Capitol Confidential
Cox coming to Albany
August 14, 2009 at 3:08 pm by Rick Karlin
Ed Cox, who is seeking the state GOP Chairmanship is coming to Albany later this month.
Here’s the email going out to county Republicans:
Dear Friends:
You are cordially invited to join The City of Albany Republican Committee for the opening of our new campaign headquarters on Tuesday, August 25, 2009, from 6-8 p.m. The headquarters is located at 126 State Street, just across the street from the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Our special guest speaker will be Ed Cox, son-in-law of President Richard Nixon, and a leading contender for the chairmanship of the New York State Republican Party.
Mayoral candidate Nathan Lebron and City Treasurer candidate Mary Ann McGinn will also deliver remarks. Beverages and light fare will be served.
Suggested minimum donations of $50 per person to the “City of Albany Republican Committee” are encouraged. Please RSVP by sending your check no later than Friday, August 21, 2009 to: City of Albany Republicans, PO BOX 7177, Albany, NY 12224.
Walk-ins are welcome but please let us know if you plan on attending so we can make the appropriate arrangements.
All the best -
Dan Farrell, chairman
City of Albany GOP”
One interesting note here: Farrell said that Albany County GOP Chairman John Graziano was among those asking Cox to attend the event, even though he has at least been mentioned as a possible state chairman as well, in what’s shaping up to be a race to challenge Joe Mondello who has gotten more and more criticism over Republican electoral losses.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Chairman, schmairman,,,
We need to re-build our Grand Ol' Party from the ground up !!!
We need an infusion of Conservative minded younger folks, men & women, dedicated to doing the hard Grassroots work to explain our positions & get new Party members.
We need new minded candidates that understand where we came from as a Party & where we want to go as a Party of LEADERSHIP !!
The Republican Legacy is a rich one when explained by intelligent people NOT the Rush Limbaughs or the Bill O'Reillys of the media.
REAL FOLKS,, & Nixon's son-in-law probablly ain't that guy.
Bill Powers understood the rank & file grassroots people & he reached them.
We need Leadership for today's Republicans, not yesterday's.
If only Ulster county could get rid of it's chairman!
The GOP needs a full time chair. Joe Mondello has chosen to continue be a County Chair as well. ...Not to mention that the GOP is not done well in Nassau County over the last few years.
If Joe is going to stay he needs to show that is full attention is at the state level.
An infusion of conservatives? Isn't that the reason for the collapse of the Republican party in the first place? Nixon was more liberal than Pelosi is. If the red party is to survive, dumping the retarded people is the critical first step. Conservatives have no place in modern society. Evolve or face certain extinction. We're not going back to the horse and buggy days.
Mondello represented the State in name only. Someone should have given him a job description to follow. Useless and ineffective.
"If only" UC committee people would wake up and realize that this fall's organizational meeting will be the perfect right time to be rid of its GOP Chairman. All you need is a motion to be made for a vote of confidence (or in this instance, vote of incompetence) there are bound to be a few takers who are willing to challenge the current leadership.
Good news, help is on the way. For all of you who speak before getting all the facts, the UC Republican chairman is being challenged by Ellen Defalco. Lets stop talking and get behind her.
I agree lets dump Catalano and his group of do nothings.
10:27, I guess you missed the CNN poll. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/52602
If the democrat party loses its liberals (clowns like Pelosi, Leahy, and our very own Hinchey), they would become the strongest political party.
3:22-They're already the strongest party. Is that in any way a relevant rebuttal to the fact that the conservative movement has collapsed completely? We already know the biological cause of conservative political views and there's no way to restore dead brain tissue yet. Even if we could restore the conservatives' brains, they'd only become more liberal. It's checkmate for conservatives. They're no longer considered to be within the normal parameters of our society. Bringing back an ultra-liberal like Nixon means the Republicans in NY know it's time to return to the pre-Reagan days.
Already the strongest party? Only by the current numbers in government. Then why can't they simply pass the Healthcare Bill the liberals desire? Why the back peddling? Why do 'Blue 'Dog' democrats EVEN exist.
What I was saying, is if the democrats THROW out the liberals, they'd be dominating for generations. It is akin to your proposal of the republicans throwing out the conservatives. Problem with your idea, the liberals the democrats need to lose are akin to the Ultra-Right which the republicans have ALREADY distanced themselves from. What are the dems waiting for?
Ellen Defalco recognizes there is more than a few problems and rather than complain has stepped up to the plate with a solution. I hope she gets out to the committees and committee people. As the blogs in the past have shown people are overwhelmingly unhappy with the current leadership or lack of it. Now in light of the fact republicans will be losing more seats in the legislature, Mario and his board need to be replaced with someone more in touch with the residents of Ulster county. I wish Ellen good wishes and hope even more people step up to the challenge.
The liberals in the Democratic party are now in the mainstream of our politics. The conservatives are the lunatic fringe. Why would Democrats dump the most popular people to try to win over the last few holdouts? The country is now overwhelmingly liberal. For the Republicans, dumping the conservatives is survival. They are the ultra-right. They had no political stake until Reagan and now they've destroyed the Republican party altogether. Conservatives don't have the intellectual where-with-all to successfully govern in a democracy.
Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll.
Read my lips: STFU
Here are the numbers:
3:28, I hope you are not driving, because you are ASLEEP at the wheel. refer to the CNN poll. Liberal dominate? HA! More people voted for Obama because the republicans had washed their credibility down the drain, AND many thought he was moderate (with the help of the media, he did a great job convincing). The majority of Americans are NOT liberal. The majority FAVOR the constitution as it was written. The majority are AGAINST the federal government breaking the 10 Amendment. The majority do NOT want a single payer universal health care. But liberals don't care about majority rule, they like to call us mobs instead.
Again, I post the question, since you think the majority of Americans are liberal. The democrats HAVE THE VOTES. Why are they looking for bipartisanship? What do they care of the supposed 'minority' of Americans?
Where are all the ball-less wonders that posted some 99 comments on another popular blog thread a few months ago to oust the current GOP leadership and his puppets? Step up and be counted. Now is the time to take your Party back and not sit back in the corner complaining. Want some cheese and crackers to go with all that whining?
Open a thread about Blaber News. Anyone notice he has taken down his support for Quigley? When you read his Acorn Aborn/Vance post, you can understand why. If you are WFP, you are NOT allowed to ever EVER show support for republicans. Blabes won't even post my comment on his support for Jim.
They are all lawyers and can't run the party. Cox says he "ran a business" when all he did work for his former syn fuel boss. If platinum spoons didnt cramp Cox's guts, he would have taken on Hillary.They know nothing about demographics, segmentation, targeting, logistics, human factors, petitioning, registering new voters, redistricting, demand printing, telephonics at the same time that Obama delivered his people on the streets with precision targeted cellular texting. They are flying blind and only talking to themselves.
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