"In the city of Kingston’s First Ward, an opportunity to ballot has been forced by Andi Turco-Levin for the Republican nomination for the ward’s Common Council seat. Turco-Levin already has secured the Independence and Working Families party lines."
Let's set the record straight. Andi is a conservative Republican and has received the CONSERVATIVE and Independence Party lines - NOT the Working Families Line.
Using such language as the Republican primary was "forced" by a candidate who has the Working Families line is just inflammatory to Republican voters. One might even think that this article was designed to turn off Republican voters and get them to vote for someone else.
For those that do not know, Andi turned in her petitions to Republican headquarters and somehow they disappeared and did not make it to the Board of Elections. Andi was the only Republican in this race, and because her petitions disappeared, she lost the Republican line - that is what "forced" the primary.
Smells sort of fishy??? Why would the petitions for an uncontested Republican race for an Alderman disappear? And now there is an ultra-liberal left winger sending letters to Registered Republicans in Ward One asking them to write in her name for the Republican line. Now Paul Kirby at The Freeman is helping out by saying that Andi got the Working Families endorsement and that she "forced" this primary. That leads people to believe that Andi somehow was unable to secure the Republican line in the first place and that she is competing with another Republican for the line. Kirby tells readers that Andi got the WFP line.... that is code for "Republicans don't vote for her", because we all know that Republicans values are not consistent with the Working Families Party values.
Kirby how can you confuse a candidate getting the Conservative Line with the WFP line?
Al Teetsel, the current Ward One Republican Alderman needs to publicly denounce these "coicidences" and let the Republicans in his Ward know that the ONLY person running for his seat that is a Republican is Andi Turco-Levin. But since he probably won't do that, we are setting the record straight and hope that all City of Kingston Republicans will pick up the phone and call all other Republicans in Ward One and let them know of these "coincidences".
Oh yea, and Kirby - you need to fix this in Monday's Freeman. The Primary is Tuedsay.
Don't hold your breath, Teetsel is a loser. He'd rather show his true colors as a snake instead of doing the right thing for his party. Sour grapes and I'll bet he planned it all along.
Coincidence? Doubt it.
Don't make a big hyperbole out of it, UP. Andi will capture the GOP nod this Tuesday, then her and the two Westies will win the District 1 alderman seat in November.
bwaaa bwaaa want some cheese with the wine?
Did you notice that the Freeman reprinted the story without any corrections in Monday's paper.
I know for a fact Kirby was contacted on Sunday for a retraction, yet they still printed it anyway.
No wonder they are losing readers and advertisers.
Teetsel does not read the blogs - or so he says.
Teetsel gets the Blaber "sour grapes" award on this one!
With the Freeman's tendency to print press releases from favored politicians, I have to wonder if one of Andi's political foes provided this information to the Freeman in a press release.
Isn't it the conservative republican part that is the problem in Kingston anyway? These tea party lunatics need to go. I tired of the slums they create.
Hey 2:33
Slums? Last time I checked Democrat Mike Hein is one of the biggest slumlords in Kingston.
But hey you gotta admit, those Section 8 checks do arrive on time every month.
Hal Turner anyone?
Hey, I'm not the politician stating on her blog that she had to "learn the ropes" and not alert the police about her petitions going missing. I'm certainly not one to vote for someone just because they're Italian either. Bigotry displayed by this person and statements supporting the stereotypes associated with her minority group deserve a little perspective, don't they? It seems her minority is quick to slur others and it begs a little reminder that her group was not too long ago a hated one. I thought the reminder was an extremely gentle one. (I didn't even touch on the fact that her own party rejected her petitions most likely because of her marital mix.)
Teetsel is only months away from being finished. He has no idea what is going on in the City as an Alderman. He will be useless during the upcoming budget process.
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