We hear Jonathan Katz will be nominated by the Governor by the end of June to replace Judge Michael Bruhn.
Mike Kavanagh Jr. was quoted noting the fact that his Appellate Court Judge Father Mike Kavanagh senior could not come to his fundraiser. We generally understand whay judges should not be at fundraisers but it seems to us that this is a silly rule that should be changed when the candidate is a Judge's child, spouse (or parent for that matter).
Legislators Susan Zimet and Richard Parete had a nasty email exchange over the problems at the Jail (the sexual problems not the cost). Zimet apparently showed up at the press conference by the guards.
Speaking of Zimet, Ulster Politics was told that the cow jumped over the moon, the pig flew, and George Bush admitted he was wrong on something. Obviously none of those things happened - but something more bizarre did. Legislator Zimet was one of the paying guests at a fundraiser for State Sen. John Bonacic last week at Fred's Place.
We're told over 200 tickets were sold to the event but Zimet hanging out with Bonacic is a sign that even die hard Democrats realize how screwed everyone north of Westchester County is getting by the new all Democrat State Government.
Gilda Ricciardi is apparently serious about the race for county Clerk. Nina may have experience on her side but Gilda's got enrollment. If Hein and Auerbach get behind her NP won't stand for New Paltz or Nina Postupack but rather "NO PLEASE" - what the good old boys will start yelling if Gilda starts moving up.
Ulster Mojo's reporting that Don Williams campaign has stalled. We disagree. Wiliams vs. Katz will be a solid race. Two qualified people duking it out. We favor Williams because Katz does not have substantial felony trial experience that Williams does.
Noticed Kingston Truth's whining about the Independence Party fundraiser. Who cares. People can donate if they want or not. The Independence line rarely matters unless its a close race. Nothing can be worse than the way Dietrich Werner ran New York's 3rd largest political party.
OK, so Hein and Company spent "only" $181,000 on office renovations. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The BEST we can celebrate in Ulster County is that the new Executive spent ONLY $181,000 on office renovations. Seriously, that is worth bragging about? Jobs down, taxes up. There are real issues here kids and office renovations ain't numbers 1, 2, or 3.
Reading Ira Fusfeld's blog on the Freeman he admits he made a mistake in being late on the story of the sexual harassment at the county jail. It's pretty sad when NBC out of New York City and the Middletown Newspaper runs the tables on the paper actually based in Kingston. Two Words: HUGH REYNOLDS. When you let your only big time reporter go Ira, your paper loses out on major stories. You should've taken a pay cut before you let Reynolds go. He's cranky, but knows his stuff.
KingstonTruth wasn't complaining. As I read it, there were questions asked.
Independence Party Extortion?
Ulster County Independence Party Fundraiser
Thursday, June 4, 2009 6:00pm - 8:00pm
$75 per person
Something tells me the endorsements will be sometime after that. Do you think Len will take attendance into account?
I would strongly caution Ulster Politics to take this post down. Extortion is a crime. Even though Kingston Truth posted it, you are effectively re-posting it.
You are subjecting yourself or yourselves to the same liability as Kingston Truth.
Len Bernardo has thinner skin than Mike Hein. LOL!
If you've heard of abuse over the years as a legislator why did you never bring it up? Maybe this could have been prevented. Stop with the conspiracy crap, the facts will come out and people will be held accountable for what they did. If you have any information of abuse to women please share it with us. Otherwise don't start the "I heard" bullshit. Stick to facts. Grandstanding won't help.
From: "Zauerbach1@aol.com"
Subject: Re: UC Jail
There are many questions that need answering.
1) Who in leadership knew about this?
2) When did they find this out?
Do we understand how STUPID and IGNORANT we look voting to give raises when New York News is breaking this story as we vote?
4) Why were we not brought into executive session and told about this?
5) Was our attorney told about this?
6) As a woman I am appalled.
I have heard over the course of the years in the legislature about the abuse of women in the county.We need to look into these allegations also.
As a woman I will not sit back and wait for this to blow over.
As legislators we were no given information and it would appear that information was purposely withheld.
Good luck Democrats this election!
We need to act decisively and immediately.
I would strongly caution 7:26 to learn about libel law. The posts here and in Kingston Truth are fine, and any judge or lawyer would have a nice laugh at any litigation brought up about this. Seems that the post touched a nerve, though. Stop hating the First Amendment.
Don William's campaign has stalled.
Seems like many committeemen have asked questions over his failure to investigate the UC Law Enforcement Center. Don's explaination for his failure to act is lame. The Committeemen have realized that just because he has put in the time for the GOP he is not the best candidate. Marsha Weiss is gaining quickly.
Payback for bagging 2007 is a b****h.
It is very telling the the Ira Fusfeld of the Freeman finds it easier to apologize to his readership for failing to inform us of important happenings in Ulster County rather then facing the county political powers after breaking important news.
It makes me wonder what other news Fusfeld is sitting on.
Hein will support Nina...just like Nina supported Hein last year.
Not for nothing, but Hugh Reynlds is not the benchmark of good reporting. Having outlasted nearly everyone else in the business does not a good reporter make. In the words of the legendary Chuck D, "Don't beleive the hype."
Fusfeld didn't say he made a mistake. He said the paper made an error in judgement. Sounds like he's covering up for his editors. He probably doesn't have anything to do with deciding what stories are covered or not covered. I think it's good that he apologized to his readership. That's who he has to answer to, not the politicians, as 1:42 thinks.
You left out a very important group of people that the Freeman answers to. That is their advertisers.
There has been very little in the way of objective reporting of local political news in the Freeman for some time. Many articles read like cut and pastes from press releases. Ms. Doxsey's article, last week I believe, about the resolution to charge a dime per plastic bag read like a pamphlet from an environmental group, not objective reporting. Don't even get me started about the editorials.
If you are wondering why people believe the Freeman is out to please the local political powers, it is because the paper reads that way.
As to your claim that he probably doesn't have anything to do with deciding what stories are covered, you are joking, right?
The only reason the paper chose not to report the issue is because in the freeman's view, van blarcum is a "good guy". Remember the two in charge of this multi-million dollar operation came right from the pba ranks. Being a good guy who is concerned about what the membership wants is not a prerequisite for administering the jail. Obviously....
Obviously, and unfortunately, inexperience is finally catching up to them...
Hugh Reynolds was the best REPEATER they ever had.
He would repeat anything he heard in the bar, anything.
I'm sure Ira's error had nothing to do with Hein or the DEM Machine. Its just like GHQ having 4 Dem legislators and Hein and no Rep county legslators to rebuke their rhetoric. Money talks and the liberal media buys into it. To bad for the people
Has anyone noticed how far down hill Hugh Reynolds reporting has come since leaving the freeman?? He now writes articles he got off of blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gees give me a break.
I know people who work for the Freeman. If you think Fusfeld had anything to do with this mistake and wasn't livid when he learned about it, you are mistaken.
Ms. Doxsey and the Freeman strike again. In the article this morning over the debate of who gets credit for the cost of the office renovations, Ms. Doxsey carefully set out a time line that keeps Hein out of the proposed resolution for the bonding of $600,000 for the renovations.
Ms. Doxsey apparently took the time to survey other counties in the Hudson Valley about office space for minority leaders in an effort to discredit Mr. Noonan, but managed to fail to ask how the resolution for the $600,000 bond originated.
So using a virtual Ms. Doxsey I will ask the questions I want to see asked and see what sort of answers I come up with.
Q. The bonding resolution did not come out of thin air, did it?
A. Of course not, before coming before the full Legislature it had to go through the Building Utilization Committee and the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee.
Q. Which Legislators sit on these committees?
A. There are a number of them, but the most notable is Chairman Donaldson, who appears to have been for the bonding of $600,000 before he was against it.
Q. So those committees wrote the resolution?
A. No, the county department that the resolution affects typically writes the resolutions. In this case, that department was probably Buildings and Grounds.
Q. Then Mike Hein had nothing to do with this?
A. Wrong. Buildings and Grounds would not do this on their own. They were directed to come up with this plan by someone higher up.
Q. Who would that be?
A. Either the Chairman of the Legislature, who was Mr. Donaldson, or the County Adminstrator's office, where Mr. Hein sat at the time. History tells me that it was most likely Mr. Hein who directed Buildings and Grounds to create and present this resolution.
Q. But what if Buildings and Grounds was a renegade department and presented this resolution to the Legislature behind Mr. Hein's back?
A. That couldn't happen. When a department wanted a resolution to be presented to the Legislature, that resolution went to the County Administrator's office for review. The County Admistrator had to sign off on the resolution before it could be presented to the Legislature. There should exist a piece of paper with the signatures of both Mr. Hein and Mr. Donaldson approving the resolution for presentation to the Legislature. Someone could FOIL that paper if I am not mistaken.
I hear Annemarie DiBella is having second thoughts about running for Alderman. She must realize that the Republicans have a good candidate this time and she will likely lose.
The question is does Ann Marie have the courage to run or is she a gutless wonder? I believe She is afraid to run.
Oh bull. Dibella will run. yiu'll see
Iam a lifelong democrat and have lived in the 5th ward and I have voted for Ann Marie Dibella three times and I want to vote for her again as She is an outstanding alderwoman and supports our Mayor.I have heard another name mentioned and this lady hates our Mayor and would be in the democrat caucus and would vote against the Mayor This has to be stopped and my husband agrees with me.Ann Marie please run and save us.
Iam a lifelong democrat and have lived in the 5th ward and I have voted for Ann Marie Dibella three times and I want to vote for her again as She is an outstanding alderwoman and supports our Mayor.I have heard another name mentioned and this lady hates our Mayor and would be in the democrat caucus and would vote against the Mayor This has to be stopped and my husband agrees with me.Ann Marie please run and save us.
8:12, please enlighten us all, name something the mayor has done, which affected the city as a WHOLE, positively. Not things like, you got your street plowed when you called the office. Or he orchastrated a ride for someone you know, who needed to get to social services, but couldn't on their own. I want to know, what has the mayor done for the CITY!
I saw an invitation to one of the 400th anniversary events today, specifically regarding Nina's big Dutch history project. The statement accompanying it from Hein had his mugshot, with "Hon. Michael Hein, Ulster County Executive" underneath.
Since when is he HONORABLE???
5:17, More importantly,
Why not the county seal or a picture of the half moon or something other than his face. HE IS NOT ULSTER COUNTY! HE JUST WORKS HERE!
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