Click HERE to see the NBC News Story about the federal lawsuit filed against Ulster County.
Click HERE to read the Complaint filed in United States District Court, Northeast District of NY
KINGSTON – Four female corrections officers at the Ulster County Jail have filed a federal lawsuit against current Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum, former Sheriff Richard Bockelman and other jail officials contending they were forced to work in an unfit environment.
The lawsuit alleges the women worked in a department that allowed pornography on office computers; lewd comments relating to gender and sexuality by senior officers against subordinates; failed to provide pregnant female corrections officers with adequate protect despite a demand for it; hostile words such as “bitch” and “dyke” were directed to subordinate female officers by their supervisors; and other violations of law.
“Having followed all of the problems with the construction of the new Ulster County Jail, it appears to me that the greatest jail fiasco is what is taking place on the inside,” said Joseph Ranni, the attorney for the women who filed the suit. “We intent to prove a pattern of misconduct and discrimination by departmental leaders that goes against everything the public should except about those responsible for law enforcement in Ulster County.”
He was out polishing the plaque in the hallway. NBC will have to wait
He probably gave them the wink and the thumbs up.
The Democratic Legislators just voted last night to give them a raise last night!!!
Nice to see that you are on top of this and the BS freeman put it under the rug.
What can Hein say about this?
What an embarrassment. The people we hire to uphold the law, acting like a bunch of uneducated fools.
Stay on top of this, becuase the machine will try to make it go away
NBC reports on it, but the freeman has thier head up thier a@*es again.
Of course the Dem Legislators gave them a raise. It's an election year! They did the same thing with the CSEA two years ago, gave them raises with no give backs going into an election.
Unless you are one of Hein's chosen few, it is better to be one of the rank and file then a county manager, most of whom are still wondering if Hein is ever going to appoint them.
I am sure that Hein, Ms. Reiter and the Democrat Legistlative leadership are feverishly working on how to blame this on the Republicans.
When they do I am sure the Freeman will have a nice editorial repeating whatever it is that Hein wants to be said.
all but 4 of the legislators voted to give them a raise, that means most of the republicans did too.
do you punish all of the guards because the supervisors are assholes?
this thing stinks to high heaven and heads should roll.
the union contract and this are 2 different issues. let's not confuse them
The beauty of a thread on a blog is that it can go in any direction the posters would like it to go. Us Ulster Politics readers are capable of following more than one topic at a time.
The bigger issue of this story is truly the problem.
Far too long this sort of behavior has been swept under the rug and is allowed to happen. It makes us all look like a bunch of upstate hillbilly hicks to allow this crap to continue.
As for the Freeman missing out on this, what do you expect from them. They are pathetic.
Most of these officers are good hard working people. The bad ones need to be taken out behind the woodshed.
It's the Republicans fault because they allowed new computers with screen savers to be installed in the jail. If they had typewriters and rotary dial phones then none of this would have happened
What does Hein have to do with this?
What does Hein have to do with this???
Why in Ulster County it is all about Mike. If a mailing goes out his picture is on it, even if it was planned before he was even in office. His name and his smile are everywhere. Ulster County government is just one big Mike Hein public relations firm.
So why not this too? He takes credit for good things done that he has nothing to do with, so why not have to stand up for the bad things as well?
"What does this have to do with Mike Hein"
For one... Mike better have enough money in the budget to pay for the attorney that will have to represent Ulster County in this matter and enough money to pay any damages that the County is ordered to pay.
Last time I checked, he was in charge of the budget.
Hein really smacks of wanting to take credit for EVERYTHING good, but wanting to blame everyone around him for anything bad.
Mike's not used to having to deal with "real" press outlets. He's used to having Patricia Doxsey cover his sorry tanned ass. NBC doesn't play ball that way.
Well Mike Hein doesn't have a choice then to have his face all over this one. His department heads are not allowed to speak for themselves. That is why our swine flu updates come from him, and not from someone who knows what they are talking about, like the Health Department.
maybe these are false allegations... hmmm...is there any proof???disgruntle employees
Mike Hein is the boss, thats what he has to do with it....
Not that he condones it, but hes not up front screaming about the people involved!
Hiding doesnt get the job done!
These are career public servants dealing with the scum of our society,, give them the benefit of the doubt,, or at least their constitutional rights.
Certainly not in defense of Hein, but he lacks statutory authority over sheriff's policy and personnel. How about hearing from the Sheriff who the majority elected (from shift sergeant) to administer the +$19 million operation?
Hein has known about this pending lawsuit since 2006 when he was Administrator.
WILL YOU PLEASE! Put my new URL in your blog list.. http://ucphotos.blogspot.com/
WILL YOU PLEASE! Put my new URL in your blog list.. http://ucphotos.blogspot.com/
Hein was the Administrator and is now the Executive the buck stops at his door. Didn't he say that during his campaign. Where was his high price PR guy with the press release? BEhind close doors Mike has not been this quiet since election day. Also the Freeman knew about this several weeks ago and swept it under the rug. Ira Bankruptcy might be the answer not kissing mikes ass all the time
Statutory Authority?
Hein is the supreme elected leader of Ulster County. His campaign slogan was "Leading the Way".
Where is the leadership now? Under his desk hiding?
this is easy. this case went to some human rights commissan. hein was administerator, van larcum was sherriff. we, the taxpayers paid the bill, to defend these jerks before the commissan. the commission rules that they VIOLATED THE LAW. should we expect Hein (old leading the way, himself), and van blarcum to tell us?? fire a few people?? and change a few policies??. Hell no. These two misfits want to play janitor, and sweep it under the rug. You taxpayers, just pay the bill and shut up, so I can tell you thru my $80,000 per year mouthpiece what a great job I am doing.
Hey, I heard Susan Zimet was at the press conference on this blasting the lack of information.
MORE INTERESTINGLY, I hear she was at Bonacic's fundraiser. Giving $50 to a guy she tried to take out a few years ago. Even hard core Democrats like Zimet apparently are seeing how the New York City Democrats are screwing up New York State these days.
Really 9:09, and where does he get his money from? Who does the budget? Is the Sheriff's budget somehow separate from the rest of the County? Someone is going to have to pay for this, and I don't think it should be the taxpayers. I think that the alleged perverts, if found guilty should have to pay, NOT the taxpayers. Or does the Sheriff pay, since he has nothing to do with Mike Hein and the County?
Hein was notified of this in Nov of 2008 according to court papers, since he let it continue he should step down immediately. This is another black eye for Ulster County this time compliments of the Dermocrats. when will it ever stop or is it just New York State
whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Zimit should be upset and all members of the criminal justice committee. the sheriff and undersheriff report to that committee. They should have been aware of the complaint. Having said that it would not change any of the events. there is a charge made and a Federal Judge will decide if it has any merit.
Hein is the face of Ulster County, just look at anything that comes from the county these days. Hell, look at the county webpage.
If he wants his face everywhere, he better be prepared to take the heat.
He should make a comment.
Maybe Hein could send March Gallagher into the jail as an undercover corrections officer to get to the bottom of things.
What do you expect at the Sheriff's Dept with a role model like Falutico as Under Sheriff?
I am appauled that sue zimet, an elected county official is making a statement in the paper against a county department. This is just an allegation. She's using her power to voice her opinion. That is harrassment in the worst way. Lets keep our mouths shut legislators until the court ruling comes out if it makes it that far. It will make you look like fools when the Sheriff's office is cleared. I'm sure these girls all have skeletons in their closets that will be knocking before this is over..
Having worked with these woman , I know that such events take place.
However I was accused of sexual harassment and assault by another "woman".I use the term loosly.No pun intended. She (Amy Negron) accused me,the Sheriff (Bockleman),without a proper investigation,found me guilty in an art. 75 hearing, and fired me.
I was aquitted and now have to fight in Federal court for justice to prevail. Miss Negron has a history of making these accusations,dating back to when she was a Marine.
As far as the "Burn", it exists! The whole jail is run like a cult. If your not in good graces with the currewnt adminastration, your career is gonna be a tough one.
After filing my wrongful termination lawsuit,Ulster County offered to pay me 30,000 dollars to "go away". Not happening. Its a damn shame that the County has such morons running a county jail,but they put them there,now the taxpayers will have to pay for that.
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