The hottest race in the County right now is County Legislative District 8. There are primaries for the Conservative, Independence and Republican lines for County Legislator. The candidates are campaigning hard. There are signs everywhere, mailings to the voters, letters to the editor in the newpapers, e-mails are flying between candidates and party officials - this is the race to watch.
Please post any updates that you have on the Distric 8 primary, or any of the other Countywide primaries. With only 19 days until the election, it's only going to get hotter.
The only signs are for the ENDORSED team of RONK - TERRIZZI - HAYES !
Noonan has nothing other than pity.
He has burned every bridge, including mine, & i was a supporter & friend of his.
He has been nasty, rude & a liar all over our area & deserves nothing but his ouster.
The only heat is from the RONK-TERRIZZI-HAYES camp.
it might even be three to one against Noonan.
Sit back & count the votes, it will be payback time & Ulster County & District 8 will be the beneficiaries.
Noonan, Bartels, Zatz. In that order. Ronk and Terrizzi out. Take it to the bank. The Southern man has spoken.
I think that the message is out.... Ronk, Terrizzi and Hayes will prevail.
If Noonan doesn't win the Republican primary - or his WRITE IN... independence and conservative contest.... he is DONE.
There may be a celebration on September 15.....
Ding Dong, Noonan's Gone
Noonan is in, anyone that thinks otherwise is dreaming. Ronk and/or Terrizzi are both done. Do nothings anyway. Especially Terrizzi.
Bernardo the won't keep try me out of office. Mario will lose job the before if I have anything do with it.
Click here to see if you know anyone in the video
11:45PM, the ever sober Noonan, speaks. He is walking testimony that we need a new crime bill passed call WWI, or writing while intoxicated. Also still blaming his two best foils, Bernardo and Mario. The man needs a mirror to see his worst enemy, and a gift certificate to AA.
The way I see it 11:45 and 5:26 are one and the same. The postings by some people are quite obvious and they must think everybody reading these posts are dumb. When the general election is over and Noonan,Bartels and Zatz are elected will the republican leadership resign? The district 8 legislators had no worries about a challenge until leadership seen an opportunity to exact revenge against Noonan. The lack of foresight will cost 2 republican seats in district 8 and a real chance at taking control of the legislature. So whoever the poster trying to make people think he is Noonan, really is I know you are part of the republican leadership team and destroying Noonan is more important to you. The biggest question is why don't you focus on supporting republicans and the principles they stand for and focus less on your hatred of Noonan? Maybe then the party will move forward.
5:24..... you must not know Noonan.... check out some of his work on Ulster Mojo and on Ulster Fishbowl... You'll recognize his drunk rants there.
He has a habit drinking and blogging late at night.
When I was speaking to him, he used to call me around 11:30ish drunk out of his mind. It was very entertaining. But now I, like most other Republicans have had ENOUGH of him.
You can also call Ed Gaddy or Fawn Tantillo's mother.... he has a nasty little habit of drunk dialing them as well.
Noonan is through.
What purpose does personal attacks serve? If you want to attack him for his work ethic, or inability to pass legislation do so. It does not look good to attack someone personally only that you have a personal agenda.
I think that Glenn Noonan is the most honest and trustworthy man that I have ever met.
He is a true collaborator, and works well with other people.
His first priority is never himself, it's always about the people that he represents.
Glenn is well liked in the Republican Party, and will probably be our next Chairman.
Yea, I'm thinking some fool is pretending to be Noonan. You ought to be ashamed of yourself Roger. Calling Noonan a drunk. Come November You should be the first to resign
I live in district 8 and hope Mr.Noonan prevails. The other 2 legislators I don't know and never met at anything. Mr Hayes is just an angry old trooper who has taken the republican party down in the toilet with his campaign. Assisting is Ms. Tantillo who is a former everything, Legislator, republican, county employee(patronage job) The people of district 8 are smarter than that. Its a shame that Republicans fail to realize who the enemy is. When this is over how do you mend the damage otherwise you will lose several seats in an already screwed up legislature.
8:53 Has clearly never been subjected to one of Noonan's angry rants. As I someone said - he has a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde issue. I always thought he was a nice guy until I heard him screaming at Sue Cummings. If someone yelled at me like that - I would press charges. He is scarrrrrry.
There are lots of Ronk, Terrizzi and Hayes signs in voters lawns. Noonans are just showing up but I only see them in places where he put them up - town rights of way - not on people's lawns.
Even if Noonan gets elected (God forbid) - he will be so marginalized he will be a waste-of-space. Didn't his caucus just try to kick him out as minority leader??
Say what you want about Noonan, but you can't say he doesn't work hard as a Legislator.
Do I agree with him always, of course not, but ask him for help with a county matter, consider it done!
Should he stay as minority leader, thats up to his fellow republican legislators. Will we find a legislator willing to work as hard as Noonan, doubtful.
I hope he wins the primary on Sept 15th. He has earned it.
Clearly no one wanted Noonan.
Terrizzi, Ronk and Hayes are all endorsed by the Republicans but they are also endorsed by the Independence and Conservative Parties.
I even read on the Gardiner's Right email that THEY endorsed Terrizzi Ronk and Hayes. She has a huge following - from every corner of Distict 8 since her 'tea parties' and that endorsement is BIG.
I KNOW Noonan asked to run with the Democrats,despite his denials, they didn't want him either. Noonan is done - whatever happens on September 15th.
The only way to mend this damage is by having the ones responsible resign.
Here is the final story this year of the district 8 races. Noonan wins primary and 2 others. Noonan, Bartels, Zatz win general election, republicans lose 2 seats. Bernardo cals Chapman to find out what to do, no one takes his call, Rascoe calls Bernardo, no one takes his call, Mario calls Bernardo they go out to dinner and fight, Ronk calls all of them, no one takes his call. Terrizzi the nicest of all goes about her merry way with life and is happy to be out of this den of thugs. Legislature becomes 23-10 and the sucking sound in Ulster contiues
Come November and Noonan, Bartels and Zatz wins. I think the people of shawangunk will demand that Roger resign! Even if one seat is lost in the primary Roger should resign. The resignations that will be demanded will never occur though. The ones most responsible will never acknowledge doing anything wrong. All that will be quoted is a laundry list of reasons why it was done. This is the number one reason why Mario needs to be replaced. He has an antiquated way of thinking. The republican party is going to have a lot less seats come November.
Come on, folks - Everyone who gets a drunken call from a RESTRICTED number in the middle of the night is not getting the call from Noonan. OK. Some of you are...but not ALL of you!
Obviously, Noonan hasn't been in office long enough to infuriate EVERY voter in District 8 - but clearly he has enraged enough of them to lose the nomination of EVERY party. He is counting on the fact that every voter doesn’t know him – they only know his name.
And to 9:29 - Noonan could never handle the fact that Tantillo was more popular than he was. She beat him every time they ran together. She raised more money and even got more votes when she ran for Assembly than Noonan did when he ran for Assembly. Noonan was happy to gerrymander her out of Gardier. Noonan has always been jealous of her - and it sounds like you are, too.
Noonan sold his sole to Alfonso in the hope of getting something for himself and that didn’t even do him any good. He only got the Majority leader position because no one else really wanted it. He abandoned fellow Republican’s and tried to hook up politically with Bartels before. It worked once but it won’t work again. Bartles doesn't want him - Democrats don’t want him either.
to 5:24 - Bartels? maybe, but Zatz -are you kidding? never!
I don’t know who will win the election in November – but I predict that Noonan is not going to be on the ballot after September 15th.
Gardiners right has supported Ronk, Terrizzi, and Hayes!!! What a compliment. The woman behind Gardiners right has run for office three times and could not be elected so what kind of following does she have? I also have a prediction for this election. Noonan, Bartels and yes Carl Zatz will be elected in the general election. If the republicans in the legislature do not reelect Noonan as minority leader then so be it. However if they fail to work with or include Noonan in the caucus then that will be a bridge to cross when it happens. Do not forget Ulster county will go to single member districts and legislators will be more accountable for the actions they take. Politics is not a game for kids like Ronk but serious business for taxpayers. His loss will not mean much for shawangunk. I am not alone in this thought as Roger knew this action would mean Ronk and Terrizzi would lose. The loss will mean he can run as the legislator for Shawangunk when they go to single member district.
3:44 Nothing ventured - nothing gained. I applaud Rascoe and the others who said "enough" to Noonan.
Everyone understands they may lose a seat - they knew it going in - but did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. The fear of loosing the seat is what always saved Noonan in the past. If they lose the seat it is Noonan's fault - if he had any principles at all he would have stepped down when he lost the GOP caucus.
What suprises me is the total committment people have to helping Ronk, Terrizzi and Hayes winthe Republican Primary on September 15th. No way Noonan can win the Independence or Conservative lines - but the Republicans are "all in" for the September 15th Primary - and so are lots of others.
I just read that email from Gardiner's Right - they endorsed Terrizzi, Hayes and Ronk, too. They must feel pretty strongly about the race - I've never seen them endorse anyone.
I agree with 9:19 - I really think they will beat Noonan. Whatever happens, I admire them for trying. I'm not a republican but I used to be his friend, too(12:11), but he turned into a bully.
9:43 is wrong - he can't be trusted. Consider him DONE.
If Noonan is so popular - why hasn't he done a fund raiser?
Afraid no one will come?
10:53 hit the nail on the head here!! The party leadership knew going in they would lose at least one seat. Therefore the other poster here is correct. The party leadership could care less about party ideals or supporting republicans. It is all about exacting revenge on a legislator they cannot control. I do not understand how losing seats is the best thing to do as a republican. I know what it sounds like is a back door endorsement of democrats.The other mention is if Noonan refused step down because the party leadership demanded it he is responsible for any republican losses. That smacks of pure arrogance plain and simple. So there you have it folks the republican party leadership in Ulster county could care less about controlling spending or spiralling taxes. The goal here is to crush anyone who refuses to bow down to the chairman and his minions. Lets work together for the betterment of Ulster county and vote against Catalano and his party hacks including Rascoe so republicans can stand for something besides a personal agenda.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Glenn Noonan is THE ONE who can't get along with anyone. When you piss off people like Sue Cummings - you have got to face it - you are the problem, not the other person.
I used to be unsure who's "fault" the Catalano/Noonan battle was, and at one point, I leaned a little toward Noonan being the good guy. Glenn can be charming, and Mario can be a little arrogant at times. But once you get to know what is going on, it is clear that Noonan has alienated A LOT of clear thinking people, and is a backstabbing self-interested asshole.
The only people supporting Noonan are the Catalano haters. It's the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" routine. Noonan's few supporters hate Mario more than they like Noonan, but Noonan is their ally because he hates Mario too.
For the good of the party, Noonan needs to go. Nothing will happen if he is involved. He is a polarizing jerk - who I actually used to really like.
1:55 could have been written by me,, but it wasn't.
Exactly the same process i went thru to get here,
i have NO love for Mario or savago, both conspired to get noonan, & i was an ally of Glenn's too.
He alienated me by attacking neutral,hard working people like patty jacobson Kathy Terrizzi & others.
NOPE !!!
Noonan is morte in my house & he used to stop by a lot & shoot the shit,,, uh uh,,,
i got two Ronk/Terrizzi/Hayes signs,,,
I do not care how it is sugarcoated. When republican leaders are willing to give up much needed seats in order to exact revenge they could care less about the party. Again I ask what votes has Noonan made that warrant this? What bills has he introduced that warrant this? In two years the legislature goes to single member districts. There is no way he could have won in Gardiner as a republican so problem solved. Instead they decide to take him out at the risk of one and possibly two additional seats. Republican leadership should be fundraising, finding qualified candidates to run and touting republican priciples and ideals. To tell republicans in the community the current minority leader has to go and fail to cite factual reasons still smacks of arrogance. As republicans we are supposed to support republicans and espouse why republican candidates are better than democrats. If Noonan was a failure as minority leader then legislators should have removed him and not reelected him. To state he attacked someone so I am willing to give up two republican seats to exact revenge is laughable at best.
7:10 I couldn't have said it better. Ronk or Terrizzi lose in the primary. Then in the general election Noonan, Bartles, and Zatz win and the march to oblivion for the republicans continues. Good work!! Applaud the people who knew the loss would happen but wanted Glenn gone. Sign me disgusted.
Nobody ever said republicans were smart. This latest is proof.
Was Noonan ever talked to about this or just blindsided?
Oh puleeze he attacked 2 women and it upsets you????? You need to smoke some more weed.
To the 11:25 posting - Rascoe didn’t like him going in – but Noonan has had some blow out with the other two town chairmen and they were the ones who nominated him at the GOP caucus. Why has Noonan alienated them. Why did he aggravate all of the town chairmen that came before and tried to work with him.
No one asked him to “bow down” and no one ever tried to control him. Noonan has been attacking the few people that were trying to help him.
He is the arrogant one – he has been an embarrassment to the Republicans from the start. He threatened to change parties if he didn’t get his way. He has infuriated every town chairman during his tenure.
And what about his other running mates before Terrizzi and Ronk. Clearly Tantillo doesn’t support him anymore, but what about Meyer, Hunt, Calabrese, Lent, Devine – not one of them is supporting Noonan either. Ask them why! They didn’t always agree but they all get along with each other. They all had problems with Noonan.
And while you’re at it – I read that the Minority Caucus discussed replacing Noonan as Minority Leader. They may have tried to disguise it as an altruistic concern he had “too much on his mind” but clearly they don’t respect him if the topic even came up.
10:55 is right – why didn’t Noonan do a fund raiser before the Primary? 11:25 would surely come. The 8:53 and 11:35 posters sound like big fans. They could organize one for him. I’m sure 9:29, 9:36, 9:43, 10:12, 5:24 and 11:35 would all attend. That might be 2 or 3 people right there, unless one of the posters is Noonan himself.
There are some good people who support Noonan. Too bad more of you (BW, ED, JV) don’t live in his district. I don’t like all this negative stuff, but I respectfully warn you to watch your backs. Many of us admire your loyalty but question your judgment.
Well this has been revealing
Question for 7:10 - if you think this is about someone “taking revenge” you are naïve. To say we as Republicans must support Republicans regardless of their behavior, regardless of their broken promises – well it is what’s bad about party politics. The whole “He may be an @$$ but he is our @$$” just doesn’t cut it anymore. If you really want to reform the Republican Party we must support individuals of character.
If you truly believe Noonan hasn’t been damaging the Republican Party and worse, doing damage to Ulster County as a whole, you haven’t been paying attention. You are a smart and articulate person. Talk to someone besides Noonan.
You have been in politics long enough to know this is not one or two people taking “revenge” because Noonan “yelled” at them. It has nothing to do with some absurd nomination in District 1. It is 100 people in District 8 who simply had enough of a poor representative. Yes, it is too bad they didn’t do it 12 years ago when Republican’s were in the Majority – but better late than never.
I think I know who you are. I don’t want to embarrass you. You have developed and alliance with Noonan because you share a common goal – to get rid of Mario Catalano. Who is really after “revenge” here. People still respect you. If you really want to get rid of Catalano – Others of us will join you but don’t hitch you wagon to Noonan. You will lose credibility.
Is the guy at 10:29 implying that “a kid” of 20 something is mature enough to join the army to defend our way of life but not old enough to be a county representative? Ken Ronk is a better legislator – whatever his age – than many of the others taking up space on both sides of the isle up there. At least he hasn’t become as jilted at 10:29.
There are lots of us “kids” out here that like Ken Ronk and we support him. Some of us may be 30 or 40 or 50 or 80 but we have more on the ball than 10:29.
BTW (that means by the way – by the way) some of us think that it is character – not age – that determines who we will support. Even 18 year olds can understand that. That’s why we let them vote. I know that must scare you.
Ken Ronk will not be missed because Ken Ronk will be there!
I see there is selective postings. A friend post about Bonacic getting involved and that does not appear I guess the blogmaster is anti Noonan but pro Bonacic. Maybe thats why they have no credability all of these blogs
Why not explain who is off limits? Since Bonacic and Ronk postings have not been put up but it okay to bash Noonan. I guess kids and our state thugs are off limits. out it all up or take all the other lies down be fair although you accomplished your goal of just ruining the hardest working or only Republican in the county
I am saddened and disappointed by the blog administrator not posting all posts submitted. Good luck and goodbye. I feel the same way about Blaber and his blog. I have not posted there at all as well.
The continued decline of the Ulster County Republican Party was clear Tuesday night as Chairman Catalano called a special meeting of the County Committee to be held at the Hillside Manor in Kingston for the purpose of approving new By-Laws for the Committee. The meeting was cut short due to the inability of the County Republicans to muster a quorum. Free food and drink was insufficient to motivate the geriatric GOPers to show up for a 7 PM meeting. Perhaps moving the next meeting to 5:30 pm and offering an “early bird dinner special” would provide sufficient incentive for the slow moving Committee to show up.
Chairman Catalano and a special committee have been hard at work crafting a new set of By-Laws to replace the ancient scrolls containing the Savago era By-Laws, which by the way, were mostly designed to ingrain the leadership in their positions. Purportedly the new By-Laws have been written to move the focus of power from the Chairman to the County Executive Committee, mainly comprised of the Town and City Chairman. So why in the world, with the historic shift in power away from the Chairman, would the anti-Catalano contingent of the GOP, lead by Bill West, the dethroned Marijane Knudson and Missy DiFalco fight like hell to stop these new By-Laws? Is the “any one but Mario” movement that strong or are these individuals just out to destroy what’s left of the Ulster County Republican Party? So how do the current County- wide candidates feel about being lead to certain defeat by Ms. DiFalco (Noonan’s left hand) and Company? Why does the pitiful county committee of the GOP continue to subject the loyal Republican rank and file to yet another embarrassment? How much longer will Dr. Catalano subject himself to these personal attacks and ridicule?
Why is rebuilding the UCGOP more difficult than doing a Root Canal?
An essay on the Ulster County political leadership scene.
by Innocent Bystander
Republican Chairman Catalano has proven to be a poor leader, that is true. To be fair though, it really doesn't matter what he tries, he will fail. If the rank and file are not motivated, the party will falter. The county demographics are shifting so fast, that Catalano, and frankly anyone who heads the Republican party, faces an almost impossible task. Trying to convince older people to stay involved, while trying to bring in younger people from an ever dwindling pool. It is a matter of getting blood from a stone, it can't be done.
Democratic Chair Julian Schriebman at least has a group of leftist zealots who will support Democrats 'til the death, even when they are wrong, which is a lot of times. His "leadership" is by title only. He is surprising inactive as the head of party in power. He is virtually invisible and does not defend, nor define his party. He can not fail because the enrollment is so lopsided in his favor. Just about anyone else could do a better job leading this party, John Parete where are you?
Conservative party leader Ed Gaddy has the opposite of Schriebman, right wing nuts who will line up against anything Democratic or God forbid, Liberal. He will always have his hard core supporters in an ever changing demographic. The Conservative party represents a small core of people who would go back to the 50's and 60's if they could.
Len Bernardo to his credit, is trying. He is the captain of a ship with no crew or passengers. Envision the ultimate leader, Captain Crunch.
The Independence party fiasco last weekend is telling. The report is that he sent invitations to every enrolled Independence party member in the county, some 4,000 voters and the ONLY people there were the politicians the members were suppose to meet. An abysmal failure and clear message to Bernardo that those voters do not associate with the party or it's leaders, but instead want to be truly independent. The Independence Party remains nothing more than a tool to leverage endorsements for the major party candidates. For that reason, it should be dissolved. It does not represent a true constituency.
The Working Families Party, with no local leadership to speak of, is a tool for Labor to have a voice. They work harder than all the other parties combined. They will and should hang around because they represent a true constituency in Labor. You may not agree with them, but they have a platform and support it vigorously.
That's how I see it anyway.
Everybody fault but Mario. Come on
8:47 - nice analysis.
I'll be sure to forward it to Frank Mackay. I'm sure he and Tom Connelly will get right on top of dissolving their party.
Captain Crunch? Hilarious.
Innocent Bystander, nice job and spot on! I would like to see an analysis statewide of the independence party. Something tells me Ulster County is not unique. I would bet 80-90% of the people enrolled in the party think they are not enrolled in a party at all.
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