions put the Towns they formerly represented in the tank financially in 2009. Please - "progressive" democrats - a pseudonym for spend, spend and spend.
I voted against the new charter which created the Country Executive position (unfortunately I was in the minority) and feel more vindicated every time I read about Hein's actions. The charter was rushed, the consequences were not fully thought out and the voters did not have time to sort out what they were voting for.
Taking the renovations at the county office building as an example. How can the Democrats' position be true that the Legislature does not have the authority to review the cost of the work being done?
Did we really vote for a charter that gives the County Executive the power to move money from one line to another as he pleases? If that is the case, the legislature then has remarkably little power and only has say in how much is collected in taxes, not in how it is spent.
It is time for a showdown between the legislature and the county executive. To those who say that Hein needs to be given time in office, I will make the argument that he has been operating as a de facto county executive since at least last summer.
The renovation is the Democrats version of the UC Jail. Building stuff and ripping it apart because certain people don't like it. Work being done on overtime filled weekends. Best of all the county doesn't have to write a check to a contractor so they bury the manpower costs in other budget lines. Hein is becoming savy enough at this stuff to move up to a higher office.
I am in favor of Hein leading "by example", but have a real problem with him buying conference chairs for the new office that cost more than $500 each. What an example!!!Does this mean the rest of the bloated staff will follow his lead?, and load up the 6th floor with expensive trappings??,while we the taxpayers suffer to apy our bills. Those of us who voted for this arrogant fool, are already beginning to regret that decision. I hope bernardo runs again in 3 years so i cannot soothe my conscience.
This whole mess leaves me disgusted.
I am sure we needed new conference room furniture too. Are you telling me that there wasn't chairs in the defunked Administrators office. It seems to me that the Executive's office replaced the administrator's office and the comptroller's replaced the auditor's office. So can you tell me why we need new furniture and offices
Holy smokes!!
More blogs, more fun is ULSTER LIBERTY
Welcome Ulster Liberty,
We'll give you the More Blogs, More Fun post and a link in a few days.
We know that the Bubel children love the more blogs, more fun post too.
11:50, you would be EVEN more disgusted if you knew why the Democrats don't have a clerk candidate yet.
Can't someone reel in this loose cannon?
What's next, Mike? A 35,000 dollar commode for YOUR ROYAL ASS?
The Democrats have been taught to jump when told and kiss his royal Heiny. And now some of the Republicans are begining to be trained to pucker up.
If Hein has so much influence on state matters, why didn't he save our STAR rebate checks that the NYC Dems running the state nixed?
Hein will run again and win. Not enough people in Ulster County know what goes on.
If Hein wins again, it is because he fixed the election--who the hell would vote for this 'do nothing' good ol' boy who takes care of his deputies--he sure the hell does not give a damn about the people!
Oh how I wish Kevin Cahill ran for this position! Hein has been a disaster and without a doubt, the most ego maniacal politician I have ever met. His poor judgment is really starting to become apparent.
I have heard rumors of discontent within the Democrat ranks.
If the Republicans do a good job this fall of educating the public of Hein's self-serving actions and also paint him as the head of the Democrat Party in Ulster County, since he is the highest sitting local elected official, a loss of seats in the County Legislature could spur Democrats to action.
Since the Democrats have thus far rubber stamped Hein's policies, it is a simple matter to link Democrats to these policies. We will find out this fall if/when some Democrats campaign against Hein's policies.
The RepublicansforDonaldson.blogspot.com has been removed...
Dave is following in Zimet's footsteps. His candidacy lasted all of ten minutes.
Here is some more absolut bullshit..
Read it!!
Now that the mighty Heiney's first 100 days is documented how long will it take someone to poke holes in the report? Bet it's filled with all kinds of fluff and nutter. He should have sold tickets to the powerpoint presentation and made popcorn for the unveiling. Bet he would have packed the house.
check out this one:
Written by me, a concerned Kingston resident who is tired of the same old crap.
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